How The World Fell Under Darkness (Custom)

The counter will reset with downtime, provided you suffer an attack during the downtime. Downtime may allow you space for you to recover from the injury, too.

Trollkin are... strange. Trolls themselves large, are intelligent, spiritual beings. Large and woolly to endure the cold of Trollhaven, they are also the breeders.

Goblins are born in clutches of six from a single, large egg laid by a female Troll during summer. These six Goblins share a single mind, acting as one entity. They are not capable of becoming Magi.

Orcs are born from a similar egg during winter, being very tough and practical minded. Orcs have very little grasp of aesthetics, but are relentlessly practical and obedient to Trolls.

In Trollish society, Trolls are the spiritual leaders of the Trollkin. They hear the voice of Mother, and The Resounding Cry, and direct the Trollkin as she wills. The Orcs are the smiths and warriors, and in more practical terms the Orcish Ham'akh, (roughly Warsmith) leads Trollish society, directing building efforts and military actions. Goblins are the sailors, traders, and thieves, shrewd negotiators and clever liars. It is a taboo punishable by death for Goblins or Orcs to sing.

Murklyres are roughly humanoid crustaceans who live in swamps and coastal regions. They are hermaphroditic, but spend their young lives predominantly male, and female at a later stage. For this reason, their society is matriarchal because being female denotes age and experience.
So a goblin player would actually control 6 little Goblins? Sweet. Reminds me of the canine pack-aliens from Vernor Vinge's A Fire Upon the Deep.

Anyway, can Trolls travel outside Trollkin society and become autonomous, establish themselves as independent mages?
Actually, I had been talking about that book the same week I came up with this faction.

While Orcs and Goblins are playable, it is entirely possible for Trolls to leave. Sometimes by choice, sometimes exile - which is more likely, as a Magus. Sterility is also seen as disfavour by Mother, which can lead to exile too. Trollish Magi claim they cannot hear The Resounding Cry, a fact that disturbs their kin.
Assuming that:

* it is acceptable for your game

* the mechanics tied to Troll stats don't make for a magus that is either useless or doomed to die faster than others

* my character could reasonably integrate in 'normal' society (or at least that his skills would be in such demand that it would it make relatively easy to overlook his origins most of the time)

I'd be more than tempted to play a Troll Conduit. We can come up with the reasons for his exile from Troll society later - whether sterility or heterodoxy, I will see what fancies me and can work in your campaign.

I will finish the write up of this setting variant, and petition for a board tonight.
So, finally got around to taking a nice long look at the Character options and started tossing around ideas today. Any room for an outcaste Troll engineer? Thinking he was kicked out for being sterile, and then went into the Sciences as a screw you to his former culture. (Asuming that I have understood things correctly and the trolls have the normalistic nature good, tech bad view the druids tend to get hit with)

If that is a no go, a treekin Mage might be fun.
Trolls do not view technology as bad, it just isn't their field. Orcs handle technology in Trollkin society.

An excerpt from their holy text might help:

In the beginning, there was silence. All was stone, bare and lifeless.

Then came the Song. The first notes were the sunrise, and colours. The first words Sang the seas across the world, the choir was snow. The clash and chime bred beasts and fungi. The caves sank in bass, the winds were high. At the end came The Resounding Cry, the word that was
TROLL, and Mother was born.

Mother made the Trolls to Sing, and to hear The Cry, and to Know.

Mother made the Goblins to search, to hunt, and to serve without slavery.

Mother made the Orcs to defend, and to build.

So an outcast Troll Engineer would be fine. The Guild looks down on all flesh, regardless of species, afterall.

Dreaynth - Any idea what species you'd like to be? I'll be adding folks to the board this afternoon once all the faction details are up. I have a sneaking feeling you'll enjoy a scion of the one of the Infernal Houses as Captain...
Just FYI, I am still interested in the game, I'm just not entirely sure yet what character concept I want to go for. I'm waiting for a more detailed explanation of races/classes/setting to make a choice.
Good to know. In fact, anyone who is interested should just make a post to remind me. Even now I am adding swathes of info to the board, ready to add people when it is done.
Still keen on playing a Conduit, though I'm not 100% sure on the Troll thing.

You could add us now, it'll avoid having to join the God's Eye usergroup to look at the information (and have a board display cluttered with subforums).
Interested in a Rattus Eotran Monk or a Magi.

Glass Desert or Diamond Mind if Magi, race not sure till I hear or read more about them...Magi seems a considered choice.
Troll Engineer it is then. What kind of inventions do engineers make? Clockwork things, Tesla Coil powered things, Steam powered things, or what? Do we get to choose a theme personally?

Edit-Ah, nevermind, I see the probably answer about styles in the A Map of The World post about Engineers.

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