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Fandom hunt for a halfblood - waiting room

finally got melanthe done so moving on to elandra and clovis 👌
yall love all the characters so far, i'm so hyped

real quick q for u juengloom, how many characters will you be accepting? c:
yall love all the characters so far, i'm so hyped

real quick q for u juengloom, how many characters will you be accepting? c:
i don’t have a specific number i’m aiming for. i usually choose just based on how the group will ✨vibe✨ if that makes sense???
Reading all these apps making me rethink my boy's occupation XD he really bounced out of the demigod life with just the occasional visit to CHB
I don't think that's a bad thing! Only one of my character's actively sees/works with CHB
True, true. Hope they all got some form of therapy though, the survivor's guilt with these guys must be insane
Melanthe gonna be the odd one out not relating to trauma fr ✊😔
Reading all these apps making me rethink my boy's occupation XD he really bounced out of the demigod life with just the occasional visit to CHB
honestly though, everyone either works at chb or for their godly parents and jericho just went "IT'S FUN TO STAY AT THE YMCA"
lowkey maia has a very different relationship with death so i don’t see her having much survivors guilt. other trauma? of course but not that one in particular.

and also yeah mine both work for chb for different reasons. maia just doesn’t see herself fitting in the mortal world and things are rocky with persephone so she doesn’t like being around when she’s in the underworld. as for tristan, he kinda just likes the summer vibes of camp and has a weird relationship with his dad so he lowkey feels obligated to be there sometimes LOL
Malcolm accidentally being the cause of the death of his best friend threw him over the edge 😔

honestly though, everyone either works at chb or for their godly parents and jericho just went "IT'S FUN TO STAY AT THE YMCA"

Jericho 🤝 Malcolm

But yeah, I think it's fair to stick around if they have a closer relationship with their godly parent or wants to help the future demigods.
yeah amie is for sure not handling the survivors guilt well, girlie needs therapy. i feel like she stayed at camp because of that too, she feels responsibility to help other/future demigods. plus it’s the only place she feels like she belongs now.
with the deadline approaching, i just wanted to say if anyone needs an extension, please let me know!!
ahhhhhhhh tomorrow is the day can't wait to get everything goinggg!!!! please just let me know if you need an extension!
also going to try smash out the rest of my character. all of them so far are looking like a fun group to write with!
junegloom junegloom pinkie promise i'm almost done with my characters!! just one more question, since there was no thalia, does the camp have a barrier, just without the tree, or is there no barrier at all?

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