• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern How To Be a Serial Killer


✨ honey i'm a queen ✨

Alright, so I know just as much as the next guy that excessively long character sheets are extremely tedious. For that reason, everything on this sheet is going to be completely optional. However, if I do not feel like I have a good enough idea of what your character is like, the he/she will not be accepted.

(Meaning that I will kindly ask you to add more detail before ultimately accepting.)

With that said, be creative, and have fun with it! Also, if there is any information that you wish for only your partner to know, then feel free just to PM it to them when we start.

Due date is November 13th.












General Appearance:


(At least five sentences would be nice.)




(Please put at least one, if possible.)



(For killers, make sure to include why they became a killer. If a student, please include why they want to become a killer, or why they are opposed to it if they are being forced.)



Anything else:


Feel free to fancy it up as much as you like! I'm looking forward to seeing what all of you come up with!

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Brooks Chandler


Brooky, The Artistic Slayer


23 years old//January 3rd, 1992




Homoromantic Asexual







170 lbs


Goldish Brown


Dark Brown

General Appearance:

Standing at 5'11'' and weighing in at 170 pounds, Brooks can be described as having a lean body type. His hair is usually scruffy and Brooks opts for a clean shaven face. Brooks wears prescribed, black square glasses, being one of his many disadvantages. He usually wears sweaters, button ups or collar shirts with a pair of jeans. He gives off this charming vibe without even trying. He has no tattoos or piercings, and has only a few scars throughout his body.



Brooks is a very complex individual, not one trait can describe this emotionally broken man. He has a lot of layers. The first layer, or the persona he puts out to most people, is very charming and outgoing. He can flash a smile and flirt nonchalantly to achieve his way. He is funny, "loyal", witty, sarcastic, and someone who will listen to you. Someone who you will instantly love, but be aware because he is also extremely manipulative in this layer. Of course, this is fake. His second layer is more hidden, but at times comes out moments before he makes his kill or to those he considers close. In this layer, Brooks is an introvert and reclusive. He is hesitant and extremely intelligent. Deep down, and you'll uncover his third layer. There you will find his one true fear(homoromantic) come to life. You will also find his ability to reason right from wrong. With right being things considered morally wrong. And wrong being things considered right. You'll also find his sexual frustration, as he has no sexual desires towards any gender, which frustrates him immensely. All in all, Brooks can be described as psychopathic, though you'll never find Brooks using that term to define his sick deeds.


He enjoys the particular art of killing, as would any serial killer. He likes manipulating people into doing what he wants, keeping a fake persona, and seducing people (even though he means nothing by it- it amuses him). He enjoys the sight of blood, and watching life escape from his victims eyes. Adrenaline is what fuels Brooks, and he will stop at no means to find it. Brooks likes cartoons from the newspaper and old cartoons from Cartoon Network.


Brooks has a deep hatred for the female gender, given his background with them. He dislikes boring and uninteresting people, as he prefers people that give him a thrill. He does not enjoy copy cats, being a unique man himself, he has a respect for those with creativity. Most serial killers do not like authority and often play with cops minds, and Brooks is no different.


Deep down he fears his romantic attraction towards the same sex, and constantly shoves it down and pretends to enjoy the company of a female like "normal" people.

He also fears the female gender, due to bad childhood experiences with them.


Besides killing for the betterment of society, he likes reading the newspaper, donating to charities, painting(very much so), playing the piano and going to church.


Brooks Chandler was born on January 3rd, 1992 to two nonfunctional parents by the name of Jane and Wyatt. He had two older sisters, both of them was never very fond of Brooks from the moment he was born. Growing up, Brooks always knew he was different than most. He felt nothing. Children around him would always laugh and cry, but Brooks could never understand why. Why were they crying? Why were they laughing? With these questions burning in the back of his brain, Brooks taught himself to mimic these other children. Mimic the way they laughed, how they cried, the soft crinkle at the corners of their lips as they smiled. Everything. To everyone, he passed for ordinary. For the "norm." But he knew the truth. He was anything but.

His family was Catholic, therefore they were strict against any sort of same sex attraction. It was considered a sin. At the age of 10 years old, Brooks realized that he was sinning. Females gave him no gratification. He hid this attraction towards males in fear of upsetting his father. Throughout his childhood, Brooks mother and sisters would abuse him and belittle him, explaining to why he has a deep hatred towards females. He views them all the same. All of them all evil, vicious, uncaring little shits. When Brooks turned 12 years old, his mother burned out a cigarette in his cake, further teaching Brooks that love is not real. It is all fiction. Despite his murderous ways later on in life, Brooks still defines himself as a Catholic and asks for forgiveness each time he sins.

When Brooks was 13 years old, his mother passed away from natural causes. It was unexpected. Brooks acted like he was sad, but inside he was celebrating. Soon after, his sisters fell into drug addictions and the abuse got worser and worser. Just 8 months later, Celessia died of an OD and Angelika fell into a comatose. Yet another life event that Brooks analyzed that every female in his life dies one way or another.

He first went to prison at the age of 18 years old for a crime he did not commit. There, he learned a lot. The prisoners discussed about all the people they killed, how it felt, and how they did it. It was all mostly lies of course, but it still make Brooks curious. So when he got out of prison, he made the conscience decision to kill someone. Just to see what it felt like. His first victim was a man in Florida. He shot him straight in the back. Brooks watched him die, the life escaping from his eyes. He didn't feel a damn thing. So from there, he turned it into art. Every death, every murder, he has made into a piece of artwork for the authority to find. He viewed life as a canvas, and death as the paint. That's what earned him the nickname as the "Artistic Slayer." Brooks has never stopped killing since.


Jane Chandler-Mother

Wyatt Chandler-Father

Celessia Chandler- Older Sister

Angelika Chandler- Older Sister

All of his victims

(insert student/trainee here)


Theme song:

Anything else:

You can say Brooks isn't like your average serial killer, being that he dresses up his victims and poses them in a beautiful way. Treating them carefully, painting a background around their body, you name it. If he ends up having to work with a female and train her to be a serial killer, you can say it'll be an interesting duo.

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"Which one?"

Alex Fox


"I get 'creep' a lot. Not sure why."

Creep, Weirdo. When online, AI Fox.


"Legal. No I'm not talking about drinking, I've got a couple more years for that."


Date of birth:

"I'm not sure Christians like me much."

July 6th 1996 6/6/96


"Take a wild guess."



"I prefer boys."

Aromantic Pansexual, preference for boys.


"Well I'm from here so..."




"Shorter than most people."



"Does it matter?"

9 stone


"Are you blind or something?"

Blonde/brown scruffy hair


"My favourite colour."



"What else do you want to know? I've got a long neck I guess."

Long neck, no scars or tattoos or piercings.


"You're really interrogating me aren't you? I've not even killed anyone yet. I can assure you I'm a pleasure to be around."

Alex spends lots of time on his computer, coding. Whilst he's generally hacking things, on his computer is still the most himself he ever is. He does small bits of code such as websites and even builds customised computers, just because it's a reliable way of making money. He's generally relatively polite online, just because it's very difficult to insult someone you're barely communicating with.

Alex's true personality, or rather, the one he uses for the outside world, comes out when he's not on his computer. When he's just walking around, he tends to be very up close and personal with people, apparently having no understanding of personal space. He also tends to be quite cryptic in the way he talks, and seems to tower over most people, even though he's quite short. He always seems to be acting nice to people, even when he's scaring them, and people seem to think he's just someone who's perfectly nice, and just bad at socialisising, and even a little foolish. They generally try to ignore the fact there's something not quite right about Alex, which makes him quite worrying to be around.

Alex thinks it's probably the fact he's a psychopath. He understands his attempts at acting normal aren't the best, but they'll do. He can't really do much better. He doesn't know the correct reaction to someone crying or being upset, and much less does he understand why they would be upset. He manages to mimic appropriate emotions generally, and he finds that acting upbeat helps a lot with that, as seeming happy is easier than seeming sad. He has no clue how nobody else has noticed this yet, apparently they're really quite stupid. He's not going to bother getting himself diagnosed though, as then he'd be watched, and that's just inconvenient. Especially when he's planning on starting to kill people.

When Alex accidentally or even deliberately stops putting on an act, he generally ends up speaking in a very sarcastic tone, due to the fact that he believes most people are under him. He tends to be quite rude, as really, it's difficult, and generally not worthwhile, figuring out what will offend people.


"Tricking people. Seeing how much their poor little minds can handle."


Tricking people

Scaring people




"Less than you'd think."

Emotional people





He doesn't really have fears. Although he'd hate going blind.


"Right now? Computers."

Everything to do with computers. Programming, building, spreadsheets, databases. Although it's also a job, it is his only hobby.


"Nothing much."

Alex was a normal kid. Or at least as normal as he could manage. He's been copying behaviours in order to seem normal since about four, and figured out he was a psychopath at about ten. Unlike most, he took this as a good thing, believing it made him better than others, who had to deal with pesky emotions. He never really liked people. He just wasn't a fan. He couldn't connect with them and didn't really care for them one way or the other. Of course, it was always fun to imagine how to kill people, but he never actually killed anyone. Not because he couldn't go through with it, no, taking someone's life wouldn't make him feel guilty, but rather because he understood the consequences. He'd rather not be stuck in jail. That's why he wants to learn how to be a serial killer. So that he can kill people without suffering the consequences.


"A few people think so."

Some people seem to consider Alex a friend. He's good at stringing people along like that.

Theme song:

"I don't understand music."

Alex does not like any music, and does not consider any song to relate to him.

Anything else:

"Anything else you need?"
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Name: Hogarth Haldol

Nickname(s): The Drama King

Age/D.O.B.: 34/ Aug. 3 1981

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Nationality/Ethnicity: German

Height: 6'2

Weight: 140 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

General Appearance:

Costume for killing:

Personality: Schizophrenic

Dallas: Calm, collected, studious, strategic

Chains: Violent, Ill-tempered, impatient, irratic

Houston: Insane, absent-minded, delusional.

Wolf: Quiet, philosophical, intelligent, and compasionate

Likes: Swords, Medieval Era, laughs, blood.

Dislikes: Babies, Taxes, Stops signs, girl scouts.

Fears: Fire

Hobbies: Reading History books, Strangling homeless people.


Hogarth was born in Dusseldorf, Germany to a middle-class family, however his over-zealous parents kept him locked away and forbid from meeting others. His seclusion drove him to seek imaginary friends for comfort and they would be with him as his parents taught cultish teachings. The Four friends he names Dallas (Because he looked like a cowboy, Chains (Because he wore chains around himself, Houston (Because he was a bandit), and Wolf (Because he was quiet like a pup). However as the years passed his imaginary friends became different, slowly becoming much more demanding, until one day they gave him one simple request, kill your mother and father. Then when his parents brought him his meal he shattered the plate and used one of the pointed pieces to brutally stab them to death. When authorities finally came ,after neighbors smelled the stench of the rotting corpses, they found Hogarth sitting next to the bodies simply laughing. He was quickly sent to a mental institution and was confined to solitude. However, in 2001 he was released on account that his overseer's believed he was fully cured of his mental instability, though this was obviously not the case. About a week after his release a museum reported that a number of weapons and Germanic Knight armor had been stolen from their Medieval exhibit. Horgarth has now set up his imfamy in the forests around Dusseldorf where witnesses have reported a crazed Jester masked Knight striking down hikers, hitchhikers, broken down travelers and anyone who dares venture his woods. Multiple search attempts have come up empty handed.

Relationships: N/A

Themesong: [media]

Anything else: Half of his face burned while in the Mental institution
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Ken Larken

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Kyle_3.jpg.2d4093cf6ba03251b58439cf377b14c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Kyle_3.jpg.2d4093cf6ba03251b58439cf377b14c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
no slide

In death















there is misery


Ken is very close to being apathetic (not there just yet), caring little about anyone other than himself. His sarcasm is something he can't go a day without. He shows little respect for others unless they have earned it in his mind. Though to gain his respect you have to be able to take petty insults and not start utterly pointless fights because of a few insignificant words. You could be a gazillion times strong than him and he still wouldn't respect you or tone down the sarcasm.

Despite this he is actually really laid back and loves to joke around. He can be rather lazy unless and doesn't care for the idea of waking before noon. He can be a hard worker, but unless motivated with a reward or personal interest he won't bother to move a muscle.

He insults pretty much everyone, whether it is subtle or blunt matters if he is in the mood to be coy. If you insult him he would just laugh and return it or brush it off. He is often leveled headed and even when he is close to facing death he rarely panics.

He is not that stubborn and a few well placed words can make him your friend or your enemy. He is manipulative, using others as his scrap goats if things get bad.


Solid ground






Large bodies of water


People with happy lives




Absolutely terrified of swimming

Hobbies: Designing buildings

In misery


Ken lived with his mother, father and grandmother for most of his life. He was often left alone with the elderly lady since his parents were both successful lawyers and were rarely home. For this reason Ken always had a really strong attachment to the old women. Unlike his parents he had a lot of faith in the elderly lady and loved her to no end. Though sadly he was left alone when he was 10 3/4 old.

As the two were coming back from a small field trip, a truck driver that had fallen asleep hit their car and it fell off a cliff and into the ocean. As the car sank into the freezing water, his grandmother took out a switchblade and was able to cut the two of them free and help him to the surface. However before she could grab onto something, more debris fell when another car hit the truck that was totter on the edge of the cliff. The debris hit her on the head and she fell unconscious and started to sink. Unable to swim Ken still tried to save the drowning women, but before he could reach her the truck fell...directly on top of the women. When rescuers came it was far too late for his grandmother, they barely arrived in time to save Ken. He was rushed to the hospital and had a few major injures, a broken leg and hypothermia.

His parents sued the one that caused the crash out of every penny he had, but they barely spent a dime for the funereal. Ken who was in crutches at the time watched as his grandmother was buried in a casket he designed for her. When all was done a lot of things changed for him, and none for the better. His parents still left him alone, and just hired a few random babysitters to watch over him.

As he got older he got more and more rebellious and caused a lot of trouble. His parents wanted him to be a lawyer like them so they took him to a lot of their trial cases and made him watch them. Now his parents didn't do just any cases. They did ones that were about some really fucked up things. Watching these trials made Ken see things that he wish could be unseen and unheard. Every trial he was taken to made him hate the idea of being a lawyer more and more. Along with the hatred of being a lawyer his hatred for his parents grew.

Just to spite his parents he joined a fight club as well as a small time gang. He was one of the best fighters and he helped a lot in the small gang wars that happened around his town. However during one of these wars he and a few others were trapped and beaten by the enemy gang badly a few causalities happened including the death of his best friend. The only reason he wasn't severely injured was thanks to his friend that had bought him enough time to get the cops.

Of course he was then arrested and placed on trial for multiple accounts of destruction of property, assault, robbery etc etc. However despite all these crimes, he didn't get fined or sent to jail thanks to his parents.... Who only did it for their reputation, not out of love to their only son. After this trial they started to watch his every movement and had him homeschooled. They of course taught him how to be a lawyer and if they saw or heard a thing they didn't like....well things wouldn't turn out good for Ken.

With no one to support him and not being allowed to do one thing he truly loved he started to turn suicidal. As the days went on he got worse and worse and soon he attempted suicide. He made a total of six attempts but all of them failed for one reason or another. He was sent to a ward to try and rehabilitate, but his depression was through the roof. He zoned out everyone that tried to help him since he still wasn't allowed to do the one thing he loved.

One day he had enough and made a break for it after taking some time to plan his escape. He was able to do so and ran and ran not knowing where he would go. He soon found himself in front of his grandmothers grave. Not finding any reason, he took her knife that was resting in a hidden spot in front of her grave stone and started to do his final attempt.

However after slitting one wrist he noticed something engraved on the blade handle. On it was a small house that looked a bit sloppy but it still was distinguishable. It may not have seemed like a big deal to anyone, but this is when he realized something. Why did he have to go through all this pain? He didn't do anything wrong, sure a few things that would result in fines, but he didn't deserve this harsh treatment from his so called parents.

He sat there staring blanking at the grave as his wrist continued to bleed. As he stared at nothing he thought back on everything. Every terrible memory started to come to the front of his head. Everyone his head could remember and he soon realized his parents...they were happy. They had everything they wanted as he sat here bleeding to death while they had perfect lives. This, this pissed him off, a lot.

Getting up he ran to the nearest place for treatment and got his wrist fixed before he could bleed to death. He returned to the ward quietly where he was placed in his normal room. And here was where he started to plan and plan. After six months of silent planning he once again escaped his room and went off to kill his parents.

After successfully doing this he hired a master hacker to give him a new identity and erase all traces of his old one. With his new name Drake Silver he ran from his state and moved to a new one. Where he is now a 17 year old living at an orphanage since his parents disappearance. One thing he noticed ever since he killed his parents... He didn't suffer from any negative feelings of doing this, if anything... He wanted to do it more. Killing those two lit a fire in him that he wanted to embrace but wasn't sure how to.

I find joy

Relationships: n/a

Themesong: n/a



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Jaclyn Walker,

Previously Laura Walker,

and Previously Antoinette Paquet





Date of Birth:

December 21st, 1996






English, mother is from France, moved to America at the age of 13






Approximately 7.5 stone, or 107 pounds


Short, choppy, ranging from dark brown to black depending on cleanliness and season.




She is very freckled and has a scar on her collarbone from a childhood break.


Jac is the sort of person to lie easily and usually have her falsities go undetected by most. On the surface, she recreates every day worries and dilemmas quite well, and is convincing enough to make most believe she cares about the happiness and well being of complete strangers. She coats everything she says in jokes and smiles, making it creepy when she is actually pissed, because she will continue smiling. If you don't try to figure her out, she can be pretty entertaining and funny, though assuming this means she is harmless is a mistake.

Jac was not heartless, or sociopathic, or psychopathic. She is just very good at doing what she wants and willing to "turn off" feelings for it. If anything, she is a bit of a sadist, and gets incredibly overjoyed when causing others pain. She avoids displaying this as it is looked down upon in society. Jac is also quite clever and slick, good at getting away with things and covering her tracks. This comes with her talent for thieving and deep rooted kleptomania.

There is not one layer of persona which Jac clings to.


Anything physically challenging


The thrill of theft

Other peoples pain




being bored

being hurt

people who hyper-analyze..


Forgetting things

Being found

small enclosed spaces





Studying Psych

reading Agatha Christie books


Antoinette Paquet was born in an area of Vaucluse, France to a woman who was formerly in prostitution at an early age but attempted multiple jobs in hopes of keeping her child and sustaining herself. She knew hunger and neglect too well, however, as she was often alone and impoverished. Her mother being emotionally unwieldy, often blamed the situation on Antoinette on the worse days. When she was older, she realized her situation and learned to feed herself better, walking the streets and looking for loose change and loose pockets. Her mother later found a lover with a more stable working situation. They moved to Leeds, England, for the man that her mother would soon after marry.

Having food and a better home seemed for the most part worth it. However, when the man began to show signs of hostility and a bit of a drinking problem, and her mother became almost meek and repressed, Antoinette realized that she had only been going trough the motions. She needed to take control before this man hurt her mother too badly to take back, or hurt her. She had come home from school one day when she was around the age of 10 to here cries and apologies muffled behind the wood of the front door. She shook as she left her shoes on the door mat and kept her socks on to move silently on the hard wood. she entered unnoticed, and went into the kitchen, immediately to her left, and found a large knife. She was scared and entirely unsure until she saw the man with a hand full of her mothers hair, blood streaking the contour of her cheek bone. All she remembered from that point on was the ecstasy of the blade as it plunged into the mans back, and his startled cry when he realized to late. its removal tore through muscle and rubbed hard against ribs as her own mother attacks, repeating that they would have worked out in the end, but now they were screwed. Antoinette lost sympathy as she lunged toward the hysterical and drove it through her chest. When everything was quiet, she wrapped her mothers hands around the blade and left it in, stroking her hair softly. She made sure she was clean, hiding her jacket in a hole the neighbors dog dug behind their bush as she forced tears to roll across her face, asking said neighbors to call the police, saying she heard screaming and was scared to enter when it got quiet.

Somehow she left the situation unscathed, though careless and not without bloodied hands. Having been taken by services and into foster care, she immersed herself in self preservation and the idea that the future she wanted was in her own hands. She managed to be adopted fairly quickly, and acted as grateful as possible, being eager to change her name to one of their choice, hers ultimately, and fall in line at school when moved to America. As Laura Walker, she was a great student, very polite and wonderful with sports. She seemed to try hard and achieve good to normal grades for someone her age. Laura was a loving daughter who never brought up any questions, fears, or issues with her adoptive parents. She changed her name for a final time after high school graduation and seemed to disappear off of the face of the earth, aiming to go to this school as Jac.


She broke all ties

Theme song:

She doesn't really appreciate music outside of anything piano.




Kill one man, and you are a murderer



Carlisle Satran


The Lipstick Murderer or The Angel of Death (can't decide which one)



December 7, 1994




Panromantic Demisexual


Half African-American Half German






Dark Brown


Grey Blue

General Appearance

Carlisle is most know for her resting bitch face. She never expresses her emotions on her face and rarely has a smile on her face unles she is impressed. Her grey blue eyes are striking and people mainly men are attracted to them upon meeting her. She adorns red lipstick and black eyeliner to give herself a more intimidating look. Even without makeup her cold eyes can scare anyone. Her figure is slim like a hourglass yet she is very built. She has an adorable outie bellybutton that her fellow associates love to tease and poke at, which will sometimes result in a finger or hand be removed. She is not a busty young woman around the chest area yet she doesn't mind. She lets the back, right hip, her arms and the back of her neck be designed with tattos. Her entire physic screams sexy goddess when people lay their eyes on her.

Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror



Carlisle is a seductive a strong woman. She is a nonchalant, slightly stoic who doesn't tolerate disrespectful attitude or bullshit of any kind. She has a love for killing and her seductive attitude makes her the perfect killer. She has a bit of a humor side to her but she rarely reveals it. She despises rude and as the saying goes kill them with kindness only she has a twist to it. Her kindness is turned into lust and seduction and when the moment is right he attacks her prey killing him/her.










Know it all





Carlisle fears she will be betrayed. Although she has betrayed many in the past she does not appreciate it when the tables are turned on her.







Kill them all, and you are a god



Carlisle has always had a satifaction is seeing people be harmed. Growing up she enjoyed watching horror films and gore. When she was 11 she killed her first human, a young boy was bullying her everyday at school and she was fed up with it. Remembering the killings from the multiple movies she watched when she was young she murdered the young boy in the back of the school and hid his body. Ever since then her lust for murdering has increased. At the age of 15 she met and fell in love with her boyfriend Donovan, he witnessed her molest then kill a man who tried to steal from her and immediately join her in her murderous adventures. Their usual routine would consist of going to a club or any party event where they find and seduce couples. They take them to a murder hotel, and after a sexual foursome, they kill the other couple and continue making love in their blood.

When she was 18, she found out that her boyfriend was sleeping with another woman behind her back and was outraged. She saw red and when the moment was right she tortured both of them until they died. Covering up her tracks she has never been caught in the act or arrested for her crimes. She is now an instructor for young ones who have or want to become a serial killer.



Carlisle's ex-boyfriend was her partner in crime. He murdered for and vise versa. Both of them were so aroused by the sight of blood and people begging for their lives they would make love after their victim was silenced. He started sleeping with another female behind Carlisle's back and she found out. Becoming full of rage she tortured her boyfriend and his "side chick" in cold blood.



Anything else:

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  • Name: Jocelyn Thomas

    Nickname: Joce

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Nationality: Canadian

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William Hendrix


  • Nickname(s): "Azrael"




    American (Caucasian)


    235 lbs.

    Dark Brown


    General Appearance:
    William is well-built, with an athletic, broad-shouldered build and evenly-tanned skin. Hendrix keeps his hair close-cropped, with a trimmed beard along his jawline. A small scar is visible just above his left eye. A flowing, half-sleeve tattoo of skulls, barbed wire, and flames covers his left arm from the elbow to his shoulder. His right bicep bears a tattoo depicting the crest of the 75th Ranger Regiment. His left foot, below the knee, has been replaced with a metal-and-polymer prosthesis.

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What I wanna save, I'll kill.
Twenty One Pilots



Name || Bjork Jugen

Nickname(s) || Ice Pick (if you happen to find this hilarious, Bjork has no qualms about showing you why she is entitled that.)

Age || 26

Gender || Female

Sexuality || Panromantic Asexual

Ethnicity || Romanian/German.


Height || 6'0

Weight || 128 lbs

Hair || Pale blond.

Eyes || A piercing hazel.

General Appearance || Standing at approximately 6'0 most people would find Bjork to be intimidating, her alarmingly perceptive hazel eyes and porcelain skin may throw people for a loop and her shockingly light blond hair often makes her stick out like a sore thumb at times. She has a preference for ostentatious garb and does not own anything that could be considered ragged or 'rough' in a manner of speaking. Appearances are everything to Bjork.


Personality || You needn't concern yourself with the likes of Bjork. Really. She's simply a harmless woman who balances herself on the spectrum of sanity, she's just perfect and you are merely inquisitive. Of course that's a lie, did you think she'd ever expose the truth to you? Pardon me but you're quite foolish. Bjork has a tendency to come off as careful, her slight stutter and hesitant nature make her appear to be weak in the eyes of certain people although that is not true. The woman has the culpabilities of making you lose your mind if possible and she takes silent pleasure in that, she is organized and weary of her own actions and she is careful to avoid making any mistakes which causes her to be slightly paranoid around others. She is not polite nor is she outright rude, Bjork has a way of subtly insulting those she has a distaste for and it is best to remain on a neutral level with her. Of course, no one knows what is resting underneath her genteel facade and it is best it remains that way. The young woman does not take a liking to those who are curious or inquistive, expressing a disdain for talkative people although she has no qualms about charming others.

Due to her speech impediment, it renders her useless in being able to formulate articulate sentences at times and makes her incoherent which causes her to become absolutely livid. Once this happens, Bjork will only express so many words before someone is getting injured by her hand, she is merciless and as the media has coined her a "stone cold killer." There are times when Bjork can be impulsive, she has a very short temper and the most of a warning that the unlucky person will receive is a childish grin before they ultimately meet their demise. All in all, Bjork likes normality and she doesn't like anyone telling her she is otherwise.





+Soft Music


+Ice Picks

+Disturbing Others


+1940's Cartoons






+Excessive Amounts of Gore

+Slasher Flicks (They never get it right.)

+Romanticizing Mental Disorders


+Simplistic Things


+Talkative People



-Fear of crowded places-


-Fear of fire-


-Fear of being forgotten, ignored, or forgetting.-






Biography || This is currently under construction, love.


Relationships || To come soon.

||Theme Song(s)||

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-2_19-22-35.png.53f49fa835409ce0b2786be1738a94cd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-2_19-22-35.png.53f49fa835409ce0b2786be1738a94cd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Andromeda Hale

Nickname(s): Dru

Age/D.O.B.: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Nationality/Ethnicity: British (Caucasian)


Height: 5'6

Weight: 122 Ibs

Hair: Long, dark

Eyes: Grey

General Appearance: Dru doesn't regard her appearance to be important, she wears eyeliner but otherwise lacks makeup, and prefers to wear her hair loose.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-2_19-47-32.png.5a4b8b334d469f1ab3a80daaa0254a74.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-2_19-47-32.png.5a4b8b334d469f1ab3a80daaa0254a74.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Andromeda is quiet and intuitive, and often too intelligent for her own good, her mind constantly wanders and she finds it near impossible to focus on one thing, making school work difficult and her grades low. She loves music, and finds comfort in it, just as she does with art, which she often does instead of her actual work.

Andromeda finds it difficult to understand other people, so she doesn't try, she sets herself apart, unintentionally.



-She also likes reading because it relaxes her and makes her responsibilities seem less important.



-Showing emotion, it makes her feel weak and vulnerable.

-Hate, and impoliteness (such as racism, misogyny and homophobia)





As stupid as she finds it, Andromeda is terrified of oblivion and a time where she will no longer exist.

Hobbies: She plays the guitar, she reads novels and goes jogging in the woods to clear her mind ( and she runs a blog on tumblr (but thats a secret))


Andromeda has always been fascinated by life and death, the way anyone could die at any time. The idea that we have no control over our destiny is frightening, and the idea of playing God is comforting to her, so killing really appeals to Andromeda.



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Mackenzie Page


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To Rule


Foul mouthed, narcissistic, and cunning, Mackenzie knows how to play people and how to mess with their emotions. She'll use her looks to her own advantage and usually flirt with guys, only to crush their feelings in the end. She finds some pleasure in emotionally hurting guys because of what happened to her when she was just a teenager. Kenzie has a sarcastic and sharp tongue, not afraid to insult anyone that isn't to her liking. Sometimes she thinks she's more inferior than others, but she knows that she would one day come across the wrong person who would set her straight. Mackenzie has the kind of nonchalant attitude for almost everything, but she is a perfectionist when it comes to things she really wants, i.e the death of her own father. It is rare when Mackenzie likes a person fully and truly, but the only reason she tries not to like people as much and pushes herself away from them is because she is truly afraid of getting hurt like she was before.



+The rain






-Her dad

-Most people

-Her own emotional pain/feelings

-Annoying sounds

-Sparkly things/glitter


A fear of Mackenzie is that she's afraid of her own emotional feelings, way more than physical pain and/or even death. She

believes that somehow her emotional problems would get in the way of achieving her dream of finally being able to kill someone. Kenzie is also afraid of truly loving someone again, afraid of what might happen to her.

Hobbies: Shopping, doing her hair...Pretty much anything that makes her look good, and drawing.

The World


Mackenzie was born to an African American mother and a Caucasian father on the East coast of the United States. As a young child, Mackenzie didn't find life that pleasurable. In grade school, Mackenzie was bullied badly for having parents that were two different races and because she was, believe it or not, very reserved and quiet. The bullying eventually subsided and Mackenzie was allowed to live in peace, but that peace only lasted at school and out of her house. When Mackenzie was 16, her parents started to argue and gradually, the arguments became more violent and physical. Her father started to abuse her mom and she wanted nothing more than to protect her mother.

While at school though, still being the quiet girl she was, Mackenzie didn't have many friends. She one day met a boy and Mackenzie and this boy became good friends. They eventually started to date and Mackenzie was truly in love, or at least she thought she was. She quickly got attached to him and started to develop even deeper feelings for him, but he didn't feel exactly the same. This boy was her safe haven, especially because of what was happening in her own home. Mackenzie was never the type to anyone and complain about her feelings or what was going on at home.

One day while she was texting her boyfriend, she sent him a nude, thinking he wouldn't show anyone at all but the next day of school she was mistaken. Several people were teasing and making fun of her, but Mackenzie wasn't sure why they were doing all of that. In the middle of the week, someone showed her the picture of her on their own phone and she immediately knew her boyfriend sent the picture to a couple of his friends that sent it out to the rest of the school. All the bullying and harassment Mackenzie thought she left behind in grade school and middle school resurfaced again, but for a much worse problem.

If anything could get worse for her, Mackenzie's parents didn't get any better either. There were nights where the arguing would get so bad that Mackenzie's mom had to go away for a couple days and stay somewhere else. This made Mackenzie feel isolated and alone like there was no one that she could turn to. One night, while Mackenzie was in her room and her parents were in their's, she heard yelling from their room and then her mother's loud scream and silence right after. Mackenzie wasn't sure what she should do. As she was about to get up to go to their room and check on to see what happened, her dad came rushing in, telling her how they needed to leave as soon as possible.

Mackenzie knew that her father killed her mom but nevertheless, she helped him dispose of the body and clean up his tracks. They immediately ran across the country to L.A., California. Over time, Mackenzie started to hate her father more and more, secretly planning to kill her own father but she wanted to do it correctly without leaving a mess behind and without getting caught, hence the reason she decided to partake in this program. Her father wasn't aware of her taking it, being a deadbeat and drunk most of the time. Mackenzie found herself wanting to kill him or someone more and more but of course had to go against her desires, wanting the job to be perfect for when it happens.

Relationships: TBD

Themesong: [media]


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Damon Porter

"Mr. Nightmare"


There is no such thing


Damon Porter

Celebrity Name

World's Most Tattooed Man

Serial Killer Alias

Mr. Nightmare




December 16th














160 lbs.



as paranoia.


Damon lives the high life as a celebrity because of this he is very eloquent and has great social skills. In reality he hates them all but he plays the role of a perfect celebrity to maintain his assets. He is intelligent and loves to play chess while listening to classical music. He prefers being alone and treating himself to fine dinning. He plays his part but hates every moment of it.

When he is alone he is destructive and angry. Spending his time creating elaborate set ups for his murders. He is very stealthy and can easily find out a lot of information about a person in order to determine their fears. Damon is gentle when he captures his victims and his aura says nothing but calmness. He only rages out when he is on his own. Generally when he finishes his victims he likes to throw them into the ocean by his private jet or eat them. Always keeping his classy exterior and experiencing nothing but pleasure inside.



Art work

Rare Steak

Classical Music

Seeing people experience fear



The Media

Theme Parks



His father





Fine Dinning

Playing Chess

Your worst fears can


Damon was born to a runaway mother that he never met. She just walked out the door when he was a baby and he never heard from her since. He was left with his older brother, Patrick, and his father, William. Growing up his brother and his father would constantly argue. Patrick couldn't take it anymore so he also ran away leaving Damon alone with his father. Damon was introverted as a child and was scared of being alone or spiders. His father didn't want to raise any cowards or girly boys in his house so he decided to correct Damon. William would lock Damon in a room alone, tied to a chair and with only spiders roaming around. Damon was destroyed by this experience and every time he found a new fear hi father would make him face it no matter how much he cried.

Damon turned his fear into anger during his teenage years. Needless to say that when he turned eighteen he was out of the house. He left his father behind without so much as a goodbye. Since then he has never looked back and now he realizes that the only thing he fears any more is his father. He refuses to admit his defeat to that monster. Even though he was away from his father the damage was already done. He spent his early twenties being a reckless young adult. Sleeping around, getting tattoos, drinking and traveling. He realized that he loved the feeling of getting a tattoo. So he got more. And more. Before he knew it he broke the record for the man with the most tattoos.

Suddenly everyone noticed him and he became a celebrity. He got gigs in acting and modeling. He got all the money in the world and he lived the high life. Still he felt this void inside of him. He couldn't escape it and he felt like it was driving him insane. That was when on a date with some gal he heard her talk about her fear of suffocation. This intrigued Damon and when he took her home that night he tied her up and began to torture her with her fears. He would strangle her just enough before she could pass out. Then he would stop and leave as she cried in paranoia. He would play classical music and eat dinner while watching her freak out. For once, Damon felt at peace.

This began a trend that calmed his inner fear. He would easily capture men and women and subject them to their fears. Over and over again before killing them. He would rid the bodies by throwing them into the ocean or eating them. If anybody ever asked questions he always had enough money and power to silence them. He couldn't ask for a better set up. He had all the money in the world to create elaborate settings for his victims. He could take his time with them and dispose them however he wished. It was



come true at any moment.

Theme Song




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Do not cry out or hit the alarm, you know we're friends till' we die.

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||Something to Note|| Multiple Personality Disorder deals with a
dissociation from one's body, there can be a plethora of personalities however we will only see two for this character. The main persona to focus on is Harley however Abel will also make an appearance quite often. To do this, there will need to be two (character) sheets in one, please try to bear with me. I am not going to romanticize this disorder seeing as it is something to be taken seriously, I will also include a primary source on MPD at the bottom. If you know someone with the given symptoms, you should immediately contact someone who is a professional in psychological health. Thank you for reading this.

||Another Note|| Before you go on an endless rant about a person not being able to have two appearances, this is how Abel sees himself; these people are two different people, they know nothing of each other. They are able to see themselves in the mirror however they are not able to fully grasp what the other looks like.




-Harley Johannis-





||Date of Birth||

-September 1st-









-Abel Smith-





||Date of Birth||

-June 25th-








||Face Claim||

-Renee Mittelstaedt-


-Naturally curly with a dark brown tint; stops slightly past her shoulders.-






-126 lbs-





-Often windswept, shaven on both sides along with a dark brown tint.-






-154 lbs-


-Lean; Slightly Muscular-



Being around Harley can be comfortable depending on how you view her, she quickly transitions through emotions although she constantly remains on 'fidgety' and 'timid' as others would say. She can come off as harmless or bland in the eyes of others and she rarely ever has the courage to speak up, her appearance doing no wonders for her intimidation tactics and her gentle voice never being able to be heard by others. Harley has conflicts with large spaces and tall heights, often straying away from sky scrapers and ledges and never venturing out unless it is truly needed, she considers herself to be insignificant and she seems to like it that way. Harley rarely ever remembers something and the young woman is quite forgetful, her absentmindedness and easily distracted ways making it hard for others to associate or relate with her, she is always unable to keep a reign on herself and tends to talk quite fast if she even chooses to do so. There is one thing, however.

Harley isn't aware of her.. counterpart. It's a part of her condition however she knows nothing of the condition in the first place, she only is aware of the frequent black outs she has and the loss of memory however that remains to be the only recurring conflict. Harley has a knack for becoming distant and pausing mid-sentence, her impatient behavior being the key source of this, despite what others may think Harley is able to think for herself and is not naive. She is quite skilled with mathematics and is adept at working out problems, this continues to be the only reason she is able to function correctly.

Not including the fact that her friend... is a murderous man.






+Beeping Noises








-Witchcraft (don't ask.)




-Odd Numbers


-Disappointing another-

-Making someone cry-


-Fast cars-



*Tap Dancing*

*Running Track*



No one messes with Abel, it's an unspoken rule the man has established and anyone who crosses it will find themselves in a precarious situation. Abel has an ability to ward off people with his reckless behavior and cocky attitude, he rarely ever acts on the threats he makes however he tries his best to produce fear where there would otherwise be nothing, Abel doesn't like people and he certainly doesn't like you. The man relies on his brain rather than his brawn, using his wits to survive in what he believes to be a cruel and unforgiving world and rarely allowing others to be happy simply because he isn't. He's a bully, simply put, cold and indifferent to the plight of others unless it is his own and he only does something when it benefits him. Abel is also not aware of his condition and blames his alcoholism for his lack of memory, pushing aside the gnawing feeling that something is wrong. Abel changes emotions quite quickly, his unpredictable behavior make him extremely dangerous to the public and he lashes out in violence if something doesn't go according to his plan, he's prone to these 'temper tantrums' quite often.

Courageousness was never something in Abel's vocabulary, if he thinks he's going to get into trouble then it'd be best to not want to be his companion seeing as he'll rat you out very easily if given the chance. Abel can lie through his teeth, his manipulative manner making others believe him when suitable and his flirtatious aura allowing most to succumb to his need. Don't worry, he won't stick around too long if you start making goo-goo eyes so it's best to not even try.

It's not as if he'll ever change for anyone.





+Rock and Roll

+James Dean







-Talkative People



-Pep Talks




-Uptight People


-Committing to someone-

-Growing old-



What the hell are hobbies to someone like Abel, doll face?
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Name: Riley ((last name unknown))

Nickname(s): Riles, Ri

Age/D.O.B.: High school age,

Gender: Crossdresser (is actually female but disguises herself as a male, nobody knows her actual gender though)

Sexuality: Bi

Height: 5'6"

Weight: ???

Hair: Shaggy blonde

Eyes: Green/Amber mix

General Appearance:


Under most circumstances, Riley is cool, calm, collected, and fairly emotionless. However, if she is angered enough, then you'll see a side of her that probably would make you regret angering her in the first place. It takes a while to gain her full trust, but when you do she won't abandon you. She never breaks a promise, either.

Likes: The thrill of a fight, sour candies

Dislikes: The idea of romance with another person


Heights, dogs, small spaces



When Riley was young, she witnessed her parents murdered. She and her older brother managed to escape, but the mental scars take place. Her one wish, if any, is to find the man who killed her parents and hunt them down personally. Yes I know this sounds cliche af but there's only so many things you can out for this kind of thing.

Relationships: None yet

Themesong: will also work on this xD

Anything else: I tried to keep the profile somewhat vague because I pictured Riley to be a "mysterious" type so I didn't bother too much with details.
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|| Shay Morgan ||


|| 16 - May 5th ||


|| Female ||


|| Panromantic ||


|| Irish ||



|| 5'8 ||


|| 118 ||


|| Blonde, straight, and a little past her shoulders ||


|| Blue ||



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Iris Bryson Jaeger


Iris Bryson Jaeger






Gender fluid

Preferred Pronouns:

They and them but will accept she and her


Homosexual af


South African




130 lbs.


Dark Brown


A greyish green with dark blue around the pupil

Body shape:

Leanly muscled with curve

Body mods:

Nose and eyebrow piercing

Distinguishing Marks:

They have two slits shaved in their left brow


Bryce is a lewd little thing. Seriously, give them one word and they'll give you a rundown of some sexual experience they had relating to it. And their definitely not shy about those. Bryce is prideful to the point of arrogant but thankfully, their plucky sweetness prevents them from being overly annoying-in some cases. Oddly, their way of showing affection means annoying you more then normal. With traits like this, their pretty brash and has almost no sense of discretion. Big heart, big mouth, big ass.







•The sound of bones or cartilage snapping


•Clove cigarettes


•Windy days


•The words perfume, mixture, pamphlet and booth

•High pitches

•Country Music

•People joking about her accent


•Cold macaroni


•Being impaled

•Giving birth

•Being unable to sleep




•Finding creative ways to combine cuss words


•Practicing their Italian


In order to prevent this from being blocky, I'll use bullet points

•Byrce was born to Mason Jaeger, a South African boxer and Anaïs Meloni, a Italian groupie who want more then just a autograph

•After she was born, Anaïs split, apparently not longer interested in Mason. However, the lack of a mother never really affected Bryce. Them and their father were very close.

•When they were eight, they sat in the front row as their father killed a man. Mason had brass knuckles under his gloves and no matter how hard the referee pulled, he wouldn't let off. Bryce sat through his whole incident, hypnotized. It was beautiful. Every movement their father made was lightning fast and grateful, the blood flying was a startling crimson that was brighter then they ever thought it'd be. They weren't scared. They weren't horrified. They were amazed.

•After Mason was sent to jail-turns out the man he killed was the one Anaïs left him for and he was one some seriously fucked steroids, they were sent to live with their paternal grandparents. Laila and Jonathan Jaeger who also lived in Johannesburg. Laila and Johnthan were disgusted. They made them go by feminine pronouns if not, risk a beating. Even so, Bryce's rebellious nature and demand to keep MMA in her life earned her severeal cruel and unusual punishments.

•In fact, Johnatan liked to make her sleep in a literal doghouse, scrub floors with lye and a sheet of paper and not feed them. They hated him most of all.

•When they were fourteen, Johnathan died. Someone, somewhere had cut his brake line. After he had suggested feeding them tapeworms in order for them to drop a few pounds, they knew that something had to be done.

•Distraught, Laila moved them both to the U.S. A couple years later, she choked to death on a kabob. What are the odds ?


Nora Deveraux-Frequent fuck

PM ?

Theme Song:



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Keith Barber




22 (November 2, 1993)










142 lbs.





:General Appearance:

Gray is small stature, with thin shoulders and a lithe frame. His eyes have a hard, closed look about them, but also a gleam of uncanny wisdom. Covering his body are various tattoos, all black and intricately done.


Gray is a very reserved individual with a deep-seated disdain for humanity. For this reason, he prefers to keep to himself unless he is doing business or engaging in sexual relations with hired women, as he does often. He possesses a very serious nature and has a great deal of pride. However, he also has several vices, among with is an addiction to nicotine and a gambling habit that he just can't seem to shake. In general, Gray sees the entire world to be bleak and colorless (his colorblindness, admittedly, plays a part in this), which perhaps played a large contribution in the coining of his nickname. Though he generally despises people, though, he believes killing to be immoral and does not condone it under any circumstance.


Being confined

Dark, small spaces



He works as a tattoo artist.


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Vanessa Gray

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_n7456jJVKc1twi5nio6_500.gif.62d011db129fe267ee292416e4d4c054.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_n7456jJVKc1twi5nio6_500.gif.62d011db129fe267ee292416e4d4c054.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"The throat slasher"






1.68 m


53 kg


Long Black


Pale/Blue eyes

General Appearance:

Vanessa is what you can call a "Raven beauty". With her ivory pale skin, black long hair, stunning blue eyes and slender body, she's easily noticeable in a crowd. She has a few scars on her wrist.


Vanessa is a sweet talker, with her knowledge in poems which makes it easier for her to lure men. She smiles just once in front of a man (likely to be her prey) but friendly and warm towards women. She's patient and ruthless when it comes to killing (that any type of begging won't work on her, in fact she would enjoy it more) She has a strong sense of justice and chooses her prey wisely and surely.


The classics (Novels, poems, and songs)



Hunting men



Cheating, lying, perverted, disgusting men



Falling in love with a man


when not searching for preys, she usually attends classic theater plays or go to libraries.


Vanessa was born in Paris, France. With a loving mother, whom she loved the most. Having no father was never an issue to her but seeing her mother smile and fall in love again, she had no complaints about accepting a man in the family. At first, everything was fine, full of laughter and smiles but as years pass by no more laughter but cries in midnight was heard by her.

She knew, all along that they don't need a man to be happy. But her mother, obviously didn't thought so. One night, she decided to follow the man who breaks her mother into pieces, day by day. He went into a night club not far from their home and there she saw the reason why her mother kept on crying every night. Her mother knew but didn't speak a word.

Thinking of a way to let the man know, she disguised her self as a prostitute and made sure, he would see her on the street. It was indeed successful, he followed her up to the dark alley. Just when he grabbed her arm, she looked back. She can still remember how his face looked like, so surprised. She thought that was enough, (that he would be embarassed enough and not go back to their house) She decided to leave but he grabbed her with force this time and tried to rape her, there. Grabbing the box cutter in her purse that she carried with her, she made her first slash of throat. And then, she never felt justice, calmness, joy, and greed like never before. That night, she knew, she was reborn at the age of 18.

A year was spent with patient until her mother finally moved on, thinking that the man she loved left them. Through out that year she had killed two men with their own families, disguising her self as a student. After another year, she decided to move to America. Leaving her mother in France, safe and sound.

There, the man killer "Throat slasher" became known.


Maria Gray - Mother

Lucio Vandersen - The man



Additional: Vanessa hates mistakes, so she learns about her preys personal lives whether he's married or has a girlfriend, and she would dress up as someone who is total opposite of the kind of women her preys have in their lives and she would chat with them, for days or weeks, go on dates until BAM! night together, alone in an abandoned place? *Nice adventure, isn't it...* then the box cutter slashes through the throat.



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