Other How do you relieve stress?

Aaaw hecc, Doing chores and then cooking something nice as a reward! Because chores stress me out and then there’s food because I need the motivation! 😂
As for myself, it's either gaming (even if it's just Minesweeper), randomly browsing stuff, or watching cat videos. Well, dog videos too sometimes, but I still lean more toward cats. 😺
Went through a pretty stressful situation myself last night. I found that I was able to more-or-less solve it by just talking to someone about what was making me stressed. Other times, depending on the stress source, I tend to either try and go for a walk/wander, or attempt to stop procrastinating over something.
I buy cheap dishes at yard sales and dollar stores. Then I pile them up. Finally I break stacks of glass dishes with my bat! It's tons of fun and works out lots of stress. The only downside is the mess it makes.
When I'm stressed, I usually do things that make me even more stresse, but when I'm already stressed for some reason it relieves it
It's fuckin' weird
I usually play some video games and take out any rage that I have there
Because any stress that I have basically turns or amounts to rage
And it's just downhill from there
When I get really stressed I try to do something tactile, like scribbling in a notebook, doing the dishes, or petting my cat. Anything I can do with my hands
It helps me relax and stay grounded.
Unfortunately I don't feel like I really have a proper coping technique. My mind usually likes to stick to the thing I'm worried about and it's so hard to get out of that state. Music helps, but I have such an intense focus to the thing I'm stressing out about that I usually just have to sleep it off.
When I'm stresses I tend to go for a walk if that isn't possible due to weather or what not, I'll put on The Lord of the Rings (typically the fellowship) and work on a knitting project that I've been neglecting. Or depending on what has me stressed I will talk about it with my family or friends, regardless of what it is I pray about it.

Whatever works for you though, provided it doesn't hurt you or someone else; do what you need to to release the stress it's no good holding onto it.
i like to play guitar and sing, for most emotions really. just improv play and sing what you feel.
sometimes you end up with a song, which would make you feel 1000x better!
I buy cheap dishes at yard sales and dollar stores. Then I pile them up. Finally I break stacks of glass dishes with my bat! It's tons of fun and works out lots of stress. The only downside is the mess it makes.
orc smash!
There's a variety of different things I use to relieve stress, and I frequently choose depending on which is more accessible to me at the moment:

-Drink a glass of water or something else I enjoy, like iced tea or lemonade.

-Eat a snack.

-Play videogames. Some of my childhood favorites like classic Sonic games are a good option for me.

-Listen to music. I listen to videogames soundtracks for the most part.

-Watch youtube videos.

-Read random articles on the internet about topics I'm interested in.

-Brainstorming. Sometimes I just start imagining characters, worlds and storylines for fun. Most of the time I don't get anything very helpful, but sometimes I'll end up coming up with a pretty interesting idea, and then I'll write it down to save for later.

-Letting my imagination run wild. Sometimes I like to just let my imagination run wild about pretty much anything I feel like. I sit down, disconnect myself from my surroundings for a moment, and just let my imagination run.
I don’t. It’s just accepting that it’s part of life. It’s my prime motivator.
Writing probably. If that doesn’t work, punching a hole through a wall and then driving to Home Depot to buy plaster.
If I'm stressed, yet feeling inspired (it's a weird mix), writing literally anything will get me out of the danger zone. Otherwise, I will crank up my go-to "moody" playlist and/or maybe put on my comfort genre of FoodTuber videos. FoodTubers are quite literally YouTubers who specialize in food-centric videos.

I'd say I read when I'm stressed, but usually, I can't really concentrate when I try to read if I'm stressed.
Games. Whether a relaxing game like Stardew, or Far Cry 5 so I can blow stuff up. It replaced smoking.
When I'm stressed, I usually unknowingly go immediately to start petting a fur child.
Other times I listen to chill songs or doodle fluffy stuff to calm me down!
I also invented a breathing technique that's probably really bad for you, but it helped me fall asleep during exam week. Anxiety caused by my teacher not knowing how school worked gave me so much anxiety, I can't explain how bad this was. This lady really made me think I was going to fail all of my classes that year, smh.
Spoiler contains what it is.
Place your thumb on that area of your neck where you feel your pulse.
Hold your breath for as long as you can- focus. Is your pulse slowing down? Focus on trying to slow your heartbeat.
When you can't hold your breath for any longer, exhale (if you haven't already) and take in as much air as you can.
Try to continue to focus on your pulse.
Rinse and repeat until tired.
I typically just daydream while listening to music. Usually ends in me falling asleep.

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