How do you stay interested?


TV Static Geist

How do you stay interested in roleplaying? Does writing ever feel like a slog through mud? I'm trying to get back into it but....gghhgh.

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Well usually I'll take a break if I'm just not feeling it or if my friends are all on break. I'll get caught up on my Binge List from Netflix or read a lot of books or whatever.

This does too things - it gives me a chance to reset and get back into the proper mindset of roleplaying AND it provides me with fresh inspiration for roleplays.
I can 100% assure you that you are most definitely not alone there! I get this way a lot, actually. Way more than I would like. There'll be times when my roleplays will just sit and pile up and even though I truly do want to reply, I have ZERO motivation to. I'll start typing it out but I either grow bored or even worse, end up with a whopping case of writer's block.

However, I have found that what works best for me is exactly what above poster said!

Taking a break from roleplaying to spend time watching my favorite movies, new episodes of my favorite television series or reading (all in which I usually have a roleplay based or rooted from-- therefore, watching does usually give me inspiration or a desire to reply!)

I feel like it'll be different for everyone but as a whole, I think the longer we stay away from something, the more we'll end up wanting it. In the sense that, maybe taking a break is your best option until you're feeling ready to reply again or are inspired! Best of wishes!

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