How did the dying primordials word the Great curse...

If they worded it, it was probably in one single word, from their own ancient and mind-bending tongue, which so perfectly encapsulates all their hate and the treachery of their foes in such a manner as to be unfathomable to the puny minds of mere humans.
You're asking a pointless question. I think Jukashi is on the right track.
If you have pesky PCs looking for the exact wording of the curse, I'd have hearing the curse immediately make any exalt limit break. Just for laughs.
Words? Nah...methinks it was a mere gesture or thought...whether this be the proverbial middle finger, or simply a mere expression of their undying hate...
I think, like most of what the Neverborn say, it was a collection of mostly incomprehensible whispers and murmurs that represented one common variable:  'Damn you, you dirty Solars...  and you're little friends, too!'
The curse was directed at the GODs... not the exalts... so...

"Damn you... Damn you, you bastard and you bitches... you'll get yours!"

It bounced on to the exalted... and we know how THAT went.

People might say that the Great Curse and limit breaks are it. But it's not.

I suspect that the Great Curse is a malevolent essence construct that works towards undoing the target just like the Neverborn were. The gods bounced it to the exalts, and look at the ursuptions, the corruption, the infighting.
I very much doubt it was ever detailed, I also doubt that the effect of the curse would be based on wording, rather it would be based on intent. It could even have been enacted with a thought rather than any word or gesture. Come on, if you where a solar and as you killed the great primordial enemy he spoke a vile curse upon your very sole would you not look into the question of its validity, thus there would be recorded from the first age probably being common knowledge, such information was shared in the early first age. Whatever it was it wasn’t something the soldiers of the primordial war could recignise.

Of course, the curse could be as simple as the middle finger raised and pointed at their killers and their damn sun god. ^_^

Which could be taken by the solars as a "victory" sign. ^_-

Yes, the middle finger salute could be popular in Creation in the early first age.
To someone trying to remove or circumvent the curse, exactly how it was applied is incredibly relevant.
To someone trying to remove or circumvent the curse' date=' exactly how it was applied is incredibly relevant.[/quote']
I think that most people who are posting here believe that the way to remove or circumvent the Great Curse will not involve verbal gymnastics or linguistic trickery.  Thus, finding some "specific wording" doesn't really have meaning.

A good example of the counter-argument is Disney's Gargoyles, where a group of Medieval gargoyles are turned to stone until the castle they're defending "rises above the clouds".  A modern millionaire actually accomplished a literal accomplishment of this feat by reconstructing the castle atop a skyscraper, freeing the gargoyles.

It may be that the Great Curse has some condition or wording which the Exalted can find a way around.  However, my personal opinion is that it should be something greater than mere language.
Mine too, but we don't run Pteorak's game, and I try to avoid the little voice in the back of my head that tells me my way is the best for everyone. I don't always succeed, but I try. :)

IMO the problem with applying a wording to it is that it'll have to be incredibly vague (like my offhand and only slightly facetious suggestion) or filled with draconic legalese. Anything in between will have a hole of some sort that will make it rapidly fall apart under player scrutiny.

The vague version is useless in trying to bring it apart, and the legalese version (at least for me) completely breaks the idea behind the great curse.
My guess is it looked something like this:

This curse is entered into effect as of <date The Great Curse was uttered> between the parties hereto, who agree as follows in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein:

1.     PARTIES: This is a curse by and between those who came before the gods and wrenched Creation from the chaotic stuff of the Wyld (henceforth ‘The Primordials’); and the chosen of the Unconquered Sun, Luna, the Five Maidens and the Five Elemental Dragons (henceforth The Exalted).

2.     RESPOSIBILITIES OF THE EXALTED: The Exalted hereby agrees to remain tortured and burdened by the weight of their crimes (henceforth The Great Curse) against The Primordials.  This responsibility shall be performed according to certain specifications provided by The Primordials, and The Great Curse shall be suffered for, and in the name of, The Primordials.  The Primordials are the sole owner of copyrights exclusive to any of The Exalt’s suffering; The Great Curse constitutes ‘suffer for eternity’.  The Exalted are solely responsible for suffering through The Great Curse for the aforementioned duration.

3.     RELATIONSHIP: The Exalted warrant that, The Great Curse shall be disavowed and denied by The Primordials and representatives thereof, nor shall The Primordials be under any legal liability to avow this Contract or the terms herein.

4.     CIVIL LIMITATIONS: Once the limiteth doth breaketh, The Exalts will endanger innocent lives, participate in unwarranted attacks upon individuals associated with the mortal or entities responsible for the downfall of The Primordials, and in general act like absolute weenie heads.  The Primordials are not liable for property damages caused by The Exalted during peacetime or war.

5.     CONFIDENTIALITY: In consideration of the confidential material and plans supplied by The Primordials to assist in the performance of The Great Curse, The Exalted agrees to not reveal any of said confidential material or plans to anyone not working for or in behalf of The Primordials without The Primordials prior written permission.

I hope that helps.
Dracian said:
My guess is it looked something like this:
This curse is entered into effect as of <date The Great Curse was uttered> between the parties hereto, who agree as follows in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein:

1.     PARTIES: This is a curse by and between those who came before the gods and wrenched Creation from the chaotic stuff of the Wyld (henceforth ‘The Primordials’); and the chosen of the Unconquered Sun, Luna, the Five Maidens and the Five Elemental Dragons (henceforth The Exalted).

2.     RESPOSIBILITIES OF THE EXALTED: The Exalted hereby agrees to remain tortured and burdened by the weight of their crimes (henceforth The Great Curse) against The Primordials.  This responsibility shall be performed according to certain specifications provided by The Primordials, and The Great Curse shall be suffered for, and in the name of, The Primordials.  The Primordials are the sole owner of copyrights exclusive to any of The Exalt’s suffering; The Great Curse constitutes ‘suffer for eternity’.  The Exalted are solely responsible for suffering through The Great Curse for the aforementioned duration.

3.     RELATIONSHIP: The Exalted warrant that, The Great Curse shall be disavowed and denied by The Primordials and representatives thereof, nor shall The Primordials be under any legal liability to avow this Contract or the terms herein.

4.     CIVIL LIMITATIONS: Once the limiteth doth breaketh, The Exalts will endanger innocent lives, participate in unwarranted attacks upon individuals associated with the mortal or entities responsible for the downfall of The Primordials, and in general act like absolute weenie heads.  The Primordials are not liable for property damages caused by The Exalted during peacetime or war.

5.     CONFIDENTIALITY: In consideration of the confidential material and plans supplied by The Primordials to assist in the performance of The Great Curse, The Exalted agrees to not reveal any of said confidential material or plans to anyone not working for or in behalf of The Primordials without The Primordials prior written permission.

I hope that helps.
You sir, win.

Oh... and 'Yoink!'
You could also consider the Great Curse akin to a god or high-ranking demon of its own, an intelligent force like the "tempting demons" of some Earth religions, or even something like an astrological effect with an intelligent trigger and sufficient successes.  It was created in the final moments of the Primordial War, born from the death-screams of the Primordials and imbued with a terrible purpose.  Defeating the Great Curse would then involve challenging and somehow defeating this entity.
memesis said:
You could also consider the Great Curse akin to a god or high-ranking demon of its own, an intelligent force like the "tempting demons" of some Earth religions, or even something like an astrological effect with an intelligent trigger and sufficient successes.  It was created in the final moments of the Primordial War, born from the death-screams of the Primordials and imbued with a terrible purpose.  Defeating the Great Curse would then involve challenging and somehow defeating this entity.
Perhaps the most unique look at the Curse I've ever seen in my time here.
memesis said:
You could also consider the Great Curse akin to a god or high-ranking demon of its own' date=' an intelligent force like the "tempting demons" of some Earth religions, or even something like an astrological effect with an intelligent trigger and sufficient successes.  It was created in the final moments of the Primordial War, born from the death-screams of the Primordials and imbued with a terrible purpose.  Defeating the Great Curse would then involve challenging and somehow defeating this entity.[/quote']
Perhaps the most unique look at the Curse I've ever seen in my time here.
Indeed. I think it would be cool to have little gremlin like creatures scuttling about, things that could only be seen whilst in Limit Break, who work to push the Exalt to their.....well.....limits. I don't see these creatures as the whole enchilada, just the drones of the beast(s) - but it's a really cool idea. Nice one, Memesis.
memesis said:
You could also consider the Great Curse akin to a god or high-ranking demon of its own, an intelligent force like the "tempting demons" of some Earth religions, or even something like an astrological effect with an intelligent trigger and sufficient successes.  It was created in the final moments of the Primordial War, born from the death-screams of the Primordials and imbued with a terrible purpose.  Defeating the Great Curse would then involve challenging and somehow defeating this entity.
I like this concept.  A lot.  There's a couple of points I'd see to remedy if someone was to take this and make it the point of a game though.  Everything in Exalted -- Primordials, Deathlords, Neverborn, Gods, Exalts, mortals, demons -- everything is based off a heirarchy.

For the Great Curse to be embodied like this would probably require a host of lessers under one overseer, like the way the souls of the Primordials were a part, but separate, of their entire form.  

Perhaps one chief overseer, akin to a Yozi.  Then, parallelling the Third Circle demons, you could have an overseer for each Exalt type.  Under each of them would have to be one for each Virtue, and perhaps then on the First Circle, there'd be one for each Virtue Flaw.  While this may sound unnecessarily complicated, it's how the rest of Exalted works and falls in line.  

Likely though, this mini-heirarchy would definitely not be welcome in Yu-Shan. It may exist in the Underworld, it may exist in Malfeas, but I rather like the thought it headquarters itself in Creation.
Rhapsody said:
Likely though, this mini-heirarchy would definitely not be welcome in Yu-Shan. It may exist in the Underworld, it may exist in Malfeas, but I rather like the thought it headquarters itself in Creation.
I'd say Elsewhere, myself, with tunnels and/or doorways into Creation. I don't know how it would be able to hide itself from astrological spying if it lived in Creation. But Elsewhere gives it a good hiding place where it can do its damage.

That's where it'd live in my version of Exalted, anyway.


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