Houserules [The Reclamation of Creation]


God of Storytellers
Lunars, rejoice: ... rgen_Rules

Infernals may not buy Cult above 3.

Sidereal Akuma that use Fate related charms in Creation create a Blasphemy effect equal to their Essence-1, if they are known akuma.

So, in the grand tradition of bonus points to be given, I'll be giving out Bonus Points for building your Infernal only as follows.

Backstory including your acceptance of the Infernal Exaltation and what you did with it after you escaped the Chrysalis. Include the demon species that carried your Exaltation: 3 points

Pics of your character: 1 point per, up to three pics

At least a three paragraph fanfic of a previous act of villiany: 3 points per, up to 2 stories.
What happens in terms of Sidereal Akumas? Mainly when they try to use Fate related charms.
Their effects still happen, but as a Blasphemous effect, much like if Ligier himself used his own Craft (Fate) in Creation.
Lochar, how do you feel about this bit of pure fluff? I'm just trying to rationalize the whole second favored Yozi thing, which receives no explanation whatsoever in the book.

The Shadow Patron

Each of the Green Sun Princes serves but one master, the Yozi who corrupted and twisted the shard of their Exaltation. While he may heed the will of his overlord's brethren, he does so only because his master wills it so. And yet, the greatest strength of the Princes is their free will, their capacity to defy their masters when there is need for it. And yet, as the Ebon Dragon labored over his schemes, he knew this could only be but a jest–Exalted or not, would any of the Green Sun Princes risk defying the will of a nigh-omnipotent being who could unleash hellish Torment upon them at any time? And thus, he conceived of the notion of the Shadow Patronage. While each of the Princes would still serve but one master, each would also have a Shadow Patron, a Yozi who would act as their advocate against their master. An Infernal's Shadow Patron intercedes on his behalf should he defy his master's will, convincing the offended Yozi to stay his wrath until he sees what comes of the Infernal's rebellion. What's more, an Infernal's Shadow Patron, like a fostering mother, blesses him with their own hellish powers, granting them potent Charms where their master's fall short.
From a purely fluff standpoint that's pretty good.

I more of think of it as it's the same reason why Urges can come from a different Yozi than just the caste's Yozi. No Yozi wants any one other to have too much singular influence on a GSP. With this, even a GSP that ends up with the same Urge as his caste, still has at least a bit of influence from one other Yozi.

But I like your explanation better. :)
So I'm not sure where to put this, but here seems good enough. Given the fluff description, it seems that Green Sun Princes have access to a lot of material goods through the benefice of their patron Yozi - they get free houses, servants, all sorts of stuff that would normally be represented by Resources. Would I be able to use Backing to acquire material goods I might need for missions in creation? For example, gold in order to bribe a leader into accepting a contract or treaty that will help weaken a certain nation?
That would be Demonic Patron.

Additionally, a number of times
per session equal to the Background rating, the character

can convert his Demonic Patron rating into one of the following

Backgrounds: Allies, Artifact, Backing, Command,

Contacts, Cult, Familiar, Followers, Henchmen, Influence,

Manse (of Infernal aspect) or Resources.
However, I will allow the use of Backing to do like Demonic Patron, with a 1 dot penalty. So if you have Backing 2, you could convert it into a use of Demonic Patron 1 for the purpose of getting access to one of the other backgrounds temporarily.
Lochar said:
That would be Demonic Patron.
Additionally, a number of times
per session equal to the Background rating, the character

can convert his Demonic Patron rating into one of the following

Backgrounds: Allies, Artifact, Backing, Command,

Contacts, Cult, Familiar, Followers, Henchmen, Influence,

Manse (of Infernal aspect) or Resources.
However, I will allow the use of Backing to do like Demonic Patron, with a 1 dot penalty. So if you have Backing 2, you could convert it into a use of Demonic Patron 1 for the purpose of getting access to one of the other backgrounds temporarily.
Cool, thanks, I'll probably edit my background appropriately then. What exactly does Backing do in the context of Hell's heirarchy do, then? Allow us to command more and more powerful demons in our master's name and order around their cults with more authority?
Looking at Backing and Demonic Patron again....

I really think GSP were supposed to start with one free dot in Demonic Patron(Your Yozi) instead of Backing(Your Yozi).

Let's go with that instead.
Lochar said:
Looking at Backing and Demonic Patron again....
I really think GSP were supposed to start with one free dot in Demonic Patron(Your Yozi) instead of Backing(Your Yozi).

Let's go with that instead.
I think the reason is because Demonic Patron is for demons less potent than Yozi - Being a Green Sun Prince seems to automatically put a lot of the resources at your disposal that an Akuma or Demon-Blooded would have to take that background to get - I mean according to the background, even the least GSP has two major residences in hell, and free access anywhere he wants to go, as well as free training, material goods, etcetera.

Even 5 dots in Demonic Patron only gives you a 3rd-circle demon as your patron, after all.

Backing it is. Because between than and the free Influence dot, you're getting about the same deal.
Lochar said:
Backing it is. Because between than and the free Influence dot, you're getting about the same deal.
Yeah - although frankly, a lot of the stuff that a GSP is supposed to get seems like it's worth more dots than the game gives you. I assume that's there for balance purposes, but it sort of creates a rift between mechanics and fluff. I mean, a GSP is supposed to be, literally, the highest servant that the Yozi have, barring, perhaps, their own second and third circle demons, though whether you can really count that as a servant is... arguable. As long as they're doing their jobs, they pretty much have the full backing of hell to get whatever they need, since the missions they're sent on are, by their nature, the most important to the Yozi's plans.
That's the problem with basing them off Solars. They only get 7 background points. Realm and Lookshy DB get more background points than an outcaste, because of their greater powers behind them.

Three free dots, of which only the Cult 1 is really any good, doesn't really make up for it.

Let me think on this a bit.
Okay, two questions.

One is regarding Principal-Invoking Onslaught (p. 135). My reading of this charm makes me think that it is meant as a way to bypass perfect defences. It makes the Mind-Hand Manipulation attack an instant environmental attack and most PDs don't defend against environmental attacks (With certain exceptions such as Malfeas's). Is this your reading of it too? I'm just checking here because I think that's what it's intended to do, but otherwise I'm not sure how it really benefits you unless you spend the extra WP to use it as a clinch.

Secondly, a possible custom charm my dude might buy at some point. An upgrade to Constructive Convergence of Principles (p. 136) which is the GSP Wyld Shaping Technique type power. The type of charm, I'm looking for is a permanent upgrade which lets my character manipulate reality in Malfeas easier. Something like:

Demon-Realm Alteration Mastery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Shaping

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Constructive Convergence of Principles

Attuning his nature to that of the Principle of Hierarchy, the Infernal is able to use her authority to better command the infernal essence that flows through Malfeas.

Upon purchasing this charm the Infernal is able to use Constructive Convergence of Principles in Malfeas as if he were in the Deep Wyld rather than in the Middlemarches. At Essence 4+ he instead treats Malfeas as if it were Pure Chaos for purposes of Constructive Convergence of Principles.

I really like the idea of the weird reality shaping my dude can do and I want to build on that. The above example might be too powerful, so there's ways you could reduce it's power while still eventually letting me get it. You could give it a minimum essence of 4 or more to even buy the charm and then a commensurately higher level of Essence being required to gain access to the Pure Chaos effect. Another thing you could do is make my character have to buy the charm a second time to get the Pure Chaos effect (when he reaches whatever level of Essence is required to buy it).

^Oh and your post above raises an interesting question. If someone makes an Akuma, how do their backgrounds work? Do Sidereals still get loads of backgrounds even though they're no longer connected to Yu-Shan? Do Dynasts get their superior version of Manse even if they're no longer a dynast? Things like that. I've made a Lunar Akuma so I don't think it really effects my guy, but it could be something other people want to know.
I'm having trouble fleshing out either of my characters...honestly, I've got a small plot hook in mind for my GSP, but I'm not sure how feasible it is. It involves him trying to restore Cecelyne to her status as a whole and hale Primordial, and he's convinced that what's missing from her is an element of Growth lost to her since Fetich death...and that, in order to both instill growth while maintaining her spiritual desolation, Cecelyne is going to have to consume and absorb Szorney, the Silver Forest. Or they're going to have to join. Or whatever.

I love Szorney for no apparent reason, but about the only thing we know of him is that he's the Silver Forest. :( .

Wish they'd hurry up with the inevitable PDF of cut-out info. A Szorneyian Urge would be helpful.
That's the way I read that Charm.

As for your custom Charm, minimum essence 4. Buy it once for Deep Wyld. At Essence 5, may buy again for Pure Chaos.

Second buy if you have three buys of the prerequisite charm allows you to shape Creation as if it was the Middlemarches, and a third buy at Essence 6 allows you to shape creation as if it were Deep Wyld.
Also, Sidereals need to be created using rogue rules, Dragon blooded using outcaste.
So, in the grand tradition of bonus points to be given, I'll be giving out Bonus Points for building your Infernal only as follows.

Backstory including your acceptance of the Infernal Exaltation and what you did with it after you escaped the Chrysalis. Include the demon species that carried your Exaltation: 3 points

Pics of your character: 1 point per, up to three pics

At least a three paragraph fanfic of a previous act of villiany: 3 points per, up to 2 stories.
So...I'm just spitballing some charm ideas that are stuck in my head.

Desolation-Carving Petroglyph

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: Essence ?, Cult 2; Type: Simple

Keywords: Messianic, Combo-Basic

Duration: Indefinite

Prerequisites: First Cecelyne Excellency

Cecelyne, above all other Yozis, is infinity defined. Through the use of this charm a Green Sun Prince forms a link to a part of the endless desert that not even Cecelyne herself has conceived of yet.

Using this charm requires roughly twelve-hours worth of work, wherein the user etches a complex glyph into the natural features of a place of desolation, utilizing the exacting grammar and syntax of Cecelyne's own laws to so accurately describe a location, it can not help but exist. The created glyph is generally person-sized, and the investment of Essence insures it's stability: not even a glyph inscribed in the sands will blow away until the essence supporting this charm is uninvested.

The player rolls a Charisma + Linguistics check against a difficulty of 3. Success means that the glyph stabalizes. Any living creature that touches the glyph with bare flesh is instantly transported to the area described within--generally, an enclosed desert grotto or similar area of desolation no larger than 100 square yards per the user's Essence. Any attempts to leave this enclosed space are met with frustrating impossibility: there is nothing outside save a cold white nothing akin to Elsewhere--the emptiness of space that Cecelyne has yet to reach. For each extra success on the Charisma + Linguistics roll, the player may define one minor amenity provided by the nature of the area: outcroppings that form natural awnings, luminescent crystals. Such amenities may never include potable water or plant matter.

A similar glyph exists at the center of the created space that returns those within to Creation. Ending this charm destroys both glyphs and shunts anyone in the grotto immediately to Creation. A wise Prince is judicious in their use of this charm: it is an effective hideout, a sanctuary wherein even the greatest blasphemies may be practiced away from the eyes of Heaven...even still, the door does not close behind them.

Word-World Burden

Cost: -- (+5m) Mins: Essence ?, Cult 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Messianic

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Desolation-Carving Petroglyph

Cecelyne gives her favored broad leeway in bringing her words and teachings to the masses of Creation, and by this charm is that task accomplished. When creating a grotto with Desolation-Carving Petroglyph, the user may voluntarily increase the difficulty of the Charisma+Linguistics roll to 5 in order to create the glyph on something movable, most often a tablet of desolate stone. Once created, the tablet serves as a link to the world described within. If anyone other than the creator attempts to handle the target, they must make a Wits+Occult roll or accidentally touch it in such a manner as to activate the link. The tablet may be brought outside of desolated areas by investing an additional five motes into it as a reflexive action, and this investment may be reclaimed immediately upon returning the tablet to a desolated area.

Those who exit through the glyph in the grotto appear at the location wherein they touched the tablet, not the current location of the tablet.

Horizon Distancing Diction

Cost: -- (+15m) Mins: Essence ?, Cult 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Messianic

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Desolation-Carving Petroglyph

By invoking an additional 15 motes in the creation of a glyph, the resulting grotto's area is multiplied by a factor of 10. An additional purchase of this charm, requiring Essence 5, multiplies the area instead by 25.

Glimpsing Eternity Pronunciation

Cost: -- Mins: Essence 4, Cult 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Messianic

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Desolation-Carving Petroglyph

By speaking the unspeakable syllables of a Desolation-Carving Petroglyph, a Green Sun Prince may actively emulate the terrible powers of their Yozi progenitor. Desolation-Carving Petroglyph gains the Sorcerous keyword. Purchasing this charm again at Essence 6+ raises the required level of Sorcery to dispel the magic of the Petroglyph to Solar. Purchasing this charm a third time at Essence 8+ renders the creation wholly permanent: the glyph and grotto are real, connected, inviolate. If the physical glyph is destroyed, the Prince may invoke Desolation-Carving Petroglyph to recreate the link to a specific grotto; this effect applies only to the third purchase of this Charm.

World-Walking Goddess Emulation

Cost: -- Mins: Essence 4, Cult 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Messianic

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: World-Word Burden

Cecelyne's chosen are as free as their progenitor is constrained. When creating a grotto with Desolation-Carving Petroglyph, the creator may spend extra successes on the Linguistics+Charisma roll to create multiple copies of the glyph, either physically anchored or on movable tablets. Only an essence user may remove a tablet from a place of desolation by investing it with five motes as normal. The creator instantly knows the distance and direction of any glyphs she has created, and can reflexively send her senses into any grottoes she has created, though doing so prevents her from sensing the world around her.

By spending 5 motes, the user may touch any glyph they have created and transport themselves to any grotto they've made, even if the glyph isn't usually connected to that grotto.

Worth-Proving Demand

Cost: -- Mins: Essence 4, Cult 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Messianic

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: World-Walking Goddess Emulation

Cecelyne's love is consumptive as fire. It smoothers her beloved like desert heat.

As a reflexive Shaping action (Speed 6, DV -3), the Green Sun Prince may, while in one of her own grottoes, immediately relocate the glyph that returns to Creation. The Green Sun Prince announces conditions to reaching the glyph in a voice that emulates Cecelyne's imperious legalisms: the player selects a logical combination of Attribute + Ability. A successful roll with a difficulty equal to the Green Sun Prince's Essence is required to reach the glyph--Strength + Athletics to climb a sheer wall leading to the glyph, Stamina + Resistance to hold one's breath long enough as they swim through sands to reach it. No one with Essence lower than the Green Sun Prince's may use any charm to supplement this roll: instant effects are negated, and indefinite effects suspended during the challenge. Artifacts and other such external magics function normally. This Shaping effect is permanent until undone by the owner of the grotto.

Love-and-Chains Exile

Cost: -- Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Worth-Proving Demand, Soul-Sieve Transmutation

When utilizing Soul-Sieve Transmutation to dematerialize a targeted foe, that same foe must make an immediate Willpower+Essence roll at a difficulty of the user's Essence to avoid being instantly sent into any grotto that the user bears the glyph for.

Otherworld Insinuation Practice

Cost: -- Mins: Essence 6, Cult 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Messianic, Blasphemous

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Glimpsing Eternity Pronunciation

This charm remains theory: none of Cecelyne's servants have yet developed it because the very idea sends their patron into throes of rage. Originally theorized by an Akuma of Szorney given rather broad leeway in pursuit of his Urge, this charm would--if it existed--expand the sort of elements a Green Sun Prince could incorperate into a grotto by drawing on the influence of another Yozi. While no plant matter can sustain itself within Cecelyne, Szorney's silver trees and brassy funguses could, in theory. No water can flow in her sands, but Kimberry's acrid tides may yet run true. For any creature of the desert, such amenities could easily be adapted to, requiring a month of slow, measured contact and consumption. Life could begin anew, even in the deepest wastes.

Every extra successes garnered in the glyph-creation roll can be parlayed into the influences of a single Yozi, providing either strange water or vegetation. This charm is Blasphemous, not to Heaven, but to Cecelyne herself and it's use would surely result in the user suffering an immediate Torment, even if their Urge was designed by another.

Multiple invocations of this charm blur the borders of the Endless Desert: if these grottoes and glyphs are allowed to exist for a month, all First Circle Demons of the Yozis invoked into it's creation are treated as if they were ultimately progeny of any other Yozi who was involved. Expansions to this charm could theoretically expand this effect to Second or even Third Circle demons, though their costs would likely be dire and the consequences swift if done against the will of the Endless Desert or any of her siblings.
Essence 3 for the first Charm.

Essence 4 for the second Charm.

Essence 4 for the third Charm.

You may not start with any of these Charms, you'll have to spend the time developing them yourself.

Essence remains committed to the Petroglyph at all times while it is in existence.

Glimpsing Eternity requires 1 more dot of cult per additional purchase as well. cult 4 for 2 purchases, cult 5 for 3 purchases

World Walking requires essence 5 and a second purchase to send yourself to any petroglyph wasteland other than the current one.

Otherworld Insinuation increases the Difficulty by 2 instead of being able to spend extra successes. Each +2 gives one other Yozi influence.

Making the Difficulty inflicts 3 point of Limit.

Failing inflicts 5 points.

Botching inflicts the Torment of Cecelyne and the Torment of your patron. Woe to those who botch and have Cecelyne as their patron, as she is liable to pull you directly into her deserts and keep you there.
Ligier said:
One is regarding Principal-Invoking Onslaught (p. 135). My reading of this charm makes me think that it is meant as a way to bypass perfect defences. It makes the Mind-Hand Manipulation attack an instant environmental attack and most PDs don't defend against environmental attacks (With certain exceptions such as Malfeas's). Is this your reading of it too? I'm just checking here because I think that's what it's intended to do, but otherwise I'm not sure how it really benefits you unless you spend the extra WP to use it as a clinch.
At 1 mote a pop it seems a little cheap if it does something as big as removing most perfects, not to mention if it's taken that way it really should go into things like how to calculate trauma-value, or whether Solar survival charms can resist it. I'm not saying I particularly mind if Lochar plays it that way or anything since everyone on the group's going to be on the same side, but mechanically speaking it doesn't seem like something that would be intended for a single-mote effect, especially from the type of people who include a jab at one of the only charms/styles that actually tries to get round perfects in text of Black Mirror Shintai. Anyway I'd best say no more on that and start working on my character.
Turning it into an environmental effect allows for a normal save to reduce it from lethal to bashing, and then to nothing.

Just because you get around a perfect doesn't mean it's automatically gonna hurt.
True that, though now that I'm rereading the charms as I do up my character there seems to be a sidebar for this sort of thing on page 124. Guess it depends how you define "appropriate" perfect defences.
At 1 mote a pop it seems a little cheap if it does something as big as removing most perfects' date=' not to mention if it's taken that way it really should go into things like how to calculate trauma-value, or whether Solar survival charms can resist it. I'm not saying I particularly mind if Lochar plays it that way or anything since everyone on the group's going to be on the same side, but mechanically speaking it doesn't seem like something that would be intended for a single-mote effect, especially from the type of people who include a jab at one of the only charms/styles that actually tries to get round perfects in text of Black Mirror Shintai. Anyway I'd best say no more on that and start working on my character.[/quote']
To be fair it won't effect Lunars (Immune to shaping effects unless casteless) or Sidereals (Their perfect attack also protects against Environmental effects). So it will be ineffective against more than 50% of Celestials roaming Creation. Even though it's a single mote supplemental attack, it also means that no other charms can be used unless it's part of a combo which eats into Willpower.

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