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Closed How to alter the color of different tabs?


One Thousand Club
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To begin this post I know how to change the color of tabs. But I am by no means a code wizard. For comparison in case no one knows what I’m talking about.

Regular tabs:

  • Content For Tab A.

Colored tabs:

  • Content for Tab A

Is it possible to keep Tab A the same shade of Green and make Tab B a darker shade of green or a differenr color entirely? Is what I’m wondering about. Is there something I need to add to the Div?

[div=filter: hue-rotate(-45deg) saturate(125%) brightness(160%);][Tabs]

Content for Tab A


Content for Tab B

[div=filter: hue-rotate(-80deg) saturate(40%) brightness(130%);][/div]

Here’s the code in case it helps

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