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Human, not human (actual rp)

If you were to pick a field trip destination for this class, which one would it be?

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  • Tokyo

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  • Local German tour

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  • Australia

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Sanz smiled and closed his eyes. There was a scent filling the room . . . it smelled like the ambrosia that fed the gods. He leaned forward slightly--when something in his brain kicked on. Perhaps it was that he was no longer half-asleep, or the fact that he had been acting so far out of character that he had been about to--The shock quickly opened Sanz eyes as he pulled himself away from Isolde's face a second before he made contact. His hand let go of hers, there were marks where he had been holding her hand, his grip had tightened from the shock. He took a few deep breaths, cold sweat rolling off Isolde's body.

"I'm--Isolde I--"

Sanz shook his head rapidly

"Isolde, please hit me. Don't hold back."
"......no....." Isolde shook her head innocently, unaware of what was going on. "Why would I do that? You're sick. I would never harm you!" She felt his forehead again after feeling the sweat, then letting the hand slip down onto his cheek to get an accurate reading. "You've got to have a fever. You're burning up and sweating!"
"I just--"

Sanz took another deep breath, pulling one of the sheets back over himself.

"I--I almost . . ."

There was another shaky breath

"I almost k--"

He found the word almost repulsive with where his mind had been going. He couldn't believe he had thought that, even for a few seconds. He needed to get this virus out of his system. Fast

"I . . . thought of you as less than your were. That needs to be made right."
The door suddenly burst open, Samuel in the doorway. "Finally found you!" he said with a relieved smile. "Sanz, could I please get your help with-"

He stopped as he saw the scene before him. Isolde and Sanz were (well, had been) alone in a room, both in the same bed, and they were awfully close together. In fact, it seems almost like they had been about to...

Samuel turned the darkest red he had yet. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed, as he felt he was interrupting a very intimate moment. He hastily exited, closed the door, and dashed down the hallway, out of the building, and into the forest as fast as his legs could carry him.


Adrian nodded in approval as he saw the trio depart, Gabriel carting them off to the school to take care of the young woman. Now to find the source of that music...not that he didn't have an idea of what - or rather, who - was the root of it.

As he flew through the forest, he rapidly began closing in on the music, as it grew louder the closer he got. Soon, he found himself at the edge of a large group of animals, and in the center he could see what appeared to be the dryad form of Anya. She...seemed less clothed than usual.
"You almost "k-" me? What?" Isolde raised an eyebrow at Sanz's words. "And how can you think less of me than what I am? You have shown no such ill feelings! Please, explain what you mean!" She was even more worried about him now, a disconcerting look in her eyes. In fact, her purple eyes had streaks of gold in them. She was accidentally turning on her abilities and had no idea what she was doing....

Samuel's interruption did not take away the golden streaks but it did distract her for a moment. "...what the...." She turned back to him, the gold streaks starting to grow in number. "What was that all about? No matter...you will tell me this instant what you were going to say before you stopped yourself!" A hint of succubus compulsion slipped through with those words.


Anya laughed to the sky as the leaves continued to melt away. The song continued as the wind aided in the shedding of leaves. Every single leaf left on her body drifted away as she spun in a circle. There was no shame in her movements, no sign of the thoughts that her dryad form was ugly. Now, she only felt beautiful as the pride of nature coursed through her dancing body.
As the power of the Sylvan song grew, and the sun cast long shadows as it drooped low in the sky, the full moon could be seen, eagerly moving upwards at the opposite end of the sky. Even Adrian was having difficulty standing against the power of the moon AND the music, and his head was twisting as his werehuman transformation drew to completion. His snout grew longer and large, fiercely sharp teeth lined his maw. Brown fur advanced up his neck and covered his head. He advanced through the crowd of animals, which parted easily in his wake. As he closed in on Anya, he became more and more aware of how...bare she was becoming. "An...ya..." he growled out, desperately fighting against the transformation and wild instinct. That deer to his left looked rather tasty...

"An...ya..." He growled again, "Stop...please...not...tonight...any night...but tonight..."
Anya turned towards him, her eyes glowing green. Her hands swept towards him. "I'm sorry, Adrian, but this is the night appointed for me." From the ground, the tree roots arched around to ensnare the werebear, grasping all of his limbs and a single root tightening around his neck. "It is unfortunate that this is the night. Our changes have never crossed at the same time. I must continue. I don't have a choice." Her face pointed up towards the sky, the moonlight seeming to make her green skin sparkle as it was now completely bare off its leaves. "Just....a little longer....please? That's all I need." The animals continued the song, though hesitantly staring at the werebear. With another spin, she continued her dance and song.
Adrian sighed, but silently agreed, giving a curt nod to show he understood. He was losing control at this rate. His arm and legs made the roots creak and groan as they pulled against them, and he growled to himself while he fought to stay in full control. He only prayed that this was drawing to a close, as he wasn't sure his willpower would stand much longer.

He was growing rather hungry, and he was surrounded by a feast.

No, he urged himself, you are Adrian Borskov. You are no beast of instinct and hunting. You are a man. Persevere, he thought as he steeled his resolve.
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The moonbeams fell down on Anya's skin and the glow suddenly became blindly bright. Her entire form shone with the light of the moon as she came to a halt. She rose in the air, as if the moon itself was compelling her upwards and not her own will. Pine needles that seemed to be expertly intertwined to not be uncomfortable began to cover the necessary parts of her body. These needles would actually keep her from the cold during the coming winter months. Her voice cut off in one final, mesmerizing high note as she floated back down to the ground. The area was filled with the smell of evergreen needles as the song around her came to an end. Her feet once again firmly on the ground, her eyes fell on her werebear friend.

Walking towards him confidently, she put both hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Peace, Adrian." As she spoke, the scent rolling off of her skin changed to the scent of roses that she liked to send to him, except this time it was a soothing aura. "Peace."
Night had fallen, and as the moon rose, the woods had come alive. Trees, plants, and animals alike seemed to move to the sound of a song, a song silenced for him in his bubble. He had been doing some stargazing, relaxing on his back, as he tried to solidly come to terms with the fact that he was enrolled in a school that catered to beings of myth and legends, when he noticed the movements, the rhythms that seemed so different, yet felt so natural. Trapped as he was in his own creation, he couldn't help but wonder just what kind of song could inspire such an awesome display, and yearn to hear it for himself. As the activity died down, and the stillness of a dark forest returned, he would ponder the mystery of the moving forest till sleep caught him at last.
As the song ended and Anya took his fur-covered head in her hands, Adrian's heavy breathing slowly calmed down and his transformation began to revert. After about half a minute he was back to his human form, albeit nearly naked. He wore a pair of Sylvan-enchanted undergarments at all times, the only clothing that could survive a lycanthrope transformation by melding with the wearer in their bestial form. This was the only thing protecting his modesty, as the rest of his muscular body was laid bare. Not that he really cared at the moment, as his body went limp against the vines, his head drooping to his chest. He was drained, weaker than any had likely ever seen him, and could barely force his head up to look Anya in the eye. "...Encore...heh...just kidding...please don't...I doubt I could take any more of that..." he said weakly with an equally weak smile. "Some...water, if you could...I am, how you say, parched?"
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"There's my Adrian!" She immediately engulfed him in a crushing hug as the roots receded and the animals began to leave. Anya then stepped back, a mortified look on my face. "You saw me...." Horror went across her face at this realization. "You saw....that monstrosity...." Her mind quickly snapped back into reality. "I-I'll get you some water....there's a stream over here somewhere." She quickly dashed towards the scream in question, blush about the color of a red rose covering her face.
Adrian, still having no energy, lie face-down in the cool grass, a sad smile on his face that none could see. Yes...this is Adrian now, right? That...beast...was something else, is that true? He felt a little sad to see that his hopes that a Dryad would be able to see who he was, Adrian Borskov, be he a bear or a human. That wasn't to say that he blamed her - who could look into the eyes of 'that' and identify the person that dwelled within?

On a related note, Adrian knew not what Anya meant by 'monstrosity'. He had seen Anya be Anya. Why did she seem so appalled?

Hopefully she would return soon, he was getting tired of staring at grass and dirt. Oh, and he was thirsty. That too.
Anya bent leaves into a make-shift cup in order to hold the water then began to walk back. She was actually happy to have seen Adrian's true form; now, she knew all of his sides. Like...he...knew hers. He had seen her completely naked in the middle of her rebirth. He had seen her truest form. A bright red blush was still covering her face when she returned to him. "Umm here..." She helped him sit up and lean against a tree so that he could drink the water. On a second thought, she raised the leaf cup to his lips just in case he still felt too weak to do anything.
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Adrian drank gratefully, draining the leaf-cup of water in seconds. "Thanks..." he muttered to his Dryad friend. "...Are you ill?" He asked as he stared analytically at Anya, his expression tired and drained, yet concerned. "You're flushed. If you're sick, you should not have been dancing around, is poor for health. When sick you need to rest. Come, sit," he said, patting the ground to the right of him softly with his hand to invite her next to him. "I take care of you, yes?" he said with his ever-present gentle grin.
"That's not why I'm blushing...." The Dryad shook her head a little at his denseness. "I'm blushing because you saw me....in my true Dryad form....that nobody sees....and I'm not to fond of it...." She sat down next to him. "Though, it was nice to see you in your true form. You are Adrian, either way, but I prefer this form where I don't think you're going to eat my little forest friends. Have to keep the population balanced, you know!"
I'm me...either way? he thought. The fact that Anya said that made him happier than he could express. As it was, though, he looked to Anya with a furrowed brow. "Not fond of that form? Why is that?" he asked with honest curiosity in his voice. As worn out as he was, he was always up for being concerned about Anya. Also, he was somewhat aware of the cool night air that surrounded them, which normally wouldn't bother the stoic Russian. However, seeing as he was barely clothed and extremely weak at the moment, he shivered slightly. If he noticed that he was cold, though, he didn't show it.
"You're cold!" Anya immediately noticed and scooted closer, putting her arms around him. "I can try to help a bit, I guess." The smile that came onto her face with those words disappeared as she continued speaking. "....most people say my human form is beautiful, but it seems like I'm no more than a green-skinned freak when I'm in my true form."
Adrian offered a comforting smile. "You are Laidrannya. Whether you are pink like an early sunset or green like the forest we inhabit now, you are Laidrannya." What little strength he had left was fading as his eyelids drooped. The warmth her body offered was comforting against the cool night. "Never...never call yourself a freak again...please..." he muttered as his eyes closed and his weight shifted onto her, his head coming to rest on her shoulder as he fell into deep sleep. He had always had the nickname 'Sleeping Bear' by his instructor in the KGB, and here he was taking that literally - regardless of the fact that he was in his human form.
Armin pulled out his arms as he fell, and just a second before he impacted with the ground, his wings of flame sprouted from his back. They beat down once, slowing his fall completely for only a moment before he touched down. Unlike the last time he had done so, the grass touched by his flames seemed to become greener, and grow an extra inch or so. There was a brief tug on his collar, with his wings going out in the same motion before he started to walk away from the dorms. He figured it would be good to walk around a bit more of campus



Sanz took in a breath faster than he had intended. His mind was muddled right now. From sickness, from sleep, and from the intoxicating scent that was filling his senses. Something was addling his mind even further, and the words began to tumble out of his mouth before he had a chance to think about them.

"It was Lust!"

Sanz's one good hand went on to one of Isolde's shoulders, shaking her lightly

"I was . . . lusting after you. In my mind, I reduced you to something less than a woman. Something like that . . . should never happen."

Whether it was out of relief, or just pure exhaustion, Sanz fell back into the pillows, taking a few deep breaths.

"So please . . . hit me."
Anya raised an eyebrow at the 'Sleeping Bear' before resting her head against his. The werebear was extremely warm and comfortable. A little smile covered her face as she cuddled with her very own teddy bear. Looks like she was going to be stuck here for a while. Might as well get some sleep while she was at it. Her eyes closed and she drifted off into a light slumber.


".....I'm a succubus...." Isolde put the pieces together at last. "I'm constantly lusted after. I'm guessing that you're weakened state made you more susceptible to my passive charm...." She paused a few minutes longer so that she could think. "I am not going to hit you. That's final."
"I've transgressed against you--whether I was fully in control of my own actions or not. I won't feel right until judgement of some kind is passed."

Sanz threw an arm over his eyes, welcoming the lack of light in his weakened state.

"It's . . . just the way I am."
"Of course. Jostling is bad." Gabriel knelt before Raziel, taking Aamor from him and into his own arms. As his hand brushed the back of her head, he smiled, saying, "Ah, she isn't bleeding badly." It was clear from the red stones that this was not the case, but when the angel removed his hand from the back of the girl's head, hardly a drop had smeared it. "She'll be fine."

He looked over at Ray and frowned. "We can't have you swimming back like that. Your poor jeans will never dry. You'll chafe. But how to carry you both back . . ." He pondered. Then he smiled.

Ray didn't like that smile. It was always followed by something bad.
Ray instinctively took a step back

"Gabriel . . . I know that look. What in god's name are you--"

Ray shook his head

"You know what, I'll just swim thanks."
"Nope! I've made up my mind! You'll just have to deal." The words might have sounded like a scolding, if they weren't spoken so jovially.

Minutes later, Ray was laying in Gabriel's arms, and Amor was lying, blissfully unconscious, across Ray, with his arms wrapped around her. Gabriel had insisted on this. "It's for security, you understand. Wouldn't want the young lady to fall."

He was smiling gaily the entire flight back.

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