How would you stat Eye and Seven Despairs?


Reading his info in the Abyssals book (pages 63-67), I don't think he is all that impressive as Death Lords go.

He was only exalted for 10 years or so before killing himself, and during thoughs years he was tormented by his circle, so as a live Solar he would have been rather weak I think.

I can easily see him trying to raise his Essence or build some item and just about to get a grasp on it, when his circle sends in a Neoma or something else to blow his concentration and cause him to have to start over.

So most his experience and power needs to come from when he was a ghost in the Underworld or be granted by the Neverborn. So how much power did he gain? Underworld page 127 has stats for the Bodhisattva and 321 in the Core book has the Mask of Winters, but they were also very old and very powerful Solars when they died, Eye and Seven Despairs was not, and I don't think he comes close at all. They all sold their names to the Neverborn, so how much power do you get for your name?

Stat out a Solar with 10 years experience, convert to a ghost, and add about 800 years of experience using the xp chart. Is that it?
Well he has at least essence 8, thats the minimum assigned to the Deathlords.

uteck said:
Stat out a Solar with 10 years experience, convert to a ghost, and add about 800 years of experience using the xp chart. Is that it?
No. All deathlords have been granted a piece of the power of the Neverborn themselves and as such are far, far more powerful than that. Even if you say he's weaker than most of the others, thats nothing to be sniffed at. If you want to play up on his rather limited experience as a solar, then consider giving him very few solar charms, focusing instead on inventing new arcanoi and necrotech. Don't forget that each Deathlord also has unique powers gifted to them by their Neverborn patron.

I wouldn't recommend ever building a Deathlord actually counting the xp, I just give them what feels right. But if you were to insist, it would almost certainly total up a lot higher than 800.
uteck said:
Stat out a Solar with 10 years experience...
... in the First Age. That's plenty of time to become well and truly scary, considering the level of magical infrastructure and educational systems in place at the time. The spell the Sidereals use in the Second Age to train super fast for a year and a day (I forget the name) was available to all when Eye and Seven Despairs was alive. A decade of that level of training would be pretty effective.

Hell, ten years in the Second Age is plenty of time to become a right terror, just look at Bull of the North.

uteck said:
...and during thoughs years he was tormented by his circle, so as a live Solar he would have been rather weak I think.
I've always thought this would have driven him to gain power as rapidly as possible, if only to be strong enough to strike back at his Circle mates.
I imagine the Eye and Seven Despairs to be someone whose danger is not in his raw power, but the pure, inherent ingenuity (that he could muster if he got over his spite). He may not have the highest Essence rating amongst the Deathlords and the Charms he has may not be the most powerful, but how he uses the lesser resources he has should be the main source of threat, if he's featured as an antagonist.
yeah, recalling his description invokes the image of a bitter, vengeful, pouting nerd who's just been given the keys to a nuclear arsenal and memories of 10 years of Solar-level wedgies. if he actually does decide that he's gonna get you, you'll be dealing with all kinds of deviously designed necrotech abominations and traps, heavy on the sadism.

i dont see him being a direct combat sort of guy, unless he's sure that he's got an overwhelming advantage either with flunkies or some uberweapon, otherwise assume he's "behind 9 proxies, good luck with your attacking me." megalomania would be a big problem for him, though. he'd tell you all about the ingenious way you're gonna die.

given his current diversion with his former tormentors I would definitely give him some high manipulation, and any charms involving impersonation and deception.

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