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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

James, just why with your morning breathe.... XD

I don't know, but it almost seems like Zer0 Zer0 planned it out. xD because Lydia was struggling with her corset and towards the beginning of my post I kept hinting towards it and then I was like... wait a minute... when I suggested the PotC thing. xD so yeah, it works out perfect.
Right~!!?? I can't wait for a moment when Ren talks about the boy who taught her archery with Seifer. I wonder what his reaction will be like. XD
Like if Renee didn't take the cake when Lydia offered it to her, when Lydia falls, she's going to drop the cake. lol I didn't write that in that post because I was going to let you respond with whether or not she took it before I said that it fell on the floor.
Yeah, I got my phone charged! The cake was not meant to be. I think I now know why Lydia only saw James 3 times. He was so embarrassed he actively avoided her. XD

The neighboring island is Cebu! And that's my home city below! That other far island is Siquijor!This is from the peak yesterday.



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I think I now know why Lydia only saw James 3 times. He was so embarrassed he actively avoided her. XD

Hahaha brilliant! xD of course if they actually got cozier before the adventure, that would have just made things awkward in the long run so it's really for the best. xD

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