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Realistic or Modern Howl

Yo, I'm on my phone at the moment so my CS won't have any BBCode for now (when I eventually get it up). I'll make it all fancy when I get home. :3
Tryss said:
This weekend is insane for me.
We're moving and finishing up a remodel.

I might have to wait until tomorrow to make CS.

Start without me if you'd like.
Okay cool, no rush, its just good to know that you'll still be joining!
Oh, gosh. I didn't get any notifications for this, so sorry! I'll get a reply up within the next few hours. It's almost 1am for me now, but I wake up at 5am so I will get a reply out then. Sorry. >_<
Koala said:
Oh, gosh. I didn't get any notifications for this, so sorry! I'll get a reply up within the next few hours. It's almost 1am for me now, but I wake up at 5am so I will get a reply out then. Sorry. >_<
Its cool, just wondering, did you finish your CS?
First of all, anything Michael does is not meant to offend anyone, he's just for RP purposes.

Second, I think we can all agree that he's a savage.
I'd say he's an aspiring savage, I don't think he's actually reached that level yet.

But hey, Billy will gladly show him out the door. xD
Okay, I've finished my CS. Where can I slot her in?

Edit: nevermind, I figured it out. :3
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You know what, just to be a pain in the ass, I think I'm going to make that old women an official character of mine! Prepare your selves!

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