.:{Hullo, RP Nation!}:.


New Member
Hey everyone, my name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam or HEY GIRL or whichever suits your fancy, haha. I've been looking for an above-the-norm RP site that has a nice simple layout and I believe I've found it. Please let me know if you'd like to RP with me. I do numerous themes and am willing to try new things in the name of adventure and... stuff. So yeah, go ahead and message me or comment below so I can get started! I'm super psyched!
Hey Duck and welcome!

I just joined yesterday and I am already part of 3 RPs and absolutely loving it :) so you have chosen the right site for sure.

All the members are super polite and open to chatting, so just get stuck in!

Any questions, feel free to ask any of the members, including myself (If I can help anyways xD )

Hope to see ya around :)
RubbuhDuck said:
Hey everyone, my name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam or HEY GIRL or whichever suits your fancy, haha. I've been looking for an above-the-norm RP site that has a nice simple layout and I believe I've found it. Please let me know if you'd like to RP with me. I do numerous themes and am willing to try new things in the name of adventure and... stuff. So yeah, go ahead and message me or comment below so I can get started! I'm super psyched!
Hey there, Samantha. (HEY GIRL) Ahem. Welcome to RpNation!

If you need some assistance navigating the site or starting into our wide world of roleplaying, you've got a few options:

1) Check out our Help Topic and Guides section

2) Head right to the Main Page and hit up the Shoutbox, where our awesome userbase and staff can lend a hand live


3) PM one of us jolly staff members and we can help or direct you to those that can.

If you're looking to hop right into a roleplay or find one that suits your needs, check out the Role Play Recruitment part of the forums or just watch the Shoutbox for folks pimping out their RP links.

Hope to see you around the site! =]
Thanks buddy, I've already dove in head first and experienced the site first hand. Gotta say, I love how it's set up and has the simplest things that make a huge difference, like the ability to choose several posts to delete, the option to delete them in the first place since most forums don't let you, etc. It's really fantastic. :smile 2:
Glad you enjoy it. As someone that's been on a bunch of forums (of ALL types and subjects), RpN was kind've a 'breath of fresh air' in design and usability when I joined, and it just keeps getting better (and more full of features).
Fantastic! There's always room for improvement, though, like you said, it is already pretty amazing as far as forums go. The setup for the RPs is also VERY well designed and organized. I loved the tabs for different aspects of the RP.

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