Houserules [The Reclamation of Creation]

The shaping effect only comes into play if you kill them with it, to reshape them into something worth Resources.
You're right, gosh darnit! This is why I love a new book, having things pointed out to you that you completely miss because you've only briefly read a charm once!
Ligier said:
To be fair it won't effect Lunars (Immune to shaping effects unless casteless) or Sidereals (Their perfect attack also protects against Environmental effects). So it will be ineffective against more than 50% of Celestials roaming Creation. Even though it's a single mote supplemental attack, it also means that no other charms can be used unless it's part of a combo which eats into Willpower.
Plus, don't most Exalt types have perfect defenses against environmental stuff? It just changes the charm you need to use.

Wait, no, we got authorial statement that it doesn't work that way. Right here, maybe halfway down the page.
Well it doesn't really matter to me because I got rid of tht charm a few days ago when I deceided to take my character in a slightly different direction (3 crafting Defilers is too many!), but I don't think the person you're looking at is one of the authors of the book.

One of the authors does post on the page after the one you linked to and an example of use he gives for this charm is using it to bypass a perfect defence.

"The stunty reality-warping attacks can have some mechanical benefits, but they're pretty much stunt-driven. For example, let's say you're fighting some very powerful lesser elemental dragon of wood, and he has some perfect defense that lets him grow and ablatively shed layers of bark to defend against any attack that isn't flame-based.

Now, normally, your TK strikes would just bounce off this defense harmlessly, but because you can now warp the attack into a sudden burst of flame, you can exploit the hole in his Charm."

I can't say if it would work against HGD if I used the Pinciple Invoking Onslaught to create, say for example, a flesh-eating mist. You could argue for or against it. Like I said, this doesn't really effect my guy anymore but I know that the two other Defilers both have this charm.

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