Other How Do You Deal with Your Anxiety?


song of solomon
Hello again, everyone. ^-^ I just like having open discussions about things non-RP related so others, including myself, can have an outlet for their thoughts.

When I was younger, I had social anxiety, so I had a hard time eating in front of people. I started eating in front of a mirror, or the front-facing camera on my phone, and eventually realized it's nothing wrong with looking a little funny while eating. x)

The only other time I experience anxiety now and days is when driving. I've no doubt in operating a vehicle properly, it's just other people ridiculous driving habits that scare the living hell out of me.

What about you? Have/Do you had/have anxiety? How did/do you deal with it?
I have social anxiety. I don’t really deal with it. I try to ignore it but that’s hard sometimes ^_^

Like when I started on this website I couldn’t stay on here for more than 30 min, and I was shaking when I was talking to people
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Mine is just general anxiety. It likes to annoy me randomly. It never attacks for the same reason or to the same extent.

It used to be much worse, especially concerning exams or maths. Now it's just totally spontaneous. It can be set off by something I do every day or it can be set off by a situation I've never experienced.

Most of the time, I have to go to a quiet place where I regain control of my breaths and rationalise all the "silly things" my brain has decided to go completely off balance with.
i have random panic attacks that have no rhyme or reason. sometimes, if i get in a familier environment, they tend to dissapate, but some are REALLY bad. those ones i dont like to talk about.
I've been diagnosed with both generalized anxiety disorder and panic attack disorder, - and to be honest, it's gotten much better as I've gotten older, thank God. I also take some medications, but I'm on a very light dose. Overall I find doing something relaxing like reading, listening to music, working out, going on a jog, etc will help immensely. That and combating negative, racing thoughts with slower, more relaxed and positive ones.
I normally count to ten repeatedly while taking deep breaths, it helps since sudden change is what usually sends my anxiety into overdrive and the fact that the process of counting up to ten never changes calms me.
My social anxiety tends to crop up when I am trying to communicate with someone I have a long term relationship with. Like today - I was extraordinarily anxious because I had a disagreement with my roommate who got angry at me for waking her up when she fell asleep with her music on. As the music was keeping me from sleeping, I had to wake her up so she could turn it off.

It hasn't really been resolved yet, and I'm still really frustrated with the situation, but I made sure to practice extra self care and to talk to good friends about it. I went to the gym, ate something good for dinner, did my best to not let my anxiety dictate my day. It's still unresolved but I'm hopeful we'll be able to find common ground.
lol bold of you to assume i'm able to deal with it
Not bold, more so hopeful that you're capable of reaching a point within yourself to contain what has been forced upon you, anxiety is frustrating, and it makes me happy to see others cope.

If you can't deal with it, I rather you tell me how. It's bold of you to think I'd run to such an assumption. ^.^
Over the time I managed to have control over my anxiety, so even though I can still feel anxious I managed to not freak out, basically. Lol.

Meds have helped me a lot with my anxiety, too. Back in the day I used to have REALLY bad anxiety every day, and my meds have helped me to tone it down to the point it's not too severe anymore. That is what has helped me get some control of my anxiety on the first place.
I didn't realize I had a type of social anxiety for like...ever. Because I love being around people, hate being alone even, and stuff...I'm just awkward af. I never know what to say, I feel like I'm in the wrong place all the time. I pretty much need therapy but first need to fix insurance stuff. Days are slipping by faster than I can catch 'em. Anyway, I self medicate with a lot of cannabis.
My anxieties are of a nature far beyond my comprehension, so I can't really say for certain, but I think writing and spilling my mind out to people helps. I've had a lot of trouble trying to establish valid metrics and bases for my emotions and my feelings for a long time, so if anyone is in a seat similar to mine I can probably not help all that well (though I wish I could).

My best advise to anyone is to just talk with people, be it on here or otherwise. I know that it helps me in some form or another, though I can't really base that on any solid evidence since psychology is such an individual subject.
really cruddy coping mechanisms typically like zoning out hardcore, biting my lip really hard, etc.
since doctors cost a lot and im broke i cant get much treatment for my ptsd + anxiety yet and whatever else is going on in my brain [no clue whats going on in there honestly] i just deal with it the best i can. typically thats what i said above, drawing/writing vent material, and benadryl for bad panic attacks and my sleep issues. in school i just bring earbuds everywhere and put them in if things get too overwhelming but that doesnt always help
Unfortunately, my reaction to any kind of stress is to cry. My crying can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours. I once cried for over 2 hours because I was "trapped" in a room with a spider that I couldn't kill because I was scared. I was in college.

I was put on Zoloft when I was in first grade and took that until I was in seventh grade just so I could go to school. I cried almost everyday in elementary school and didn't even know why I was crying.

I now have a better understanding of my anxiety and do my best to work though it. I've been back on Zoloft for almost a year and a half and I recently moved from a high-stress environment and I think that's made a huge difference. I'm also really bad when it comes to talking to people, yet I've worked in retail for years and now work at a pharmacy.
Usually I fidget with something. Necklaces, shirt collars, etc. helps to ground me. Or listening to music if people around me are being too loud, just earbuds in, as loud as I can stand. As far as my more general anxiety... I kind of don't cope. oops. Following this thread for other ideas though. <3
mm, when i get anxious i used to whine about it at first to someone, if i was out with friends or something. i realized how annoying that was and i started to do things on my own--
i have a lot of ways i deal with my anxiety now! i have a playlist that i listen to, and i listen to it when i need a "time out" or something, i also listen to it when i'm doing homework, because it makes me stressed, but that's besides the point. haha.
i also count to ten when i'm just a little anxious, but when i'm really anxious to the point that i start shaking or something, i could / do count up to fifty or something.
my mom also told me that when i'm anxious i just need to understand that i cannot control everything, and i need to put my stress in perspective and think if it's really as bad as i think it is. and if it isn't it makes me feel a little better.
and thennn,, i keep a journal that i write in, so i can figure out whats triggering my anxiety,, and i tend to write in it when i'm upset, stress, depressed, or whatever! that notebook has been through a whole lot with me- ^^''
I've basically grown so cynical and apathetic I just stopped caring about my anxiety.
With me what's been working for years is to try to split the reasons for my anxiety, so it's nothing so general as life stressing me out. First, I try to identify what's making me more anxious at the moment: is it personal life, work life, etc. Then I try to split things by anxiety level and focus on trying to find a solution for the thing that seems more urgent/is making me more anxious and shove the others into a corner until I've dealt with that thing.
I was on Paxil for awhile. I finally weaned off of it, which was not easy at all, because my husband and ESA help me a lot with my social anxiety/stress. I also use roleplays to kind of help or making a new character in docs. Writing poems helps, but sometimes it makes it worse because then I kind of sink in the dark feelings. Certain music helps, but again if it's something like SeaWolf's Whirlpool, it brings me down or makes me stress out more.
Mindfulness, basically. I always try to identify the cause behind my anxiety and then I try to convince myself that it isn't a big deal and that I'm freaking out over nothing as per usual. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I've learned to live with the fact that I'll always suffer from anxiety to some degree.
I have really bad panic attacks when I don't get proper sleep that last like 15-20 minutes and completely incapacitate me so I prioritise my health over whatever I have to do. If I know that I'll have a panic attack that day I'll cancel everything. I know that's not a luxury everyone has but I would just say that you should mind your health as best you can: eat properly, sleep properly, try to get out at least a little if that's your thing or find some sort of hobby that you can do for yourself that is fun.

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