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Fantasy Human Pokemon hybrid high school

"Hmm. Wonder if I would want a shell...Is it warm in there?" she suddenly felt interested in Bubbles' shell.
I nodded"Its very warm,and its great for playing hide and seek"I laughed "most people mistake it for a rock"
"by the way whats i like having M?"i ask moving closer to Taberu as a tropicas kid sits beside me
"Well...It's difficult since it eats a lot but I guess it's sorta cool to look at." M snapped at Bubbles. "Also it's kind of protective."
Taberu took out a jumbo sized bag of chips. "Let's....go....Sorry...by...the..way....M...get's snippy when...hungry." she continued to talk to her while she stuffed her mouths with junk food.
i nod hesitantly sitting in the desk next to Taberu. i watch M cautiously "can M talk?"
I dissmised my last question as mrs.gardivour came into the class"good morning students" she said "good morning mrs.gardivour"we droned back


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