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Fandom (Hunger Games) Oc + Oc

"Ha ha, yup!" I stand up, going to look out the window, outside, there is lots of hills and valleys, with tons of flowers. I look out in awe.
taking a deep breath i look over and follow her gaze out of the window with a deep breath smiling weakly
I look behind me and see that he is also looking out. I exhale a shakey breath and turn my attention to the window again. While spacing out, I don't notice that our mentor has come in for food.
i look over shaking my head and muttering under my breath a little bit "Gods i hate this"
What am I gonna do? He seems like such a nice guy. How could I kill him. Or even just kill anyone? I think. Animals are waaaaaaaaaaaaay different from people. They don't have the same reaction to when you kill them. But people. I shudder. This is going to be hard.
I look over as i see the mentor walk in my mind racing and my heart is thudding in my chest feeling like it may burst out .
I wonder how my mother is doing... I hope shes ok. "Well, you two look awful." I jump and turn around to see our mentor, mentally surveying us.
i start to think of my mother as i look up at him taking a deep breath "so?"
I turn around, my heart racing from getting startled. "Why does that matter. I'm going to die anyway." I glare at him.
I get to my feet and sigh a little bit "you gonna help us"
"Sure kid." He walks over to the food. "Here is some advice. Don't die." I look at him dumbfounded. "Don't die? Thats it?" I scoff. "You will help us if you want to keep your left hand."
I look over scoweling "why the hell are you even here if you cant help us"
"Yeah." I agree. Taking a step closer to him. "If you can't help us." I grab the steak knife from the table. "You are as useful as a pig." I twirl the knife in my hands. "And I'm serious." I throw the knife at a painting on the wall of a person. It hits the painting right in the painted person's throat.
i look over and laugh a little bit "were gonna die anyway so whats to stop us killing you first"
"Exactly. So." I grab another knife. "You gonna help?" I twirl this knife too. "Ok, Ok, I'll help." Inside, I'm ecstatic, outside, I put the knife down. "Good."
As I look out the window, I see that the hills have started to even out. There is less flowers. We are nearing the capitol. My breathing starts to speed up. I'm not ready. I am in no way ready for this. I stand up and start to pace, wringing my hands I am going to die.
I look over with a small sigh and look back out of the window watchinh the scene as my heart beats faster making me sigh.
I keep pacing, dreading the future. In about 15 minutes, we will be taken away to get a makeover. Oh god, why did it have to be me?
I look round as i sit there letting out a small sigh and shaking my head as dread fills me
I look out the window again. I suddenly taste salt Salt? Oh, i'm crying. I quickly dry my face off with my hands, hoping no one noticed. But now, it was just a waiting game. To the capitol we go.
I take a deep breath looking round as i look at my feet again

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