How powerful is a Mentor?


One Thousand Club
This is basically a question about the specifics of the Mentor background- I'm really not sure what it means by "some note" or "exceedingly important" in the context of, y'know, someone who's badass enough to be training a Solar.

The precise character concept that's spawned this question is a Twilight Caste necromancer and Hungry Ghost Style martial artist- the idea is that he's learnt the necromancy and the martial arts from a First Age Solar's ghost (it takes a little creative interpretation, but a Solar-turned-Abyssal can still teach Solar Circle Sorcery, so it makes sense that a ghost can teach the necromancy it knew in life, but not use it). That, then, is the specific case of the general question I'd like answering: how many Mentor dots is a First Age Twilight Caste's ghost worth? My guess was three ("wise, influential and significantly more powerful than your character"- very wise, not very influential, powerful and knows a lot of Solar Charms and Necromancy... but can't use them. Oh, and insane, probably), but I'd like your opinion on that if possible.

EDIT: I should mention that I don't have whichever book the ghost rules are in, so I may have made a spectacular mistake in there somewhere.
I have no truly helpful comments here as I know very little about ghosts, but the Ghost of a Twilight from the First Age wouldn't neccesarily be crazy. The Great Curse is a part of the Exaltation not the person and as such they are free from the curse after they die and the Exaltation flees them.
Sanguine said:
I have no truly helpful comments here as I know very little about ghosts, but the Ghost of a Twilight from the First Age wouldn't neccesarily be crazy. The Great Curse is a part of the Exaltation not the person and as such they are free from the curse after they die and the Exaltation flees them.
Jimborg said:
are completely free from the curse, and thus totally 100% responsible for every evil act they have commidted since they died.

Also the keyword was "neccesarily".
Oh, they don't necessarily have to be crazy, that was a concious decision on my part. The idea this all sprang out from was your basic Well-Intentioned Extremist type, with my Age of Sorrows Twilight setting himself up as the guy that tries to know all the things that are too dangerous for the proles to know and use them for the good of the people.

That didn't quite seem to fit with a sane ghostly mentor- although, now I think about it, that'd be an interesting spin on it; having a slightly regretful deceased Twilight doing his best to make sure that the dangerous techniques he had were preserved among the servants of the Sun, so they'd know what was happening when the Deathlords used them. "Driven extremist/ regretful guardian" is a much more interesting contrast than "Driven extremist/ manipulative loon", and it leaves the mentor being the moderating force, reining in the more disturbing excesses of what this guy'd do for the common good...

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