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Fandom Hunter X Hunter (Detailed)

Sinny The Fool

Boogaloo Anarchist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Basic Character Sheet Template, you can do with it as you wish and add on to it just make sure that you still fill out all the stuff I've listed down. (Things with 'Optional' in brackets beside it is an exception to this). Please don't make your character perfect and try balance out your strengths & weaknesses; anything which I feel 'crosses' the line they will be given a verbal warning to change it.




Apparent Age:

Actual Age: (Optional)





Blood Type:



Star Sign:

~Personal Information~

Appearance: (No realistic pictures; Please just stick with anime stuff, a written paragraph to support the picture is also reccomended but not required.)

Unique Traits(What are the main unique traits of your apeparance: (Optional)

Items/Gear: (Optional)

General likes:

General dislikes:

Character Personality: (4 paragraphs minimum)

Quirks: (Optional)

Mental Strengths:

Mental Weaknesses: (Minimum is 3.)

Family Members: (Optional)

Relatives: (Optional)


Crush/Spouse: (Optional)

History: (Two paragraphs minimum)

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: (What does your character want to become or achieve?)

Affiliation: (What organization?) (Optional)

Hunter Type: (Or what type of hunter does your character wish to become?)

Achievements: (Optional) (This can be pretty much anything your character consider's an achievement)

Fighting Style: (Any martial arts? How does your character prefer to fight and what kind of method/tactics do they use?)


Unique Skills: (This can be combat & non combat)

Physical Strengths:

Physical Weaknesses:


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Niklas Rabe

"I can make you as beautiful as a dahlia."

no slide

Name: Niklas Rabe

Nickname/Alias/Epithet: Blood Dahlia

Apparent Age: 17

Actual Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 125 lbs

Blood Type: AB-

Nationality: United States of Saherta

Birthdate: October 27th

Star Sign: Scorpio

~Personal Information~


Appearance: Niklas has short, silky blond hair and natural blue eyes, but his hair is about the only thing that remains constant about his appearance. Due to his near obsession with making himself look magnificent, he is always switching up what he wears, and that happens to include an ever changing eye color. On rare instances, he also adds streaks of different color to his hair, though he seems to prefer it completely blond. His seemingly 'favorite', and by that it means the one he's been seen wearing most often, is what seems to be a school uniform. If one were to see him shirtless, they'd find a large scar going up the left side of his back.

Unique Traits: He has been so used to changing his outfit on a whim that it is known that it is known that he can seemingly switch what he wears near instantaneously.

Items/Gear: A seemingly endless wardrobe that he carries in a black satchel. A blood red sickle and a black dagger that he always has hidden on his person.

General likes:

Looking good

New styles

Good food



Manipulating others

General dislikes:



Getting injured

Getting his clothes bloody

Bad food

His scar

Wasting good food

Character Personality: On the surface Niklas seems fairly simple, if not eccentric and flamboyant. He cares for his appearance more than many females around, and enjoys good food. He's always changing what he's wearing, and preaches that everyone should diversify their wardrobe lest they begin looking bland and repetitive, something that is easily seen to irk him. However, when he isn't annoyed by people's desire to always wear the same outfit, he tends to be kind to them, or at least kind enough to offer fashion advice. Though, at times he makes references to the dahlia flower, and most times people don't get what he is talking about, to his displeasure. He calls this his 'people' face and states that it isn't a mask, it's merely showing people what they want to see and nothing more.

However, there is another side to Niklas that he simply calls his 'guilty pleasure', though he truly feels no guilt about it as it is a large portion of his true personality. It usually pops up when he's overly bored or finds something that insults his sense of beauty and fashion. When he is like this his insanity becomes apparent along with a sadistic and cruel streak a mild wide. It is when he is like this that his apathy towards others shows, as well as his general disregard for the lives of everyone and everything around him. To him, things can have beauty even in death. To that point, his fascination with the dahlias not only for their color, but for one of their meanings, that being instability and potential betrayal becomes clearer as he uses them as both a warning and a test to see if people can get the meaning he is trying to convey.

Through both his 'faces', Niklas is always looking to manipulate those around him for his benefit. He doesn't do it for any specific long term goal, only for present time satisfaction, whether that be sexual interaction, monetary gain, information, or whatever he happens to be desiring at the time. One of his favorite forms of manipulation is to implant a sense of loyalty and dedication in a person, and then see how far they are willing to go for him, and the moment he finds their breaking point he tends to either abandon or kill them, depending on how much amusement they've given him over the course of the time they were his 'plaything' as he calls it.

The driving force for his very being, and the core of his personality, are his own selfish desires, and thus, he always puts them first. He lives for himself, and takes pleasure in reminding people that were foolish enough to trust him that as he stabs them in the back, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. To this day, there has been no one that has gotten close enough for him to truly care about them, and Niklas works to ensure that no one will be able to do so in the future.


Runs a hand through his hair when thinking.

References dahlias fairly often.

Tends to always smile while using his 'people face'.

Mental Strengths:




Mental Weaknesses:




Family Members: None - All dead

Relatives: None - All dead

Friends/Team: None yet

Crush/Spouse: None yet

History: Niklas grew up in a fairly large family, though for him that turned out to be more of a curse than a blessing. While his family wasn't the richest around, they were fairly well off, and to his childhood torment, they were rich enough for all his relatives to decide that they wanted to live together in one big household. Something along the lines of wanting to strengthen bonds between family members as to ensure loyalty to the family first and foremost. And the amazing thing is that it worked. However, with that ploys success came one large negative that, in essence, ruined his childhood. His family still had troubles between each other, and a lot of the bad blood between them still lingered, so they needed somehow to release their frustration. In came young Niklas, bastard son of the youngest in the family, already hated by his mother for the troubles that were brought upon her head by the follies of her youth. In a desperate attempt to be rid of him and increase her own standing in the family, she offered him up to the collective as a sort of "punching bag" unaware of how far it would escalate beyond that. Hesitant at first, as he was still simply a child, the family started off fairly easily on him, shoving him around, shouting, fairly true claims of no one loving him. Bit by bit, it got worse and worse, escalating towards physical abuse, though they made sure that nothing left a mark on him, starvation, mental torture, and even sexual abuse. Anything and everything they could do to relieve not only their frustration, but their sick and twisted desires, all unleashed upon him. The whole family got in on it, from the youngest of children, to the oldest of grandparents, all had a hand in his pain. His only escape was through fashion, as the family still had appearences that they had to keep and with that came a diverse wardrobe for Niklas, and with every outfit he imagined himself someone else, in anywhere but with his family. And for a time it worked, staving off the creeping insanity that promised to consume Niklas.

However, one day they hit the breaking point. It started out fairly tame, his mother had demanded food, and when she claimed that the food wasn't good enough for her standards, and went to beat him. For some reason, she paused, and decided to attack him with a knife instead of simply blunt damage as was agreed by the family. As he lay on his face, he felt the knife tear through his left side, and as the blood pooled out and stained his clothes, his favorite clothes, he snapped. He knew for a fact the moment the others saw what his mother did they wouldn't hesitate to escalate their actions as well. He wouldn't last a year and he was keenly aware of it. The rage building up for years on years simply burst forth alongside a tide of insanity. Pushing himself up out of his own blood, he took the knife out of his mothers hand and stabbed her with it. After cleaning up the mess from the both of them and tending to his wounds, he waited to that night where the whole of the family got together to have dinner. Standing back, he watched as they all slowly killed themselves, having put various poisons into the food to ensure that no one would leave alive that night. As the last of his relatives breathed their last, Niklas departed his home, his mind shattered under the torment and a new monster released onto the world. From that point forward he indulged in his desires, deranged as they were, and the legend of him spread, a boy who killed his whole family for seemingly no reason, and every time he hears such a statement, he simply smiles.

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: Niklas doesn't seem to have any overarching goal, content with simply traveling and doing jobs on the side as long as he gets to kill.

Affiliation: None yet

Hunter Type: Youth and Beauty Hunter or Contract Hunter

Achievements: Killing his whole family in one night.

Fighting Style: While Niklas knows a fair bit of various martial arts, he mainly dances around his opponent, using a mix of mind games and intimidation while striking at vital points. His knowledge of martial arts mainly comes into use when dodging and picking apart the weaknesses in his opponents stances.

Weapons: Sickle and dagger

Unique Skills: Knows fashion, can cook fairly well, decent parkour skills

Physical Strengths: Fast, precise, high pain tolerance

Physical Weaknesses: Weak, fairly low endurance


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Tristan L. Bane

This is a cruel world..


Tristan L. Bane

Name Meaning:

Tristan refers to one of the knights of the round table

The "L" in his name stands for "light" which was a middle name given to him by his parents for unknown reasons. (It's also my small reference to the manga/anima the FC for the character comes from)


"The Whistling Death" (This was an old alias of his during his time with the Phantom Troupe), "L" is a nickname given to him by the phantom troupe simply for ease of use.

Apparent Age:

Late teens







Blood Type:



115lbs (Roughly 52kg)


5'10" (178cm)


September 21st, Virgo



And the only morality here..



Tristan is a very slim, tall young man with messy black hair, an elegant face structure with dark eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. Tristan is always shown to be wearing blue jean trousers and a long-sleeved white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot even while in public. Even during his with the Phantom Troupe and when he was given the epithet "The Whistling Death" he wore mostly casual modern clothes along with a weird mask to hide his face. Despite having a slim body


His attire often doesn't change from the general style he has, normally switching from white T-shirts to white long-sleeved shirts from time to time depending on the weather. His pants can sometimes be seen changing from blue jean trouser's to black jean trousers ever once in a while as well.

Unique Traits:

- While it generally can't be seen due to his choice in clothing, Tristan has various scars covering his body which are in a way..Evidence of his past nature.

- Although it has currently been covered up through multiple methods, Tristan still adorns his Spider tattoo on his back from his time with the Phantom Troupe.
The number on his back? Not telling, yet.


Tristan often carries nothing but the essentials on him, which are his phone, wallet & a personalized razor blade if the need ever arises.

General likes:

- Puzzles

- Chess

- An intellectual challenge

- Anything that he might find fascinating or intriguing

- "Justice"

- Sweets/Candy/Dessert foods

General dislikes:

- Stupidity/Ignorance

- Emotional "monkey's" (As he likes to call those type of people)

- Vegetables

- Hot/Sunny Days

- Losing

Character Personality:


Right down to his very core, Tristan is a very mysterious and introverted individual to say the least. With a life mostly assumed to be spent alone he's developed quite the unique and some what quirky personality throughout his life. In person, he comes off quite awkward indeed...With lack of any real social knowledge he often finds it extremely difficult to relate with other's emotions & feelings. He love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to Tristan. This makes it ironic that his word should always be taken with a grain of salt – it's not that he is dishonest, but he tends to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against himself rather than as actual conversation partners. This may make him appear unreliable, but in reality no one is more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a unique and viable solution than Tristan – just don't expect punctual progress reports. Tristan isn't interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when he finds an environment where his creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy Tristan will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.


He may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but Tristan's thought process is unceasing, and his mind buzz with ideas from the moment he wakes up. This constant thinking can have the effect of making him look pensive and detached, as he is often conducting full-fledged debates in his own head, but really Tristan is quite relaxed and friendly when he is with people he personally knows, or who share his interests. However, this can be replaced by overwhelming shyness when Tristan is among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if he believes his logical conclusions or theories are being criticized.

When he is particularly excited, the conversation can border on incoherence as he tries to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of his latest idea. Oftentimes, Tristan will opt to simply move on from a topic before it's ever understood what he was ever trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms. The reverse can also be true when people explain their thought processes to Tristan in terms of subjectivity and feeling. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative reasoning and returning the most logically sound results available – this is how the mind of Tristan works, and he has very little tolerance for an emotional monkey-wrench jamming his machines.

Tristan is unlikely to understand emotional complaints at all, and his friends won't find a bedrock of emotional support in him as he would much rather make a series of logical suggestions for how to resolve the underlying issue, a perspective that is not always welcomed by his friends.


The one thing that really holds Tristan back is his restless and pervasive fear of failure.As he is so prone to reassessing his own thoughts and theories, worrying that he's missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that he can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where his thoughts are never truly applied. Because of this thought process of his as well as being known as quite the 'loner' type make social situations that much harder to process. Oftentimes being labeled as a generally awkward guy, so it doesn't go without saying that he mildly lacks most standard social skills.


This coupled with his lack of much empathy, or to even understand another individuals feelings; essentially making Tristan have no qualms or regrets about killing another, as long as he feels that he has a strong enough resolve to do so. This was firmly proven throughout his time with the Phantom Troupe, as ultimately 'left' the group to join the Hunter's Assocation.


- Often when Tristan thinks, he has the habit of biting the nail of his thumb.

- Tristan sits down with his knee's arched up and pressed against his torso

- Often cracks his finger's on occassion as well as his neck

- He bites the inside of his gums in tense situations.

Mental Strengths:

~Genius Intelligence~

While he might not seem it at first, Tristan has a vast amount of knowledge and his intelligence surpasses the current age. While having photographic memory and having a seemingly unmatched logic that allows him to easily puzzle things together at his disposal - this can span from other's emotions, personalities and being a great puzzle solver. There is no case which he cannot solve and certainly no illness that he isn't able to treat. His exact IQ is said to be higher than many people today (200). He values intelligence over everything and believes with intelligence comes endless possibility - as such others with a fairly high amount of intelligence will find L's company warm and fairly welcome despite his general behaviour towards people. This also works vice-versa unfortunately as he generally cannot stand those who aren't able to keep up with him.

~Abstract Thinker and Great Analyst~

Tristan views the world as just one big, complex machine, and recognize that as with any machine, all parts are interrelated. Tristan is easily able to excel in analyzing these connections, seeing how seemingly unrelated factors tie in with each other in ways that bewilder others around him, including most of his own friends.

~Open Minded~

Tristan is a very open minded and while he has vast intelligence he still believes that there are endless things to learn. He's open to changing his views and theories of how things work and the world given that the proof backs of the knowledge. As anyone who is able to think logically can understand that one can never 'know it all'.

Mental Weaknesses:

~Very Private and Withdrawn ~

While Tristan intellectualism yields many insights into his surroundings, his surroundings are also ironically considered an intrusion on his thoughts. This is especially true with people –Tristan can be quite shy in most social settings. More complicated situations such as parties exacerbate this, but even close friends struggle to get into Tristan's heart and mind. So when it comes to these types of settings, Tristan can often be spotted mostly keeping to himself and avoiding most social interaction.


Oftentimes Tristan can get so caught up in his logic that he can easily forget any kind of emotional consideration – he dismisses subjectivity as irrational and tradition as an attempt to bar much-needed progress. Purely emotional situations are often utterly puzzling to Tristan, and his lack of timely sympathy can easily offend.


When Tristan's interest is captured, his absence goes beyond social matters to include the rest of the physical world. Tristan can become forgetful, missing even the obvious if it's unrelated to his current infatuation, and he can even forget his own health, skipping meals and sleep as he muses day by day.

~Loathe Rules and Guidelines~

These social struggles are partly a product of Tristan's desire to bypass the rules, of social conduct and otherwise. While this attitude helps Tristan's strength of unconventional creativity, it also causes him to reinvent the wheel constantly and to shun security in favor of autonomy in ways that can compromise both.

~Second-Guesses himself~

Tristan remains so open to new information that he often never commits to a decision at all. This applies to his own skills as well – Tristan knows that as he practices, he improves, and any work he's done is second-best to what he could do. Unable to settle for this, Tristan sometimes delays his output indefinitely with constant revisions, sometimes even quitting before he ever begins..






While there would definately be much consipracy surrounding the true background of Tristan, however no matter how hard anyone looks there is nothing of where he came from, who his parents were or if his name was actually what he claimed it to be. Not a single drop of information can be found, and essentially to the world "Tristan L. Bane" is not a
real person. This brings to speculation exactly who he is and what he's capable of, in the end even if one were to speak to L himself about his past would often leave with only more questions.


Not to mention that Tristan is very aware of these facts, and increases the confusion further by dropping deliberate lies of his past to throw other's off track or think of him as a entirely different person to what he is. In his favor, Tristan often poses as either a doctor or private investigator - using his intelligence to further 'legitimize' the fake role he plays.


Is change..


He doesn't really have any, unless you count his selfish desire to take down the Phantom Troupe.


Phantom Troupe (Former)

Hunter Type:

He's looking to become a Crime Hunter or Contract Hunter.


- Achieved nen

- Tristan is an accomplished martial artist in his own rights

- He is quite the genius individual, with a very high IQ of over 200

- Tristan is a former member of the Phantom Troupe, and also one of the only people to survive leaving the organization.

Nen Type:


Hatsu (Nen Abilities):

Being a specialist, Tristan isn't bound to any of the 'normal' rules of Nen and therefore has applied his strongest feature into his Hatsu in order to make it much stronger. As a result, the "theme" of all his Hatsu techniques are based from the idea of
Telepathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and he's applied this to his nen, allowing him to use this on other's within and out of combat or any other occassion that he's given the chance. The hatsu technique names & details are as stated below~

"Analyze" (Specialist ability) - The first and in a sense 'The basis' of all Tristan's Hatsu as well as being the hatsu he is most proficient at using due to it's simplicity. Through staring at an individual, Tristan can recieve basic information such as their name, age and even health status through merely eye-contact. While this is only basic information, as the name states - he is able to analyze everything about a person. So for example, if one were to show off their fighting style - Tristan is able to analyze this and learn everything about their style. The most frightening part of this technique however - is how it also gives Tristan direct information about every detail of one's nen ability, allowing him to know and expose the weaknesses of everyone he uses this on. It also allows him to somewhat feel another's emotions or intent - and therefore can use this to extents that he's oftentimes able to assume another's individual thought.



- This requires Tristan to make direct eye-contact with the individual to gain more information. (Basically, eye contact is essential. If someone wears a mask this hatsu technique doesn't work, but he will still be able to know about their Nen ability if they have one and use it infront of him and his eyes. Also if he somehow goes blind throughout he rp which can happen...This won't work at all.)

- While he might be able to learn about another's Nen or martial arts, he cannot actually 'copy' it and do it himself right off the bat..If he trains hard with he would be able to teach himself like his own master because of the knowledge but it will still take him time to actually apply it to his natural fighting style. (Hope that makes sense.)

"The Knowledge of All" - (Specialist again.) Using this hatsu technique, the user is able to extract the memeories and experiences of a person in the matter of only a few seconds. Giving the user all knowledge of the person and what they have been through including what their nen abilities were if he didn't already find it out. While gaining the memories of the person, this also causes stress on the person he is extracting memories from - causing a mental torture on the 'victim' during the process.


- Requires physical contact

- While this can extract memories of someone, he cannot read their thoughts (This is because "Analyze" already covers this to a short extent)

- This can only be used once an Arc, as it can cause serious mental fatigue if used too much, making his choices in those to actually extract memories from a very essential part of the process.


"I will not use this in combat." (Meaning, he has to defeat, kill or knock out the person he wants to use this.

Fighting Style:

Despite how he may look, do not take the undermining appearance of Tristan fool you..While he will never talk about it, Tristan is actually a very viable Martial artist with a black belt in Capoeria. A martial arts that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music, and is usually referred to as a game.The martial being mostly well known for it's quick and complex moves, using mainly power, speed, and leverage for a wide variety of kicks, spins, and highly mobile techniques. However, he is very quite about this side of him and often allows other's to think what they want about him - normally preferring his opponents to underestimate him before even coming close to a situation where physical encounter's are involved.



Tristan is not very accustomed to use weapons, in fact it is rare to ever see Tristan with a weapon on him at all. If the need ever arises where he's put in a situation where he has no choice but to fight - Tristan has been much more prone to using his hands and feet to take care of these sort of problems.

But just because he doesn't usually use weapons, this doesn't set aside the fact he knows very well how to use one if the need ever arises.

Unique Skills:

- Computer-Wizard

- Martial arts expert

- Chess

- Superior knowledge of the human body

Physical Strengths:

- High pain tolerance

- Some-what agile and flexible

Physical Weaknesses:

- Small Body-frame

- Some-what fragile (He can be hurt fairly easily despite pain tolerance.)

- He has the tendency to prolong fights (Meaning he likes taking fights further than needed, and generally leaving himself more room to make a bad mistake)


- Tristan's actual identity and history is a mystery in general

- His rank within the Phantom Troupe hasn't been specified (yet)

- Tristan's Nen appears a gloomy dark blue, almost resembling a deep dark desire.


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Mochi Goroki

Bottomless Pit

Apparent Age:

Actual Age:




58-60kg, he says it fluctuates

Blood Type:

Kakin Kingdom

December 3

Star Sign:

~Personal Information~


Appearance: Mochi has a very punk and intimidating appearance, contrary to his cute name, but his facial expression varies from an apathetic, vapid expression when alone, to a bubbling, beaming appearance when he is in good company. He has sleeves of tattoos on his arms, which are his pride, but his hairstyle is extremely inconsistent, changing every so often. He naturally smiles when he is with people he enjoys being around. He normally wears leather clothing and collars, and is frequently seen with piercings. He rarely smokes anymore, but can smoke when he is extremely stressed. He generally wears sleeveless clothing, because he enjoys showing off his tattoos. Even though he has a strong physique that is highly capable of passing the hunter exam, Mochi still has a lanky and short body, which he does not like. Mochi also carries a sling bag around, but it's a wonder how he fits everything he has into that bag... he always seems to have food on him. On occasion, Mochi may be seen with sunglasses.

Unique Traits(What are the main unique traits of your apeparance):
Leather clothing, tattooed arms, and peach undercut. He is also unique since he's almost always eating, but no one has caught him using the washroom.

Sling bag holding tons of food. He also has cooking tools on him.

General likes:
Good food... cute things... tasty food... hot guys... Oh, and delicious food...

General dislikes:
Disgusting food... why bother making it? Were you trying to kill his taste buds? And he hates it when people touch his hair, piercings, or collar.

Character Personality:
Mochi is a very boisterous character, and is very outgoing and fun-seeking around people he enjoys. He doesn't like to back down from trivial challenges, especially they challenge his pride, but he still understands his place and limits, which is why he is not reckless with his bargains. He is also rather vain about his appearance, placing great pride in his look, from his hair, to his piercings and leather, to his tattoos. He tends to avoid flexing or posing, however, since he believes his body to be too lanky. Unafraid of other people, he tends to voice his own opinion, and possesses weight and presence, being the beacon of tranquility and optimism in times of panic. Perhaps this is because of the contrast between his intimidating appearance and his cheerful attitude. Luckily, however, he tends to be quickly accepted, being quite courteous, despite being quite loud, and has an infectious optimism.

Mochi, however, has a separate side. He is an ambivert, and can grow tired from social interactions, retreating into an introverted state. Like this, he begins to lack his attractive, boisterous presence, becoming very transparent and forgettable. In such a state, he enjoys idling and spending time watching people and nature. He takes a bit of time to think about himself and do some soul-searching, but he is most likely to enter such a state when cooking by himself.

Mochi does not believe in worrying about every little detail. While it is good to be meticulous, he believes that the right choices are made best at the decisive moments, even after all the preparations. He tends to do what he believes is right, best, and most fun, constantly telling others to "stop thinking about having fun, and having it". This is another reason why his company is enjoyed by others; he knows, and shows, how others can have fun.

Mochi might not seem like one to easily give in to weakness, but the truth is that he was never an ambivert to begin with. He merely enjoys other people's company because being with them helps him focus on the moment. Being alone forces him to think, particularly about himself, and under such thoughts, Mochi can grow solemn and depressed. In turn, he begins to binge-eat when depressed, and can burn through an entire day's worth of food in one sitting in such a state. While he doesn't actively seek out combat and pursue violent options, he does find a special serenity in fighting, believing it to be enjoyable at times. In fact, the only reason that drives him to fight is his ambition to continue searching out gourmet cuisine. On the other hand, this means that he can be easily bribed or distracted by food.

Changing hairstyle and huge appetite.

Mental Strengths:
Empathic, highly knowledgeable, and cheerful.

Mental Weaknesses:
Easily depressed, has a weakness for food, and insecure about his small frame.

Family Members:


None as of yet.

None as of yet.

Mochi came from a conservative family of wealthy, highly specialised workers in the kingdom of Kakin, growing up under the indoctrination that Mochi was to become the family heir to their successful technology company. Thus, he grew up understanding machinery, computers, and software. The only times he wasn't studying, spending time with his insufferable family, or doing something else that was boring was when he spent time with his caretaker, Akita, a butler who was only two years older than him. He was served personally by his butler, and particularly enjoyed the time he spent cooking with him, although his parents disapproved. The two had a close relationship, and it was almost as if Akita was his real family, replacing the family that only thought to process him into a successor.

It was when he was nine years-old that he had been kidnapped and held for ransom. Alone in a cold, dark room, he was awoken by a soft commotion outside, and the door swung open to reveal a hunter armed with two revolvers, recognising him as his caretaker, Akita. Returned to the household, Mochi never saw Akita ever again, having been fired in light of this incident. Without Akita, Mochi's life was about to return to a dreary chapter once again, and Mochi decided to run away, deciding to steal his parents' company assets and their money, effectively ruining his family. He immediately disappeared, and decided to become a hunter to find Akita.

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: He wishes to source out gourmets and find Akita.

Affiliation: None yet

Hunter Type: Gourmet Hunter

Achievements: Sole, successful CEO and president of a company that produces innovations and technologies in the cooking field, which he started up on his own using his parents' money. He also successfully changed his name and identity and circumvented evasion of the police, despite having spent such large sums and liquidating his family's assets.

Fighting Style: Mochi has a very odd fighting style, always dodging and poking around, but he often takes a supportive role. He uses a mixture of chemical and biological weapons and concoctions, as well as assassination techniques to fight. When forced to fight directly, he wields a mixture of cleavers and knives.

Weapons: Chemical and biological concoctions, a long needle, and large, cooking knives.

Unique Skills: Gourmet cook and excellent understanding of biology and chemistry. He is a good medic and a deadly combatant.

Physical Strengths: Excellent physical capabilities. Understands vital spots. Small, lanky body makes him more agile and difficult to attack.

Physical Weaknesses: Poor eyesight without contacts or glasses. Very vain about his appearance, especially his hair and tattoos.

He bases his style on what he remembers when Akita saved him. In other words, something "badass".

Name:Naomi Campbell

Nickname/Alias/Epithet:Air Walker

Apparent Age:18

Actual Age:20





Blood Type:A+


Birthdate:May 4th

Star Sign:Taurus

~Personal Information~

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/maki_aikawa_by_kushinagomi-d8qi2ib.jpeg.29ada99dc5985388476a16ab85b39123.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/maki_aikawa_by_kushinagomi-d8qi2ib.jpeg.29ada99dc5985388476a16ab85b39123.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Unique Traits(What are the main unique traits of your apeparance:Her hair is dyed red, she has both her ears pierced with a green earrings in both of them. Under her gloves her hands have scars on the palms from when she would slip while climbing.

Items/Gear:Small backpack, rope, chains, and a pair of climbing gloves

General likes:Parkour, high places, feeling a rush of any kind, fighting, running, sweets, competition, training

General dislikes:Sitting still, being bored, slience, anything weak about herself, weak things

Character Personality:Naomi can't stand sitting still for more than a minute, she feels she always have to be moving she always has somewhere to go. She is a friendly person and can be nice but that doesn't mean she isn't looking for a fight. If Naomi isn't climbing something or just running around, she's fighting something. She enjoys competition and is always looking for a better challenge.

She can be cocky when talking about something she feels she's good at. Along with that she doesn't know when she's beat, not knowing the meaning of the word give up. Naomi will try her best to figure something out and seem like she's got it all figured out. When really she'll have no idea, she could go on and on about something but have no clue what she is talking about.

She's a born trainer if she sees something weak she's gotta train it. Even if she has no idea how to train that person with what they wanna learn, you can bet she'll find a way. Her need to train weak things even works for herself, as when she finds something she's weak at she'll work hard to get better at it no matter how bad she is.

Quirks: When she is pretending to think she'll, simply rub her chin but if she is seriously thinking she hangs upside down. Claiming the blood rushing to her head makes her think.

Mental Strengths: Because Naomi believes she can always improve, insulting her doesn't really hurt more just gives her something else to train or fix. She also isn't easy to fool since she grew up in a town of liars.

Mental Weaknesses:While she isn't easy to fool with simple lies, tricks that are complex can stump her. Not only that but they can cause her to completely forget what she was doing before, as she puts all her time into figuring out the trick. As stated she has a one track mind while multitasking is possible it's very hard.

Family Members: Yukari Campbell (Mother) Alex Campbell (Father) Jin Campbell (Older brother) all are alive

Relatives: Naomi's family does not keep in touch with relatives, as her parents marriage was not something their relatives agreed with.

Friends/Team:None yet

Crush/Spouse:None yet

History: Since she was little Naomi looked up to her older brother Jin, he was the toughest and coolest kid in town. They lived in the slums so being tough was everything, Naomi would follow her brother around and he'd teach her little tricks and how to not get scammed. He even taught her how to parkour since the slums was the perfect place to practice. As they got older Naomi wanted to show her brother how much of a hard worker she was. So she practiced her parkour and everything he taught her until she could do it all better than him. At first Jin was impressed but he began to be somewhat cold to her telling her she couldn't hang out with him, and calling her pathetic and weak.

Instead of getting sad Naomi thought this meant she wasn't good enough. She then trained more as her brother saw the gap between them got bigger and bigger, he got frustrated at the fact he couldn't catch up no matter what. So he beat her up once again though his act of pure rage, was interpreted as showing her something else she was weak at. So she began fighting the local kids, than bullies, than the bullies older brothers, than grown men, than even gangs would fall to her. She came to her brother telling him how she had gotten even stronger, mad again he attacked her but to his shock and horror she beat him with only one attack. She simply grabbed his shirt and slammed him into the ground a smile on her face as she asked. "Am I good enough yet?"

Naomi had found all the training and fighting showed her something, she loved feeling a rush. She parkoured around town whenever she could, she'd head to the city and parkour there. She'd get into fights she'd do dangerous dares. Finally she decided why not become a hunter after all many say there's no job more dangerous than being a hunter. It helped she knew exactly what type she wanted to be the second she heard it.

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations:Naomi simply what's to feel the amazing rush of a life or death battle, and one day have no weakness what to speak of.

Affiliation:None yet

Hunter Type: Blacklist Hunter

Achievements:She has beaten every male in her town at least three times. She has parkoured over every house and building in her town. She can do a push-up with her legs up to the sky while on one hand. She created her own fighting style.

Fighting Style: Naomi is self taught and figured it smart to work in her specialty agility into how she fights. She uses a variety of kicks and punches with flexible and weird angles. Like a downward kick turning into a diagonal kick mid attack. She uses her height to her advantage and uses a type of boxing jab called flicker, where the user jabs and at the peak of it flicks the jab back like a whip. She is also double jointed in both arms which lets her Flicker Jabs have full mobility. She may also jump over her opponent of use the environment to give her attacks an extra edge to them.

While her style is good for being self taught that's the problem it's self taught. She rarely fought someone with knowledge in something other than just plain old street fighting, the closest she got to was someone who was kinda good at karate. So against someone with skills in martial arts she will struggle. Her form may also be very fluid as she made it with the idea of continuous movement, that means some of her attacks will have less impact then others, as she rushes to keep moving. Along with that she doesn't defend much the most she will do is dodge out of the way.


Unique Skills:She's double jointed, she can touch her tongue to her nose, she can parkour, she can bullshit so well she can start to make some people think she really knows what she's talking about.

Physical Strengths:Long reach, lots of stamina, can take a hit

Physical Weaknesses:self-taught, complex attacks and movements confuse her, doesn't defend often, lack of close range punches and kicks

Trivia/Other:To this day she still has no idea that her brother was trying to be mean. Her original hair color was blond



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Eliot Townsende

Nickname/Alias/Epithet: Ellen Carraway (Her original name)

Apparent Age: 16

Actual Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: heterosexual

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Blood Type: B-

Nationality: Begerose-sian?

Birthdate: 22/6 Although she doesn't actually know this.

Star Sign: Cancer

~Personal Information~


Unique Traits(What are the main unique traits of your appearance: Eliot's masquerading as a boy to avoid a mafia bounty on her head so there's that. Her hair is also died, it's originally blonde

Items/Gear: The switch blade visible in the picture, a lock-picking set, some cash and a roll of coins for punching people with.

General likes: Learning new things, travelling, sweet things, snooping and knowing more about other people than they know about her, playing gungi

General dislikes: People prying into her life, dealing with unknown factors, authority figures.

Character Personality: A pragmatic loner constantly in motion, Eliot is at her happiest in a brand new city where nobody knows her and nobody will notice her observing them. While she's perfectly capable of interacting with people, especially when it advances her interests but her first instinct is always to go it alone although she has an eye for efficiency and prefers to accomplish things with minimal fuss so if teaming up is going to be useful she'll do it. Even though she'll work with people she rarely allows any kind of relationship to form, she wants to keep her past a secret and considers it easier to deceive people at arms' length so she'll shut down any kind of inquiry into her history, politely at first and then rudely and then violently if need be.

Likewise she'll almost never ask direct questions of other people, preferring to use her keen observation skills to gather information about them rather than tip her hand, knowing more about other people than they know about her is a kind of defence mechanism that makes her feel secure and in control. Eliot is a quick learner and often combines that with her aforementioned observational talents to learn new skills merely by watching them being performed. When she has free time she'll often spend it people watching, tailing people for as long as she can without them realising it.

It's fortunate Eliot can pick things up through watching as she tends to do badly in student teacher relationships, she has a massive problem with authority figures. This antagonism is mainly centred around official authorities especially law enforcement but pretty much anyone who tries to order her around or considers themselves in charge of her will earn her ire pretty quickly. Eliot can tolerate such arrangements if she deems it necessary but she has a limit, the less it seems useful or necessary to follow orders and the more the person in charge seems to be unqualified or incapable the faster she is likely to lose patience and simply ignore them.

Despite her hatred of authority, Eliot has a moral code of her own, a firm commitment to not hurting people who don't hurt her and a resolution to always pay back any debts she owes. It may not seem like much but it was enough to make her turn her back on the mafia, resulting in the bounty on her head. Of course Eliot doesn't really consider stealing from people who can afford it as hurting them so her moral code is still a fair bit more flexible than most people's perhaps.

Quirks: Eliot has mastered the art of sleeping pretty much anywhere and will often get a few minutes of rest at the strangest times. She's also an amateur gungi player but it's so hard to find people to play against that it's one of the few things that can make her socially outgoing, she'll go out of her way to try and play people who admit to knowing the rules.

Mental Strengths: Pragmatic, observant and a rapid learner, Eliot also has a number of useful skills relating to her background such as pick-pocketing and lock-picking

Mental Weaknesses: Slightly paranoid, her abnormal education means she has some surprising and glaring gaps in her knowledge (for example she has trouble reading) and she has trouble taking big risks or making big efforts even if the payoff would be more than worth it.

Family Members: Missing

Relatives: None that she is aware of

Friends/Team: --

Crush/Spouse: --

History: Eliot didn't exactly start off on the right foot in life. Her parents were petty criminals who seemed to spend half their lives in jail and the other half apparently doing their level best to get back into jail. This didn't really leave a lot of time fore raising a child, Eliot, or Ellen as she was called back then was pretty much fending for herself or in and out of foster care a lot of the time. This had an impact on her academic performance, she had terrible grades and a bad relationship with all of her teachers and most of her peers, she got into fights constantly and was eventually expelled form every school in her area. Ellen's parents couldn't afford to moved so she could attend school elsewhere and probably wouldn't have bothered if they could so Ellen was basically left to her own devices. She spent most of her days wandering the streets in search of somewhere to belong, it came in the unlikeliest of forms.

Essentially Ellen fell in with a minor branch of the mafia, she'd been watching them hustle pool and eventually started warning potential victims. The criminals were about to beat the crap out of her but when they realised she had figured out their fairly sophisticated system for cheating (an elaborate set of magnets and hand signals used in conjunction) their leader decided she might actually be useful for something and decided to make her work off the money she cost them instead.

Ellen picked up everything her new associates taught her incredibly quickly and made herself surprisingly useful, first as a lookout and courier and eventually in more important roles as she picked up new skills, they taught her to lie, to steal even to fight and the boss at one point gave her the stiletto she still uses to this day. For her part Ellen was just happy to find somewhere she seemed to actually be liked, when her parents abruptly took off one day, likely making off with the spoils of a particularly big score, the boss gave Ellen a place to stay and a more permanent job in the organisation.

Unfortunately as Ellen grew more enmeshed in the mafia, the immorality of what she was doing for them came more and more into focus. Eventually she found herself staring down an innocent shop keeper, being told to kill him for failing to pay protection money. She couldn't do it, but more to the point she realised at that moment she couldn't stay with what was essentially her family any longer. It wasn't as simple as just leaving, having fed, clothed and paid her for years now her "family" considered Ellen to be firmly in their debt, as long as she was useful they weren't going to let her leave.

So she did what she had to, one night she fled out after clearing out the closest stash, using the money to buy not one but several plane tickets heading for different cities all over the world, by the time anyone realised what had happened there was no way to figure out which plane she was actually on. A price was put on her head, after all no one steals from the mafia, so Ellen cut an died her hair and started dressing as a boy and going by Eliot, she's pretty sure no one's onto her but she can never totally relax. That's part of the reason she wants to become a hunter, become a badass who doesn't have to run from anyone and at the same time make enough money to pay back everything she stole? It sounds perfect.

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: Eliot wants to be a hunter so she can pay back not just the mafia but everyone she's ever had to steal from to survive, she also wants to become strong enough to not have to run away anymore.

Affiliation: Formerly a member of a minor mafia family, now that same family has a price out on her head.

Hunter Type: Ironically she wants to be a blacklist hunter, know thine enemy and all that

Achievements: Stole from and then successfully evaded the mafia, remians at large despite having a bounty out on her.

Fighting Style: Eliot was taught a brutal style of street-fighting by her former criminal associates, it centres on a stiletto style knife but also uses body strikes to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as possible to weak points, the idea is to create and exploit an opening as quickly as possible, ideally before the opponent even realises they're in a fight.

Weapons: The switchblade in her picture, surprisingly good quality for what should probably be a shitty knock off. Eliot also carries a roll of ocins to use as an improvised striking weapon to supplement the low striking power of her punches.

Unique Skills: Eliot is an incredibly quick learner and very observant, of she's allowed to watch someone perform under the right circumstances i.e. without distractions, with an un-obscured view and every important aspect of the task can be visually observed, then she can usually replicate it herself providing she's physically capable of doing so.

Physical Strengths: Flexible, agile and surprisingly tough.

Physical Weaknesses: Her raw strength isn't very high and her height and build makes both reach and leverage a problem, especially considering the short range of her weapon of choices.


Name: Shinwa no D?butsu

Nickname/Alias/Epithet: Four Beast Hunter

Apparent Age: 16

Actual Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6"2

Weight: 198lb

Blood Type: 0+

Nationality: Yorbian

Birthdate: 1/18/?

Star Sign: Capricorn

~Personal Information~


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/large.png.1eeee277a2a86a7ebfc7340b83b359fe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/large.png.1eeee277a2a86a7ebfc7340b83b359fe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Unique Traits: His pupils and irises are golden and seem to have golden flecks in them.

Items/Gear: brass knuckles shaped like tiger paws.

General likes: Fighting, training, eating, sleeping, reading, females.

General dislikes: Enemies, death, centipedes.

Character Personality: Shine a has a very..different personality. He is always one to be cautious and think of multiple scenarios in order to expect something. He isn't one to be tricked easily but also isn't one to speak up if someone is trying to trick him either. He tends to have a low key demeanor for everything and likes to be private and keep to himself. Though there are just some things he can't hide.

Intelligence wise he's nothing super smart but given the circumstances he can definitely formulate some sort of plan to get out of situations. His mind is always thinking of ways to escape from certain things or counter an act of some sort. He never tends to do mathematical situations which was never a real problem ever before so he keeps it that way. His mind is simply always busy.

His mind may always be busy but he also is always putting up walls to keep himself from growing attached. It usually takes a while to ever really show how he really is feeling or thinking. And never shows the true main intentions to anyone just in case, he's some what always evading personal questions and tends to act weird at times.

His personality honestly when revealed isn't all that different except he's pretty much way alert. He's usually laid back but on guard and precise with things and likes the easy way best. His favorite thing to do is think really...think and space out or just sleep. He was always different from everyone else where he lived.


Mental Strengths: quick decisions. Plotting and planning, being alert and observant.

Mental Weaknesses: math, just acting, or over thinking things.

Family Members: N/A

Relatives: N/A

Friends/Team: WIP

Crush/Spouse: WIP

History: While growing up Shinwa was taught everything he knew by his father. His father was a Beast Hunter searching for magical beasts and hunting previously known. His father taught Shinwa multiple things about nen and how to use it. It took three to four years for his father to finally say that he was ready to take on the Hunters exam. Hearing this from the person he idolized and worshipped for their power and title as his father was one of the only times he showed how he truly felt.

While growing up Shinwa was a pretty interesting kid, he liked reading, cooking, discovering new things and secrets. He eventually became adapted to the jungle and would go to the center of the forest to meditate with his father. His father told him that good hunters usually were known if animals liked them, so until he was one with the jungle he could not take the exam. Shinwa took those words to heart and for six months he meditated and then finally the forest 'spoke' to him he could hear the voices and feel everything the forest felt. It was amazing to him and then the animals...He was able to sense how they felt , what they were thinking and communicate with them. This made his father proud and after one last training session his father had acknowledged him as his son. The one child who would do great things and honor his family.

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: Shinwa wants to be the greatest beast hunter/hunter to ever live. Or of his generation at the least.

Affiliation: future: Hunter association

Hunter Type: Beast type.

Achievements: Having his father take pride in him was his greatest achievement.

Fighting Style: His father always taught him to block hard and hit precisely but lightly. This was to give the illusion that no damage would be done but over time the damage would build up and fall into place. He was also taught a technique much like Killuas rhythm step however instead of making multiple at once it's a single after image that can be used to give the illusion of striking an opponent. Do example someone throws a kunai at shinwa and he dashes forward, if he uses this ability attention Wil be drawn to it as he maybe jumps over the kunai with an awesome flip and lands behind the attacker. The after image may give the illusion that it's the real Shinwa and proceed to block or evade as well but when it reached the target it vanishes. He was also taught how to keep balance with his core and have devastating strikes with moderate blocks.

Weapons: Bladed brass knuckles shaped like tiger paws made of magnesium alloy and have retractable blade extension that can reach to a maximum of one foot each. Retractable dragon blades that emit a poison infused with a small parasite that devours the poison on command the poison's affects are physical in which devours tissue over time, the longest it takes is sixty second to devour the first layer of skin off the targeted area and spreads but on command the poison can be stopped.

Unique Skills: He is quick in combat, very quick and strikes from him happen fast like cobra strikes and at top speed and effort can even be blurs or hardly visible at all.

Physical Strengths: immense physical strength, combat, long endurance, very high speed, high resistance to the elements, has been trained to extraordinary levels and has very keen senses.

Physical Weaknesses: Pressure points, Heavy repeated damage


.His senses are extremely sharp and useful.

.His strength and speed are very high and are on par with Hanzo if not higher.

.Shinwa is fascinated with the four great beasts. Or other wise known as the tortoise, Phoenix, tiger, and dragon.

.Shinwa calls his will, the will of beasts.



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Name: Bruno Modigliani

Nickname/Alias/Epithet: Fluke

Apparent Age: 35

Actual Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Height: 6'1

Weight: 215 lbs

Blood Type: O

Nationality: Yorkshin City

Birthdate: October 5th

Star Sign: Libra

~Personal Information~

Appearance: A man in his late twenties but appears to be in his thirties because of living a fast and hard lifestyle. A rugged dapper man who only wears the finest suits with designer loafers and sunglasses. He has long black wavy hair he ties into a ponytail, with light facial hair. He has a built body and carries himself with a lot of vigor. (Imagine the guy below but with longer hair)


Unique Traits: Appears wealthy

Items/Gear: A backpack; 80% of it is junk food, a gaming laptop, and comics. 20% dedicated to camping and survival materials.

General likes: Himself, Women, drugs, booze, the finer things in life, himself, and attention.

General dislikes: Snootiness, being uncomfortable(sweaty, hot, cold, etc.), hard labor, puzzles

Character Personality:

Bruno exudes confidence from the way he speaks to the way he moves and acts. He emits a bold baritone voice and commands attention with his words. Isn't afraid of approaching someone to introduce himself, voicing his opinions or simply to interject himself into a conversation. He talks about inappropriate things and during inappropriate times. Never backs down from a fight or argument. Has a high opinion himself whether reality matches up is debatable.

Many people would describe Bruno as simple minded and speaks without a filter for better or for worse. He isn't afraid to interrupt a conversation or speak his mind. Bruno often believes in things that sounds good to him rather than reason and logic. It would be incorrect to label him as obtuse, as he is a fast learner and can recall many past experiences to aid him, but seems to get frustrated and stumped at complicated problems indicating complex thought is not his strong suit.

Shallow, materialistic and petty, on the surface Bruno is obsessed with wealth and the finer things in life. Refusing to let anything touch his body that isn't a fine suit or a beautiful lady. He loves to casually boast to people of his masculinity, lavish lifestyle and his sexual conquests. Though he disputes the claim, many have pegged him as a "misogynistic womanizing pig.". Gets into petty arguments and holds feuds over little things.

There is a dichotomy of Bruno both being obsessed with masculinity yet at the same time is extremely juvenile. Bruno is obsessed with masculinity and shuns anything that threatens his manhood. He lifts weight and trains in martial arts regularly drinks heavily and smokes cigars even though he thinks they are disgusting. On the other hand he can be really child like, sleeping in late and spending days upon days on a video game, and even throwing a tantrum like one when things don’t go his way.

Quirks: Engages in activities he doesn't enjoy sometimes to exude an air of manliness or sophistication such as drinking rye, smoking cigars, or reading complex books he doesn't quite understand.

Mental Strengths: Determination allows him to endure high amounts of physical, emotional, and mental pain. Great emotional intelligence, even when things get out of control he never buckles and shakes mistakes off easily.

Mental Weaknesses: Sloppy and disorganization makes him prone to mistakes. Secretly insecure about a certain one thing. Wears his heart of his sleeves, so enemies can often guess what's on his mind.

Family Members: Sora (mother), Albert (father), Bart(older brother), Soru (older sister)

Relatives: Undisclosed

Friends/Team: Undisclosed

Crush/Spouse: Undisclosed


Bruno is the youngest of three children to Albert and Sora Modigliani who are both retired hunters. He comes from a long lineage of hunters and Olympians dating back to his great grandfather. Bruno was a slacker of sorts, flunking out of school and the hunter exam twice, mooching off his parents. In contrast his brother was a former Olympian who is currently a physician and his sister followed in their ancestors footsteps and became a blacklist hunter on her first try at 15. His inability to match up to his siblings high achievements combined with the fact that he is the only one in his family who hasn't activated nen has given Bruno an inferiority complex. Bruno's torture is further aggravated by his father's clear favoritism towards Bart and open disappointment in Bruno.

Bruno's childhood dream was to become a hunter but became discouraged after failing the exam twice. He turned his attention to investing, gambling, and partying. It did not pay off. Bruno ended losing all of his money. Bruno turned to his siblings to borrow money, which led to Albert finding out about Bruno's situation and forbade anyone in his family give him money. Bruno was on his own. But fortune shifted in his favor, inheriting a small fortune from his grandmother which he would use for investing again. Lightning struck twice, Bruno's investments turned him into a billionaire. For the first time in life Bruno felt a sense of overwhelming pride, and was sure his family would be equally proud.

And he was right . . . For the most part. Everyone was ecstatic and happy for Bruno's success, but Bruno noticed that the person he wanted to approve of him the most was completely indifferent, during his visit Albert simply read a book the whole entire time not saying a single word to his youngest son. This crushed Bruno. He moved back into downtown Yorkshin city where he spends the next chapter of his life falling deeply into alcoholism, gambling and womanizing. Bruno was lost until he hears the announcement of the next hunter exam. Filled with a new sense of confidence he decides to enroll in the hunter exam . . .hoping this will get the attention from his father.

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: To become a respected hunter

Affiliation: Not available

Hunter Type: Uncertain

Achievements: Is a billionaire.

Fighting Style: Being trained by Olympians and hunters from a young Bruno is a terror to deal with. His strikes are accurate immensely powerful setting his opponents up with combination strikes. Normally coming off as dimwitted his brain springs to life in a fight able to set up opponents with light jabs and kicks followed by harder hitting special moves. Through trash talking and mockery he tries to make his opponent slip so he can counter with devastating blows. His grappling and throws are executed with mastery. Quick movements make him hard to hit, and can shake off hard blows.

Weapons: Sledgehammers, bats, crowbars, axes. While not skilled in weaponry he can use weapons with handles to defend himself and as an accessory to combat.

Unique Skills: Charisma that often makes him well liked, good at negotiations, debates and persuasion.

Physical Strengths: Taking blows, very strong, very fast

Physical Weaknesses: A injury he sustained years ago from the hunter exam.

Trivia/Other: Often recognized by passerby's as he's been featured on many magazines and websites for his investment fortune as well as his publicly debaucherous behavior. As such he is treated as something of a D-list celebrity.
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