Experiences How have you changed as a roleplayer?

I already wrote a lot before I started roleplaying, but when I did start roleplaying, I wasn't sure how to do it, if that makes sense. Now that I've done it more, I've been able to interact with characters and explore my own in a way that I couldn't before. I'd definitely say my writing's improved in that respect, but I've also become better at creating characters. Some of the best characters I'm ever going to write came from roleplaying, and I couldn't be more thankful for it.

I still suck at plots, though. Stay tuned.
Well, before I opened up a lot more in rping. Now I'm terrified to rp unless its 1x1 rp plus I've been betrayed a bunch. But my writing has highly improved and I've added to my interests.
I used to be absolute shit when I started.
I mean, I still am, just not as much
I couldn't spell good, I would make overpowered characters, only do a couple different kind of rolepalys, and probably many more things.
I have improved greatly.
I think.
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I used to be absolute shit when I started.
I mean, I still am, just not as much
I couldn't spell good, I would make overpowered characters, only do a couple different kind of rolepalys, and probably down more things.
I have improved greatly.
I think.
I see one of those improvements was not grammar. I kid.
When I first started, I was doing an RP with my best friend. I had created the possibly most cringey OC I could have ever created. I wasn't too sure how RP worked. So I sadly made the whole story focus around my own muses. Which thankfully I've gotten Better at, keeping the Story about everyone.
So lets compare.

>First OC
her name was 'Yami Haven' (aka darkness haven or smthin, idk i was like 11.) she was the only devil, and ironicly the daught of satan and an angel. She had a twin sister who was the daughter of the same angel mother but the daughter of god. It was a weird concept for family. basiclly she became the 'angel of darkness' after a really edgy cringe song i was obessed with at the time. and the story just ended with her killing her boyfriend because he was her sin, and caused everything to begin with since he was the son of the demon king. (who wasnt satan. I had no idea how that all worked back then. ooops)

>Most Recent OC/Persona
Her name is Klare Marie "KD" Dalton. She was bound to a Lust Aspect Demon when she was born. So growing up she was constantly harassed by him. He ruined her self confidance and she became very kept to herself. Due to his bond on her, she had natural tattoos, and one of her eyes were red. As she grew she became less normal looking, and The demon became more of an issue to her, but he also helped her improve herself. After 15 she was not only being bullied by the demon, but by her classmates for being inhuman. This slowly gave her an uncaring additude as she was honestly completely done with everything. She wasn't fond of herself or the demon, and over-all she didn't care what anyone said to her anymore. She's been hearing it her whole life. At 18, she gained more aspects of his demonness, small wings that would take form and vanish when she wanted, charm speak, and telekinesis. However at that point she just wanted to live a normal life.

Her origins make a ton more sense and i put way more thought into her as a person, how she was raised. I thought more about how the effects of the demon would take a toll on her growing up and how the effects of being bond to one would change ones apperences and their over-all status as a human. I took into account that two souls bound for long periods of time could easily start to fuse together based on their interactions together.

When I first started rping I did whatever i wanted, not thinking of how it would actually occur leaving plot holes and making future issues. My first OC's were very rushed feelings, and often considered OP. My new OC's seem more balences and function more like actually human beings with real issues and emotions.
like the title says. How have you changed from when you first started Roleplaying? Have you gotten better at writing? Have you increased your paragraph count? Have you acquired new tastes? Have you tried out a bunch of different character types?

I’ve changed so much since when I started RPing. I’ve always loved and have had a passion for writing, but when I started RPing, I didn’t realize it correlated with writing itself. I used to RP in poorly developed roleplays. One example was simply an RP where you could create a hero or villain. There was no setting and no plot. It was just Heroes and villains duking it out.

I realize the direct relationship between RPing and writing now. I’ve improved how I RP very much. I went from one sentence (in the beginning) to a paragraph to multiple paragraphs. I’ve also acquired many new tastes. Originally, I enjoyed fantasy and futuristic RPs especially. I would write RPs in those categories. Now, my main area of focus is the superhuman genre (My own RP is about superheroes! :D )

So have I changed? Yes, very much. Have I improved at writing? I’ve always had some talent when it comes to writing, but RPing has definitely enhanced my writing. I’ve increased my paragraph count for sure, and I’ve acquired a passion for superhuman RPs. So yes, I’ve changed.
In action fantasy RPs, I went from far more battle-focused to more character focused.
Less magic, more weapon
Less fighting, more relationship forming
Less arrogant bastard, more team driving friendship
Less magic explanation, more vivid pictures of the world, emotions, and the environment, as well as situations

This all changed pretty much when I came out of Basic Training for the Army. Having been on a 2 month hiatus, I had a lot of time to think about my RP style

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