How long between usurpations

Cynis Filthist

New Member
How long did the Great Curse slowly twist the Exalts after they stole creation? Do you think there was their time for many natural solar lifetimes? Or did it happen towards the end of a natural solar lifespan (about 5000 years between when they usurped creation from the primordials and The Usurpation)?
The solar deliberate's length isn't really know. But it's implied that Autochton left Creation not too long after the Primordial war... and that there's been about 5000+ years of history since he left... minus the 768 years of Realm, and 490 or so years (as calculated using Shogunate calender from outcaste book), you can work out roughly how long the solars were around... ^_^ ;
Actually, as I recall it's been much closer to 3000 years of history since Autocthon's departure.  The Shogunate Era and the Realm have lasted for a combined total of around 1500 years.  I remember reading somewhere in canon that the reign of the Solar Deliberative was somewhere around 1500 years. >.>
No... it's 5000+... the Autochtonian books were fairly clear on that. They got history books and a calender from when they first left Creation.
Haku said:
No... it's 5000+... the Autochtonian books were fairly clear on that. They got history books and a calender from when they first left Creation.
Maybe, but the Shogunate is longer than a few centuries. The MoEP: the Sidereals constantly refers the period between the Usurpation and RY 768 as "15 centuries", specially when referring to what the major Sids were doing in that period and the lifetime of the Gold and Bronze Factions.
The 1500 year also fits with stuff in MoEP: Lunars, and a few other places I can't remember, but I have seen it more than once.
Also note that AFTER the Ursurpation is an unknown period of war between the surviving solars and the dragonblooded before the shogunate is formed...

There -could- have been 700 years from the Ursurpation to the Contagion, but it's not all Shogunate rule.

Especially if you calculate using the Shogunate calender in the outcaste book, which comes up to 400-500 years or so, given that Lookshy's calender works from the start of the Shogunate to the current day.
Haku said:
I don't trust those sidereals... them and their breaking of masks...   :D
Nor do I. But fear not, as soon as I and my lawgiver buddies tear down the Realm, we'll take care of those guys   :P
Also note that AFTER the Ursurpation is an unknown period of war between the surviving solars and the dragonblooded before the shogunate is formed...
heh... as my old buddy Snake used to say "the more the things change, the more they're still the same !" :D
I kinda remember that in the sid1 book it was stated that 1500 years seperated the actual timeline (RY 762 if I'm right) from the time of the Solar Usurpation (sid1 page 43= 700 years between Usurpation and the Contagion... dunno about sid 2 though)

Add the 4878 years of the Autochtonian calendar, that narrows it down a bit...

Auto wouldn't have left Creation before the Primordial Wars, so he left after, but when he left the solars were already loosing their minds, so we can really say when and how long this was... I'd say 1000+ years, for the Curse to grow, and then Auto left for 4878 years.

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