How did the dying primordials word the Great curse...

Rhapsody said:
Perhaps one chief overseer, akin to a Yozi.  Then, parallelling the Third Circle demons, you could have an overseer for each Exalt type.  Under each of them would have to be one for each Virtue, and perhaps then on the First Circle, there'd be one for each Virtue Flaw.  While this may sound unnecessarily complicated, it's how the rest of Exalted works and falls in line.
A slightly less complicated variation introduces one for each Exalt type, and then a lesser one for each Exalt.  The Abyssal 'daemon' gets purged during the process of the spark's corruption, while the Dragon-Blooded's were fairly diluted but still present.

Wouldn't that be great.  The way to cure the Great Curse is... become an Abyssal, and then seek redemption.  Or to learn that a redeemed Abyssal is the only person no longer subject to the Great Curse, and have THAT character pursue the cure.
*sneaks in*

I think The Great Curse was, for awhile, mechanically unique in existence... until the Salinian Working many centuries later.

*sneaks out*
I agree with Haku, the curse I believe was aimed at the Gods, something loosely translated to "I hope your children are JUST LIKE YOU!" as they fell into the abyss...

@Dracian: I love it! That's hilarious! It sounds like something my Eclipse would write up with his circle mates just before he turned into an Infernal. LOL
StarHawk said:
@Dracian: I love it! That's hilarious! It sounds like something my Eclipse would write up with his circle mates just before he turned into an Infernal. LOL
I'm glad that you all are enjoying that.  As I'm sure some of you have noticed I'm not the most articulate individual at times, so it took a bit to properly word that.

Good to bring a laugh to the crowd. :D
StarHawk said:
I agree with Haku, the curse I believe was aimed at the Gods, something loosely translated to "I hope your children are JUST LIKE YOU!" as they fell into the abyss...
Personally I like this one best.

Maybe it was supposed to be a blessing from the Primordials, you know, to congratulate the Exalted in defeating them honorably on the field of battle.

Primordial 1:  "Klaatu verata nik... nickle... neck tie... damn...  What was it?  Uh, klaatu verata ni..." <cough, cough>

Primordial 2:  "Did you speak to the Exalted our blessing?"

P1: "Yeah, yeah... I delivered it."

P2: "Did you say it exactly as we instructed?"

P1: "Maybe I didn't say every little syllable exactly, but basically I said it."

P2: "Good enough.  I never liked em anyway.  And what's with those names?"
I just came here to back Jukashi up. Beings of power and breadth as the Primordials wouldn't put out a contract, but a perfectly encapsulated epitaph of their hatred, in the language that they created for themselves, fraught with meaning and nuance that Mortal minds could never hope to pierce or even ken--and that even the Incarna only understand simple words and phrases, at best.

Beings that wove the Creation were such above, that even the Gods would only understand a bare smidgeon, and that more as training and recognition, like dogs understand a few words, thanks to rigorous training, and maybe association, but not in the true sense of understanding English, its syntax or grammar.
StarHawk--I would like your e-babies. I'll even carry them. You got a beer fountain...and while my nose hates you, I have nothing but great affection for you. That was damn funny.

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