How does this thing work? O__O'


New Member
Hello! So it's been a decade or so since I've roleplayed and have been dying to get back into it, and RPnation looked promising and welcoming. I just hope there's room for a shy...rusty...but also creative person like me (' :) ).

I'm pretty interested in all kinds of genres, but the sci-fi/fantasy/urban fantasy always grab my attention! I'm really into the Avatar series, X-men, Fire Emblem, Mass Effect, the Tales games...stuff like that. goes nothing! :x
Oh hey, it's nice to meet another Mass Effect lover!

I'm terribly shy as well, but the people here seem pretty nice from what little I've seen. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.
Fellow Tales lover! God, there's way too few of us out here. I suppose I really can't call myself much of a Tales lover though, I've just played Phantasia and Symphonia. Nonetheless, well met! If you've got any questions, feel free to ask me to send you a personal message and I can try to help you out :)
Yay, glad there's other shy people on here :D , but thanks I really hope i do fit in :3.

and I feel anyone who likes any of the Tales games is a Tales lover :) , especially if it's Symphonia!

I know I want to get started on a 1 on 1 roleplay, but how does that work? Do you just post an introduction and the first person who replies is your rp buddy or do you gotta set it up a more detailed way?
Awesome! Thank you :)

I'm so excited to be doing this again -hands start shaking- , but I'm also a nervous wreck @__@ -runs around frantically to expel energy-
No problem! I just saw one of the most honest titles to an introduction ever "how-does-this-thing-work-o__o" (that's how I felt at first too)

Then I saw the Tales loving. I was already hooked! Happy to help!
Haha, I'm glad :) , I was worried I was maybe being too honest and people might be like, "He's really noob, scatter!" or something to that nature.

If you ever join a Tales group, once I get my RP sea-legs, I would love to join.
I can relate to your nerves. I've not played in an open game in a long time. Moreover, I've never been on a site like this. It's huge.

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