Video Games How do you get an aesthetic Stardew Valley farm?


Magic Eight Ball
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If you play Stardew Valley on Switch or phone how do you get a nice layout?? Every time I try and make mine cute it feels sooo ugly! Mine feels so scattered and everywhere, plus I feel like I never buy the right things. Any recommendations??
if you aren't able to mod (like me!!!), I find that pre-planning is the easiest way to have an "aesthetic" farm!

something like Stardew Planner can be great for figuring out space/priorities without having to risk hating it and playing Tetris with the buildings. but even something like Pinterest can be used to get a grasp of farm ideas since people post their layouts on there.

when it IS time to decorate my own farm, I tend to wait until winter. this way animals are out of the way and I can justify cutting all my grass down to feed the animals without feeling like it's an awful idea. when the actual buildings are placed then it's just about acquiring furniture (the furniture catalogues are so good, my personal favorite is the wizards) and sinking time into placing items around the farm. finding beehouse placements and sneaking those into areas as well as fences can also just be so ... (chefs kiss). anything to make my little virtual farm feel lived in and loved <3

edit: changing house colors too! but finding the perfect hue for those houses can be misery, I usually end up going for a forest green cabin-y vibe

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