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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

XD I'm okay with that! Lol! That would be the moment where the Orient soldier from before be like.....'....why? After what we just said.' XD
Also, you wanna forgo Johnny and Echo's part unless you're not going to include them in the party that searches for Bertrand? Since we're four players, you can bring in 2 characters for combat. Kenren will have Seifer stay put in camp of course.

Katsuya Katsuya
Hahahaha yeah... Lydia would... I think that would kinda' mess her up? xD especially because she'd be in that weird spot between boyfriend and friend.
He might not see them in the act or see them nudie, but I am sure he's not stupid and when it takes them a while to respond he'll be like... hrrrrrrrm....

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