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Realistic or Modern Human Sacrifice


Boink Bean

He held her hand tightly as they shared a can of pineapples together, her favorite. "So, where did Conner go?" She asked, her voice smooth and soft, Wolf shrugged. "Out to look for survivors i'm guessing." She sighed softly, "He still thinks his sister is alive huh?" Wolf nodded briskly. "I guess so." The smaller beautiful blonde girl shook her head, her strands of hair dangling over her cyan eyes, Wolf smiled as he brushed her hair behind her ear. Then Big-foot's ears pricked forward and he lifted his large head, the dog let out a deep growl before a loud gunshot rang out. A bullet sliced through Big-Foot's shoulder, the black dog rolled over. Sheena shot up and began to lick the male's wounds, aiding and encouraging him to get up. Wolf grabbed his girl quickly before scrambling for his gun before two men dressed in pure black showed themselves, "Don't move." One ordered, Their guns pointing at the couple. One guy shoots a round at Sheena, he cowers and takes off into the distance. Wolf's girlfriend scrambled after her mutt, before one man kicks her hard in the ribs. Wolf growls under his breath as he points a gun at them, "I said, don't move." His girlfriend sobs softly as Wolf clutches her tightly, "Shh." He whispers softly to her as she cries in agony. One guy keeps them at gun point while the other aims his pistol on Big-foot's head. Wolf watched in pure fear before he quickly grabbed his knife and stabbed one man in the thigh. The guy wailed in pain as Wolf charged the man about to shoot his dog. His girlfriend keeled beside Big-foot, and looked to as Wolf tackled the man. The man overpowered Wolf quickly shoving him onto his back pointing the gun to his head, then the body was ripped off of him. Sheena had attacked the man, plowing him off she snapped at his throat as Wolf grabbed the gun. Then two gun shots rang out. Wolf looked up and Saw

Conner, his face twisted in horror before he dropped his gun and fled the scene. Wolf hesitated, before looking. His girl clutched her stomach tightly as blood soaked her white tank top. The other bullet had killed the previous man, And Sheena killed the second. Wolf dropped the gun and scrambled to her, holding her tightly, tears welled in his eyes eyes and she gently touched his face, Her blood smearing on his cheek slightly. "I love you.."

Wolf was jolted awake at the sound of gunshots in the distance. Sheena laid on the floor beside the tub where Big-Foot and Wolf slept. He slowly got up, Big-foot watched his cautiously sensing the tension in his master. Wolf gently stroked the pure black shepherd before letting his fingers gently graze over the large bullet wound scar on the dog's shoulder. Sheena wagged her tail, submissively at Wolf. Who keeled down and stroked her soft ears. He sighed deeply before opening the bathroom door and exiting, the two dogs by his side as they traveled down stairs. Wolf went to the kitchen and pulled out a can of beans and meat. He turned on the gas powered oven and began to cook the dogs and himself from breakfast. He himself was getting sick of the food, but it was all they had for now. He put the food in the dogs bowls before serving himself. He sat at the table and eat with his dogs, Sheena looked up at him with wide eyes. "What are you looking at?" She flicked her ears and Wolf smirked "Fine." He put his plate down and let the dog have the rest once he had his fill. The two ate dogs ate happily.

Wolf grabbed his rifle and machete, strapping the blade to his thigh, the gun to his back before opening the front door, the bright sunlight almost blinding him. He looked down to Big-foot and Sheena who stood behind him patiently, before he began to slowly walked down the concrete stairs.


Short back-story:

The government created a disease that mutated us humans into something... not human. Blood thirsty, cannibalistic creatures. At first it was one person, the scientists underestimated the strength of this creature, making a few more is what destroyed the entire planet. The creatures were smart, far smarter then us, they were not brainless like the movies has foretold, the monsters escaped, but not before slaughtering the scientists, turning them into the creatures as well. They began to attack the city, turning people.. so many people.. The government was unable to stop the killer beasts, and now 98% of the world is 'dead', They cannot control their actions, feeding upon any living creature. Not many people survived, others died from starvation, or other incidents along the way.

The creatures are difficult to tell between female and male, they are very smart, and have intense strength, yet due to the heavy muscle they aren't as fast as humans. They wield very sharp claws that can cut and slice open flesh, they crave flesh of any creature. They are sensitive to sunlight and tend to stay in old buildings, subways, and caves in the forest. At night they go out and hunt any living creature they can find. They carry the disease in their saliva.
The mutant's seem to have corrupted many dog species, turning them into loyal attackers who as well hunt yet bring the prey back to the mutant humans. They as well burn in the sunlight, and carry the disease in their saliva. The dog loses it fur, and turns into the monster after a mere thirty minutes. Their claws sharpen and teeth grow sharper and longer, its a very painful process.



The city is slowly falling apart, animals like deer, and wolves took over certain areas. Many creatures hide once the sun begins to fall to avoid becoming mutant food. Buildings are becoming unstable and dangerously worn down.



The rules are simple, Just like any other role play, you may fight, but do not kill one and other without the character's owner's permission.

Cussing is allowed, but try not to go over board.

Be descriptive and do NOT overpower your characters.

Don't crush on your own characters, be please be realistic. No anime or ninja fighting skills please.

You may come with pets, but at the most is two.

Have fun (:

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The first role-play post has been created, please make your first posts and begin the role-play. PLEASE don't head right for one and other. Begin your own day your own way(: Be CREATIVE & have fun [/color]

Love, Dreams.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Arnold would lay motionless in the old and dirty cabin, with his dog laying next to him closely. He would stare at the roof of the cabin, seeing all the wooden logs laying across each other. Arnold would think about what happened to his son and wife, and whats gonna happen to him. He stroked the dog "Bo" softly, laying on a old chewed up mattress, he only had a little food left to help him survive "We need to get a move on...." -he would mumble to himself-

He would sit and think to himself, while stroking his chin slowly.
As the morning light filtered through the old post office's filthy windows Tabitha Rowe woke with a start, her emerald eyes flying open. Scrambling to her feet, it took a moment for her to fully regain her senses. The nightmares had come back. They always come back. Sighing, Tabby jerked her black backpack up off the tile floor and swung it over her shoulders. She'd been making her way through the streets in a grid pattern for the past few days, using a worn subway map to guide her. Though she told herself she was looking for useful supplies, a large part of her knew...she was looking for anyone else who hadn't, well, turned.

Only after taking a careful peek through the glass door did she slip out onto the street, thumbs hooked in her backpack straps. Debris and fallen rock crunched lightly under her fluorescent running shoes. She knew they didn't blend in, and certainly didn't match her torn denim shorts and black zip-up hoodie, but they were practical and protected her feet. She'd need that today as she slowly made her way into the more devastated blocks of the city.

"Another day, ladies..." The words were mumbled under her breath, a phrase that when leaving the lips of her track coach had almost always meant they had a hard morning practice ahead of them. "Another day..."
Arnold stood up from his bed, quickly thinking to himself about all the things that happened that seemed so crazy to him. Bo lift her head up slowly looking at the man moving himself up. Arnold would smell, the pine smell from the outside filling his nose. He would step outside quickly, looking back and fourth in the thick forest outside. He would walk back inside after searching outside of the cabin. Arnold would grab his old musket leaning by the door and grabbing his ammunition.

Arnold would take a deep brethe before going outside, he would take a step on the mushy mud. He would snap for the dog to come quickly to him. He would walk toward the city.

Jordan glanced to the side, a shattered window with it's shards of glass scattered around it meeting his eyes. The male's eyes felt as heavy as lead and willing for him to be shut, however he couldn't, because he felt that if he slept he would see it again; all the deaths, all the tragedies, the telling of his neighbours that he was going a crazy when telling them that the those things were here... They didn't listen. They never do. Taking his water bottle from his backpack, twisted open the cap and gently set it down on his lap, he then proceeded to run his finger around the inside of the cap, so it would wet. Bringing his finger up to his eye, he gently rubbed the inside corner to help him stay awake. The cold water helped his eyes widen a little, although not by much.

He then reached to the inside of his hoodie that he had taken off before resting and found the tiny kitten yawning at him. Although he didn't have much food, he grabbed the teaspoon that he always kept inside the can of baked beans, and fed a little to the moaning feline. Jordan smiled a little smile, not a big one, and scooped the cat onto his lap and shut the can over with a rag he had found, not necessarily clean, but enough to do the job. The rag spread over the top of the can and covered it whole before he tied it down at the bottom. He slipped the can into the left-pocket side, where another water bottle was meant to be placed. He than grabbed the water bottle he had left on the floor and screwed the cap back on tight. Although he didn't have the foggiest idea on where to go; Jordan knew that his main priority would be to scavenge for food. He had only been living on the can he found, and it wasn't going to do much for him in the future. He shrugged his backpack on and decided to go through with his unorganised plans.

Ducking under the desk he was hiding behind, he crawled through the scattered desks and papers that didn't matter anymore, his only guide the morning light. He then liftd his head from the ground to open the door that was already hanging on it's hinges and rise to his feet. He knew that he would have to get a move on today; and not wander around like the day before. Having Benedict, the kitten, in his hoodie all day was going to make it extremely difficult to run. The male was hiding in an abandoned office, it seemed to be a small business, considering it was not in the one of the higher complexes up in the towering building that loomed over the city. He didn't know how he got to the city, only with the idea that his feet brought him.

Okay. I can do this. I'm going to walk right out that door and go find Jesse. I can do this, it's broad daylight out there. The monsters aren't out in the daytime, right? Damn, I'm sweating. I have to calm down. I have no food left and barely any water. So I need to leave, at least to get some food...

Sara was standing in front of the front door of the house she had lived in since she was born. She clutched her dad Chevy's rifle tighter, and placed her sweaty, shaking hand on the knob.

Okay, you're almost there. Just turn it! You'll be fine... just don't worry...

She hiked up the strap on her cotton bag, filled with everything she could find in the house that seemed useful. Then she, slowly, turned the knob, and opened the door.

The sun was out, giving a terrific view of the destroyed buildings across the street, the plain, barren vacant lot next door with the poor half eaten carcass of some small animal, and the car that had been on fire since last night.

Which way should I go? The grocery store is up the street, but that's probably been emptied long ago. Maybe I could go to the old mall? Maybe the caffateria hasn't been totally raided...

She closed the door behind her, slung the rifle over her shoulder on it's strap, and began walking down the street toward the mall.

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