How Does One Make A Primordial, Anyway?


Ten Thousand Club
Well, as we know, once an Infernal has reached the Too Awesome For Mere Humanity To Contain Threshold (Essence 6 and above for Primordial Exalts), they start evolving into unbound Yozi-which is more or less synonymous with "Newborn Primordial".

So, when I thought about what my heroic GSP in the making is going to mutate into should the game reach the TAFMHTCT (interesting sound that makes, by the way), I began to wonder-how, exactly, is a Primordial built?

I mean, I know that they're just as much concept as creature, which is why they are worlds unto themselves, but how do they define what they embody? Why do they need their Hierarchy of Souls? What abilities do they have within their purview?

So, yeah, how do you make a Primordial?

And before you ask about the character to help define your answers: I'm thinking of a sort of counter-Maiden, an option for creatures who want to change their Destinies to more interesting ones. Besides freeing up a personal gripe with determinism I have, it also leads to a very cool name: Insurgo Fortuna, The Star of Rebellion.

And yes, he will probably be sued by the Ebon Dragon for stealing his gig.

EDIT: And now, I can't help but think that this scene would happen on his first visit to Yu-Shan to fulfill his self-appointed duties.

Insurgo: *walks into Loom of Fate building* Hi! I'm here to be a big pain in the ass.

Maidens: ....EWWW!

Yep. Gotta watch those double entandres.
I don't think we know.

It's implied that Infernals can become Primordials, but the exact method is unknown at the time.

Interesting thought to consider: if you do achieve metamorphosis, what happens to the Infernal shard? Do you still need it?
At no point has a threshold been made for the apotheosis into primordial hood that awaits Infernals. If could be an Essence level, but it could also be a series of charms. Any way, once you a Primordial, you don't really need stats anymore. Though I would presume you Infernal Exaltation would fuse your higher and lower souls together and spawning your fetich.
I feel compelled to point out , in case anyone forgot, that the Exalted were originally created to kill Primordials.

That a (twisted) Solar shard can give birth to one seems very odd to me.
Seems perfectly fine to me. The Exaltation are extremely powerful weapons and power sources. Now take that power core and give the Primoridal powers. You just made a something just as powerful. Of course they never actually stated, or even hinted actually, that what the Infernals ascend to are Primordials. Just that they will, if they live long enough, become something other than what they are now. So what do you get when you take what might be the most powerful power source to ever live, unbound by any actual limit, and give it free reign of the powers of beings whose only limits are those imposed by their very nature?
jeriausx said:
Seems perfectly fine to me. The Exaltation are extremely powerful weapons and power sources. Now take that power core and give the Primoridal powers. You just made a something just as powerful. Of course they never actually stated, or even hinted actually, that what the Infernals ascend to are Primordials. Just that they will, if they live long enough, become something other than what they are now. So what do you get when you take what might be the most powerful power source to ever live, unbound by any actual limit, and give it free reign of the powers of beings whose only limits are those imposed by their very nature?
...The equivalent of dividing by zero? I'm only half joking, with Unquestionable Yozi Authority, you could probably retake the games of divinity in fairly short order.

Of course, given that you're now a Primordial, you have a whole host of options, 99% of them far more interesting than that. Off the top of my head:

Go out into the Wyld and see whats out there.

Fuck with the Shinma and see what happens.

Plane shift and fuck with Autochon.

Destroy the Underworld.

Really at that point, theres not a lot stopping you, sans the Exalted.

As far the direct refrence, there was an article in Ink Monkeys that referenced a Primordial transformation.

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