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Fandom Hunter X Hunter: The Unseen

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]If your character isn't suffering, then something is wrong. This is the rule I live by.

Oh my xD harsh Lucem, harsh~

But very true
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]If your character isn't suffering, then something is wrong. This is the rule I live by.

...I feel for your characters ( :( )

LifeNovel said:
You're right, you're right...more misfortunes!!!!
lol. I bet Zaida's really wishing for a luck charm now (^.^)

Assuming they work of course...

My post will probably be up this weekend as well. Too much work this week...
QuirkyAngel said:
...I feel for your characters ( :( )
It is necessary for them to grow and develop. An iron fist does better than a gentle hand. Just look at how great Nova turned out.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]It is necessary for them to grow and develop. An iron fist does better than a gentle hand. Just look at how great Nova turned out.

...great isn't the word I would use.

But whatever rocks your boat, I guess. I'm eager to read Nova's response to Zaida's accident :)
Unfortunately, I had a few issues with my Internet connection last weekend and wasn't able to complete my post. However, I managed to type enough to where it should be up as soon as I wrap up the rest of my school work.
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It's mostly internal, since Zaida hasn't done anything too annoying yet. His phases of annoyance usually start with apathy, but depending on how irritating someone can be, he can show a lot of "emotion".
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[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]It's mostly internal, since Zaida hasn't done anything too annoying yet. His phases of annoyance usually start with apathy, but depending on how irritating someone can be, he can show a lot of "emotion".

I'm gonna aim for that~
Nova either ignores a person completely or gets into heated arguments when annoyed. I'm sure that Zaida can bring out both.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Nova either ignores a person completely or gets into heated arguments when annoyed. I'm sure that Zaida can bring out both.

Alright new goal now~
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]A few posts ago, a hug was the most troublesome thing to worry about.


Well now that's going to be the least worrisome! Great ready for some more Zaida action!!!
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]A storm is coming...

Zaida shall brace herself
QuirkyAngel said:
Just running a bit of writers block. Action scenes are not my specialty =/
I should also mention that your post doesn't have to be THAT actiony, it's basically an underwater tug o war
QuirkyAngel said:
Sorry for the delay.
...did I get the dice thing, right?
Indeed! Thank you for following directions! Everybody else kinda just ignored the stuff I said lol

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