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Realistic or Modern how the wild west was fun - temp. ooc thread

i'm thinking about applying for cook but i don't want to assume anything about the leader for 'how did you join the group/how did you meet the leader' section.
a gruff but fairly fatherly guy who just wants to make sure everyone is fed and happy
Oooo alright, I love that. Did you have have something in mind as to how they met the group/leader? If not, then I’m happy to give some examples! The leader is an absolute idiot who does not know what he’s doing but he’s trying his best here.
Oooo alright, I love that. Did you have have something in mind as to how they met the group/leader? If not, then I’m happy to give some examples! The leader is an absolute idiot who does not know what he’s doing but he’s trying his best here.
the idea i had was basically just him going "wow these people need some help" and just silently joined the group and started cooking for them.
Hey everyone! I'm going to submit a Second in Command application! I do have a question: Do we submit our characters and then see if we're accepted after the deadline, or do we submit the CS and it'll be reviewed shortly after?

Update: I read the rules, so that answered me question! :closedeyessmile:

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