How hard is it to make a Martial Arts Style Homebrew?

jokasti said:
Okay, seems like there are enough Assassin Styles, so I'm going to try what cyl suggested and try an Archery-enhancing based MA. If anyone knows one that already exists, I'd like to see it so I can make sure it differs from it.
Glorious Avian Style (TMA/WIP)

Many Martial Artists specialize in some sort of close-combat fighting style. Not those that follow the Glorious Avian Style. Focusing on ranged attacks made from a bow, this Style teaches based on different types of flying creatures. From an earlier post, it doesn't emulate the birds, but teaches lessons... [the falcon's dive is the fastest in the world. Using his technique, your arrows will do extra damage as long as they are descending.] based on the different birds). Sifus of this style recognize that not every attack can be made ranged, so they also urge their students to learn at least one martial style weapon (close combat). Students may use one of the following as an unarmed weapon when using Glorious Avian Style: Sai, Khatar, Polearm, Seven-Section Staff, or Trident; students and sifus alike hate to be hit be an opponent, as their constitution is not as great as those that follow other styles when it comes to close combat.
jokasti said:
Okay, so there are already some MA Styles with bows as their favored weapons, but I think I'm going to run with it. I like the attacking from above thing; I am thinking an early Charm will aid an Exalt's Athletics/Jumping or something. But here's the first charm.
Uphill Advantage Technique

Cost: None

Duration: Permanent

Type: Permanent

Minimums: Archery 2, Essence 2

Prerequisites: None

Weeks of shooting arrows downward has strengthened the Exalts shooting ability. Whenever an Exalt fires down at a target below her, or in some way targets an opponent below her (including slashing down with a weapon), they may choose to add one to the Accuracy and Damage of the attack(s). This is also applicable to unarmed strike attacks.
What I have so far. And the making of the charm was just to see if I was on the right track :D
Hmm okay, forgot about that part.

I see a contradiction in the signature weapons: they should be either long weapons (meaning you can strike from above and keep your opponent at a certain distance) OR close combat weapons, like sais & khatars... but not both.

I'd go with something like, spears staves & tridents (weapons with the 2 & R tags) and their artifacts equivalents.
Tiger claws?

Cat attack, AKA "Death from above!"

Ashandarei/ Naginata?




Tiger claws?
Cat attack, AKA "Death from above!"

Ashandarei/ Naginata?




That ashandarei is really cool and totally appropriate! Is it core/has it been statted? I think that the favored weapons will be two-handed and must have reach, like cyl proposed.
As far as I know the whole family of "Blade on a Stick" weapons are rolled into one "Polearm" and it's artifact version, and statted in Scroll of the Monk.
One thing to note: Styles in general do not have "pick your own" form weapons. They have a fixed group of weapons, usually only one or two, but sometimes a whole family of weapons, like all swords. The only existing cannonical style that allows you to pick a form weapon is the Path of the Arbiter Style.

I think you have a good concept for your Martial Art, but I would advise that you stick with just bows for your form weapons. The only close combat weapon a martial artist needs is his fist.

Have you decided on whether this should be a Terrestrial Martial Art or a Celestial Style?
I think I'm going to make the form weapons bows and polearms, but the Charms will specifically state that the attacks have to be made in a downward strike or the arrows must be aimed down. And I was thinking TMA, because the lessons are taught like with metaphors.
jokasti said:
I think I'm going to make the form weapons bows and polearms
This would usually be problematic, since this covers more than one family was weaponry, but I think this could work. You could justify the choice by saying that the attacks has to be made from a certain distance, using the weapons from afar to reach your target. If you are going with this, perhaps you could make it that the polearms have to be used in a one-handed thrusting motion, which would give it a distinct visual style. :P
Please look at Ikkaku Madarame from Bleach for inspiration on using polearms in the proper anime style.

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