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Fantasy Human Pokemon hybrid high school


The Kleptomanic
You will be on a island called Hexorus where you can shop till you drop literally

And you will be a Pokemon hybrid in a high school you can be students or teachers and even the associate principle , well I'm the principal, also you can be legendarys just have a one on one with me

This is an example of the character sheet

Name Darkri Moon

Type Dark ,Flying

Species Darkrai


Apperance my picture

Advantages blend into shadows

Can read minds

Disadvantages doesn't really like sunlight
I blush turning my head away saying "h-hi" i said as we walked into the school "which class are you in. i'm in mrs.Gardivor"
(this is my first time at this school i just got here for seventh grade )

I blush some more as we approach mrs,Gardivours class
Taberu walked into the school despite being late for the hundredth time. She was used to being late to everything but now she wondered where her class was. She choose to enter random classrooms until she found the correct one.
bubbles looked away embarrased to be talked about like she wasn't there.she quicoly ran to catch up with taberu and asked"are you in mrs.gardivores class too?"
"yes" i replied glancing up at taberu's bug malwhile mouth and keeping her arms close to her body
"Who are you exactly?" she questioned and looked forward. "No need to worry M probably won't bite."
"its fine this happens alot" she says walking into the gym
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