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Fantasy Hunted

Avatar Arvis

The Last Avatar
You wake up to find yourself strapped into a parachute. You are falling towards a jungle. In the distance, you can see other parachutes just like yours. However, that isn't the strange part. Not by far. The sky isn't the right color, it's green. There are two suns in the sky, and a giant gas planet similar to Saturn can be seen faintly in the sunny sky.

Whats more, upon landing, you notice that the plants and other foliage is like nothing you have ever seen before. Couple that with animals you don't know how to describe, you are close to freaking out. Why are you here? Who brought you here, and for what? That is when you notice a strange bracelet on your wrist. It looks like plain platinum, except it has been implanted into your wrist. Strange alien symbols cover the bracelet. What does it do? Well, you'll have to find out yourself.


You have been brought to an alien planet as participants in a sporting celebration. The sport is hunting. And you are the prey. Who and what the hunters are, well you'll have to wait and find out yourself.

The bracelets have been permanently implanted onto your wrist. They will remain with you until death. Their purpose is to "unlock" your genetic gifts. Easy definition: they give you powers based on your genetic structure. I mean, who wants to hunt weak and crappy prey right?

Just remember, these gifts aren't supernatural, they come from you, and so they have a cost.

Will you find the others like yourself? Or will you try and survive on your own? Many dangers exist in this jungle, some far worse than what is hunting you. Do you have what it takes to survive? Or will you die, just as countless others have done before you.

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