How Uber Should Artifact 5 Be?


Ten Thousand Club

The books say world changingly powerful- but few of the published artifacts are.

How do you folks run it?
Wether or not an Artifact is world-changingly powerful in entirely in how one uses it. Even level 1 Artifacts can change the world, under the right circumstances.

A couple of good examples from our own forumites, here and here.

In my mind, there aren't really any decent examples from the main books, but then gain, a level 5 artifact should be a rare prize and have a legendary history behind it, which almost eclipses the actual abilities of the item itself.

The artifact creation rules in Sex and the Sorceress sucks majorly ass, pardon my french and their examples of "world changing" artifacts are hardly world changing at all. Do check out the Singing Staff, though. I like the feel of that one. I think it is in the Storyteller's Companion.
Ormseitr said:
... Sex and the Sorceress ...
I can't believe the stupid-ass cover of that book has sparked so many stupid-ass people to say such stupid-ass shit.

For thy skillful satire, comrade, much praise.
Ormseitr said:
... Sex and the Sorceress ...
I can't believe the stupid-ass cover of that book has sparked so many stupid-ass people to say such stupid-ass shit.
I strongly object to your dull-witted criticism. My ass is, in no way, stupid.
Ormseitr said:
Ormseitr said:
... Sex and the Sorceress ...
I can't believe the stupid-ass cover of that book has sparked so many stupid-ass people to say such stupid-ass shit.
I strongly object to your dull-witted criticism. My ass is, in no way, stupid.
No, no - you misunderstand.  YOUR ass is not stupid.  The asses of the drooling multitudes going, "dude wtf i herd there wz a cameltoe on the cover of teh book, is true is it pls?"  One of my own players, a normally intelligent (if aesthetically retarded) man, is among the guilty, and I mock savagely for it if he ever brings it up.

If you'll notice, comrade, I gave you props at the end of that comment.

And I apologize to your ass.
Orm--Might I suggest a healthy application of lube next time then to avoid soreness, and perhaps a bit more gentle play next time...

*The More You Know...
Solfi said:
Ormseitr said:
...My ass, though deeply hurt...
:shock: don't be bringing your extracurricular activities in here man!   :o
I really did set myself up there, didn't I? :)

And Jakk: thanks for the advice, man. It's always an honor to learn from people of experience :)
I think, for me, a level 5 is a POWERFUL artifact, the kind of thing a you don't really WANT players to possess, but can actually be used effectively as a personal artifact.  Level N/A, to me, is the kinda thing players SHOULDN'T have unless you have a VERY good purpose for them to use it for.

So level 5 is just as powerful as you're willing to give them.  Anything you're not willing to give them, is N/A, as far as I'm concerned.

But that's just how I run my, quite artifact heavy, games.
one thing though

level 5 artifacts a lot of them are fairly weak...

theirs also many artifacts that are significantly weaker then others of the same level

for example....

would ANY Dragon blooded in their right mind take a suit of Jade super heavy plate, over a suit of dragon armor.
for example....
would ANY Dragon blooded in their right mind take a suit of Jade super heavy plate, over a suit of dragon armor.
Well, yeah, mainly because of all the maintenance required for dragon armor.  If a DB wants to chose between a piece of armor that is designed to withstand a hell of a lot of damage and where they have limited time on their hands, or without the right knowledge, over a piece of armor that has all shiny extras yet requires a fuckload of continual work and is capable of breaking down over time, then which one will they go for?

In that Sol Invictus fanbook, Eye of Autochthon is considered Artifact 10, the highest level an Artifact can get. You get 27 Mantles of Brigid for 1 Eye of Autochthon. Or 59049 Smashfists.
I don't think any of the lvl 5 artifacts in the game are really inherintly world changing.  It all depends on what you do with them. and the singing staff is really nice.
I don't think any of the lvl 5 artifacts in the game are really inherintly world changing.  It all depends on what you do with them. and the singing staff is really nice.
Although it's actually lv. 4. Delicious.

I undermine your house.

I rearrange the locality to make a demense.

I make a stone manse.

I bury you.

I bury me.

I dance underground.

I make an arch.

The fun keeps going.

Rofflecopters I am like teh camelt0

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