Food How do you like your steak cooked?

Cold pizza is tolerable, nothing more.
Pineapple Pizza is amazing though
Frickin' love pineapple pizza.

Pineapple pizza sustained my Nordic ancestors as they trekked across Greenland to make the journey to Canada.
Pineapple pizza is passed down from generation to generation, blessed by the heavens.
And by blaspheming it, you have made yourselves heretics.
Medium Fricken' Rare. Sometiems Rare. Never anything above that...Only heretics eat stead Medium-Well or Well done. Medium I can forgive.

I take back everything i said about pineapple pizza.
people who like their steak well-done are subhumans who should be killed
Medium and just medium with pink in the middle. Any more or any less I'll feed you to a vat full of fleshing eating beetles. Don't fuck with my steak.

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