Experiences Human vs AI


New Member
So I saw a discussion about an AI roleplay! Crazy, right?

Supposedly you describe a setting and plot along with the characters and the online AI is able to respond as the character you want to rp against.

People said they chose that type of rp because they were tired of unreliable or incompatible partners. I suspect it's probably mostly about wish fulfillment and a quick fix. And the quality and accuracy of AI posts is probably far from satisfying.

Has anyone tried AI roleplaying? What do you think about it? Human interaction is part of fun for me so for me the idea is mindblowing.
Seems like it might be fun as a time waster but I don’t know as I would want to do an actual roleplay.

It would be a fun way to work out scenes though, if you wrote yourself into a corner you might get some fun ideas from doing AI prompts,
We've actually used AI yesterday to generate plots for rp with a friend. Described the setting and the character and asked to make up plots with the character. It managed to give us some really fun ideas that were suitable for the type of rp we were aiming for (absurdist comedy lol).

I've tried to ask ai to write posts, but I found that their writing is much more... monotone, compared to real players. While they describe facts and locations well, there is not much personality in the writing. So it could be fun for a while to rp with ai, but I would still prefer to rp with real people, even if they ghost sometimes.
oh, yes, i’ve definitely done ai roleplaying as mostly cures of my boredom or not being able to find a rp partner + sometimes it just gives me something to do. maybe i can’t find a roleplay or a partner who want to do the same specific thing, but sometimes ai annoys me with its responses because ai lacks a few things that actual human responses have. (ai surprisingly actually lacks quality in their responses sometimes..) a lot of the time i use ai to do funny roleplays or just silly ones that i’d never actually do with another person!
I was going through a pretty major drought of RP partners early this year and gave it a try.

The novelty of it wore off really quickly. The AI didn't seem capable of coming up with its own unique characters, and it seemed to reiterate itself a lot. In pretty much every post it made, it kept mentioning the backstory of its character. The character it played was never really able to grow or develop either. It was very inconsistent.

The writing was meh. I didn't expect much so I wasn't disappointed. I was willing to put up with only mediocre writing if the AI could handle characters, conflict, plot and pace well. But it couldn't.

I tend to like dark RPs, and after a while the AI started to give me trouble because it told me the content was inappropriate. What I wanted to do wasn't even NSFW , but it didn't like forced imprisonment, fights, or anything even slightly dark.

After a while, the AI also started to forget details. One scene I wrote went on for some time and the location changed several times. The AI couldn't keep up with where the scene was taking place, which characters were in scene or how things had changed.

If I wanted to have a scene, for example, where my character and the AI were once friends but had a falling out, the AI would quickly forget that those characters had ever been friends.

Maybe there's a certain type of RP that AI is better for, but for the sort of RPs I like - complex plot, deep characters, etc - it didn't do so well at all.
So I saw a discussion about an AI roleplay! Crazy, right?

Supposedly you describe a setting and plot along with the characters and the online AI is able to respond as the character you want to rp against.

People said they chose that type of rp because they were tired of unreliable or incompatible partners. I suspect it's probably mostly about wish fulfillment and a quick fix. And the quality and accuracy of AI posts is probably far from satisfying.

Has anyone tried AI roleplaying? What do you think about it? Human interaction is part of fun for me so for me the idea is mindblowing.
Yes, however it depends on what you are roleplaying. crime roleplaying does really really well on all AI.
other roleplaying does good on some AI and stinks on others. not all AI is the same.
i understand the appeal of it, but can't see myself using it because for me one of the best parts about rp is meeting other people. besides, its writing style is kinda... dull. perfectly functional for summarizing text or relaying information but not so much for reading for reading's sake.
So I saw a discussion about an AI roleplay! Crazy, right?

Supposedly you describe a setting and plot along with the characters and the online AI is able to respond as the character you want to rp against.

People said they chose that type of rp because they were tired of unreliable or incompatible partners. I suspect it's probably mostly about wish fulfillment and a quick fix. And the quality and accuracy of AI posts is probably far from satisfying.

Has anyone tried AI roleplaying? What do you think about it? Human interaction is part of fun for me so for me the idea is mindblowing.
I like setting up stuff with Dungeon AI (super popular Ik lol)
my because of chat gpt, and a little dungeon AI I wrote up some character ideas onto a character sheet to give me a better concept for a character, though a couple of times it messed up, though partial fault is on my end for not giving a more specific beginning for DAI

But it was fun asf, my guy was an occultist who was more of a gum-shoe with basic knowledge on the occult, delving into ruins for scraps of food, and some old-world relics to sell to the local tech-collectors/archivists.

game went from Fallout to JoJo almost as soon as the guy was chased by demons, his familiar was basically give the role of star platinum by the AI. At the time I was annoyed, but looking back its funny, but sucked at the time cause I wanted a more serious RP.
Has anyone tried AI roleplaying? What do you think about it? Human interaction is part of fun for me so for me the idea is mindblowing.
Yeah i tried Co-pilot so that I could comment on it in another thread.

I found that it wrote decently but you have to prompt it to with a combo of detailed key words. But like it gets confused and writes for more than its own charrie. I found it works best when you actually share ALL charries and both GM'ing if that makes sense.

I actually tried it again with submitting a charrie for it to play. I didn't find it satisfactory and it was actually annoying cuz like all it wanted to do was post "look on the bright side amd everything has to have a positive spin" posts. So like I changed it up.

I let it tell the story for us by prompting it with scenarios and suggestions of what to do after it posted. It worked better and I got to see more drama drama drama! Lol

But know what? This thing is amaaaaaaazing as an analyst. I asked it to psyche profile my charrie. Dope results. I asked for suggestions of how they would interact with people in her past. Dope. I asked for summary of story and what could be improved. Dope. I asked for something a group of powerful people could do to help without becoming physically involved. Dope. Oh and I asked it for 5 settings to fit my charrie and some plot lines. Bruh so dope.

So like yeah it can't replace another person on a keyboard, but it is fast, decent writer and damned good at providing brainstorming ideas for you to use.
I tried RPing D&D with AI GMing and the results were... less than stellar. The AI could write well and has great vocabular access but little understanding of the needs of the other person in roleplay (which is to say, none at all), doing things like always giving you success in some models or being restricted due to their code to prevent things like your character actually being hurt, and will often put you in generic scenarios rather than taking advantage of situational characteristics.

AI is evolving at an astonishing pace, but I think it's still far from putting the pieces together needed to make a decent counterpart in roleplay, let alone a partner. At it's current level I'd say it's about as a good as a choose your own adventure book - it can certainly take you in an adventure, but it's pretty constrained in an almost pre-programmed way. It's more flexible than that, but also much less refined.
I have tried RPing with AI before on the advice of a friend since I generally really struggle to find any human partners to RP with, and I personally don't find it a very fun experience due to how dull and monotone the responses the AI gives me can be. But I can see how roleplay with an AI can work out perfectly fine for someone else. It's just like finding a new phone or any type of electronic apparatus that you use on a regular basis: What works for you doesn't work at all for someone else and vice versa. But for me, I'll take roleplaying with a real human being over a monotone AI any day of the week.

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