House Vahlour (Reboot)


Aki of Hearts ♡
Akihito submitted a new role play:

House Vahlour (Reboot) - House Vahlour's story returns. What adventures await?

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~The Beginning of House Vahlour~

499 AD

The story begins with a young boy. He was born in an alleyway in the poorest part of Havendale, King Andrew Edhel III's main city. Back then, King Andrew was the current king of what is later known as United Kingdom. He was renown for his fair judgement and fierce protection of his domain.

Returning to the boy, the boy was the son of a prostitute. The father was some soldier who happened to visit the brothel where the boy's mother worked at. The mother gave birth to the boy. She knew she could not care for him and herself. She decided to abandon him, rather them both dying from starvation or something else that was bound to happen. Just before she left her crying baby, her mother's instinct gave way for one final task. She named her son. Tybalt was the name. The mother did not believe Tybalt would survive but...if even there was a small chance. She would at least know she had named the boy. She would know he was her son.

The mother left and returned to the brothel. No other information was found about her. Tybalt, barely able to move, began to cry. He cried and cried. Commoners and nobles alike passed the alleyway with the crying baby. Not one stopped. Commoners glanced and then hurried along. Nobles did not even look. It was beneath them to even be in this part of the city. Hours passed and no one stopped.

Tybalt surely would've died had not a farmer, no older than twenty years old passed near the alleyway. The farmer, Ellis, knelt next to the crying baby. Not even he knew really the reason, but he took Tybalt from that alleyway, leaving Havendale and returning to his small farm on the outskirts of the city. He had no wife to care for this new baby, he had no children, nor any siblings. All Ellis had was himself and his farm. Yet, that's all that was needed to save a little boy's life.

Ellis gave the boy a name. It was a name that he heard a desperate, weak, and starving prostitute cry as she was beaten for allegedly stealing money from a merchant. For some reason, the name stuck with Ellis. No matter how much he tried to think of a different name for this boy, the only thing that came back was Tybalt. Ellis finally gave in and named the baby Tybalt. Perhaps the name would give the boy a blessing. It was apparent to Ellis that the name the prostitute cried meant something very deep and meaningful to her.

509 AD

Ten years later

Tybalt began to grow older. He was smart, strong, and a hard worker. Ellis was proud to call Tybalt his son. Ellis never did marry. All he needed was his son. They worked together in their small field. They laughed, they cried, they loved each other like any father and son. However, not all good things will last.

Ellis fell victim to a plague that briefly passed through King Andrew's domain. Tybalt, only ten years old then, cried. He cried as he did when he was first born. Ellis only smiled and looked at his son. His wonderful, handsome young boy who he loved more than anything else in this world. His last command to Tybalt was to return to Havendale. Ellis knew that Tybalt was smart, smarter than Ellis ever could be. He knew how to fight as well. Ellis has been a soldier briefly and taught his young son how to fight with a sword. Tybalt had picked it up quickly. Tybalt cried but promised to obey his father's wishes. He would never forget his father and would live on to carry on his family line.

Ellis died two days later. After Tybalt buried his father in their field, he sold the farm. It was sold for cheaply but the buyer promised to never destroy or defile the field. Tybalt left a week later and headed to Havendale. Tybalt tried his best to find a job, anything to keep him alive as his provisions started to slowly dwindle. As smart as he was, no one wanted a nobody. To everyone else, he was just a street rat, scum.

Tybalt was on the street, begging for food. Every now and then some kind person would throw money but most just walked by. Tybalt was convinced he would be meeting his father a lot sooner than he expected. That was when a true miracle occurred. People began to shove and shout. Soldiers marched down the road. Following behind was King Andrew, of all people.

Tybalt, so tired, so hungry, still in grief, did not move. He just stared into nothing, wishing his father was with him. King Andrew passed by him and happened to glance at the ground where Tybalt lay. King Andrew halted his procession and dismounted his horse. A soldier quickly began shake Tybalt. Surely the king was angry that Tybalt did not so much as bow to the king as he passed by.

King Andrew raised his hand for him to stop. He knelt next to the boy.

And he asked Tybalt his story. Tybalt looked up at the kind face of King Andrew and burst into tears. The king looked almost like his father. He poured out his story in sobs and cries. The king was overwhelmed with emotion and compassion. He had Tybalt brought to his castle to be cleaned and fed. Despite his advisers objection, King Andrew raised Tybalt to his personal squire..

520 AD

Eleven years later

Squire Tybalt now Sir Tybalt is being honored. Two years ago Emperor Jiao Yu invaded King Andrew's land. King Andrew defended his land and Tybalt became a knight to also defend his home and his king. In a valiant act of bravery, he protected his king from the Emperor Jiao Yu's personal guard. He drove off the soldiers miraculously and dragged his wounded king back to the safety of the war camp. For his valor, Sir Tybalt was became Lord Tybalt and was given Heavenstone, a beautiful land, as his domain. King Andrew also officially bestowed Tybalt a last name and House. He thus named Tybalt, Tybalt Vahlour, Lord of Heavenstone.

From that day forward, House Vahlour ruled in Heavenstone. Two hundred years has passed. How will House Vahlour's story continue now?



  • No godmodding
  • No bunnying
  • This IS NOT FANTASY. It is more Slice of Life than anything. Please keep that in mind as you roleplay
  • Language is PG-13
  • Romance is allowed and encouraged.
  • To reserve a Role, just PM me (Akihito)
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@kirito1337 @Britt\-21 @Shura11 @SayuriTokage

The beginning of this roleplay starts out with all characters at Heavenstone. They are allowed to be wherever they want but please keep in mind, anyone associated directly with House Vahlour SHOULD be in the Heavenstone Castle rather than the city but are not restricted. The time is mid morning, around breakfast time.


Lord Tybalt Vahlour was up as always. He made it a point to always get up around sunrise. Tybalt was a busy man and ruling over Heavenstone was quite a large task. He preferred to spend his mornings in peace and quiet before Heavenstone began to stir. At this moment, he was on his Hall Throne. Tybalt was listening to citizens and farmers of Heavenstone, each with their own request of Tybalt. Mainly it was demanding him to help them with something or provide them with men to go after someone. Tybalt would usually turn them down respectfully and kindly unless the situation truly called for it, which it usually didn't since most of the stories were exaggerated.

"Goodman Tallbert, you know I cannot spare any of my cooking staff just to appease your festival that consists of only you and your dog. I'm sure you can find a suitable cook to help you with your dilemma." Tybalt said, a bit irritated that such a request was being asked.

Goodman Tallbert shrugged and waddled off, annoyed his request was not granted and muttered about being hungry. Tybalt rubbed his head asking the gods to give him patience. He waved his hand and his Herald ordered the court closed.

"Thank the gods.." Tybalt sighed and stood up, stretching. He spied his loyal Guard, Ulric Danihell, heading toward Amelina's and Katie's room. (@Britt\-21 ) Ulric's job was to guard and protect his two precious daughters and he was most efficient at it.

"Ulric." Tybalt greeted him. "I trust my daughters are well?"

Ulric stopped and nodded at Tybalt.

"Ah, carry on then." Tybalt said, knowing Ulric was not one to talk. Ulric bowed and continued on his way while Tybalt went to his room. He walked to his balcony to observe Heavenstone. It was as beautiful as always..
Katie was up surprisingly. She wanted to see her father, just like always. It was as if she was so attached to her father that she couldnt get away. She pushed open her father's door "Daddyyyyy" the little purple-haired girl called out, running cutely over to her father and hugging his leg "Morning!" she giggled, looking up at him cutely. Her smile was warm and full of life. She also seemed to be jolly and full of energy. "Are we going to do something fun today?"
Tybalt looked down and picked up his youngest daughter.

"Hello princess." Tybalt said, smiling. "Unfortunately, I have my duties today as you know. You will be with your older sister Amelina today. Oh, and Ulric. He should be.. Ah here he comes now."

Ulric stood at the door. He ducked his head and entered the room. He bowed to Tybalt then held his hand out to Katie. Ulric just stared at Katie without any expression. Ulric towered over Katie so immensely that it was like Katie was no more than a doll rather than a child.

"Now go with Ulric to find your sister. Alright? Be a good girl and don't cause Ulric any trouble." Tybalt ordered, kissing his daughter and setting her down.
...Lord Tybalt Vahlour II was known for his charitability, and goodwill, difficult virtues for a good ruler to have and keep. An example of this charitibily was--

Amelina paused for a moment as she glanced over the fresh words she had written. Lifting her quill from the parchment as she read, she delicately dipped it's tip into her inkpot, and continued writing.

--that whenever he happened upon a begger on the streets, he invited them to the castle to be given food, a bath, a fresh set of clothes, a bed for the night, and enough money to get on for at least another month.

Smiling contently at her work, Amelina gently wiped the extra ink off of her quill and tightly screwed the lid of her inkpot back on. She placed the two neatly in the first drawer of her desk, and placed the page she had written on the top of a thick stack of papers. Rufus meowed softly as he jumped up onto the desk and nudged his head against the stack, causing the papers to shift dangerously close to the edge of the desk.

"Now, Rufus, how many times have I told you not to jump up here?" Amelina sighed, as she scooped up the cat and fixed the papers. Standing, she walked over to one of the large windows in her room. Drawing back the curtains with two swift motions of the arm, the early morning light poured into the room and Amelina set down Rufus. She raised an eyebrow at him as he continued nudging his head against her leg, and then she smiled.

"I couldn't stay angry at you if I tried." she sighed, kneeling down and scratching her pet's head.


Aaron, having been up for hours, had just finished feeding and tending to all of the horses in the stables. Caine was still fast asleep...Aaron thought about waking him, but the boy had stayed up late finishing up his chores.

If he just woke up earlier he wouldn't have to stay up so late...

Sighing, the young stable-master started towards the small room that Caine slept in. It was right next to the stables, so Aaron didn't have to walk far. Knocking loudly on the door, Aaron called, "Get up, lazy. Breakfast...!"

He could hear Caine spring out of bed. He wasn't surprised; the boy never missed a meal. The day he did would be a sign of the end of the world.

The little boy sprung energetically from his little hut. If there was one thing he loved more than sleep, it was food.

Aaron tossed a shovel at Caine.

"...huh? I thought you said it was time to eat!" Caine whined, looking resentfully at the tool. Aaron smirked and finished, "After the shovel the stalls. Get to it, muck boy!"

Aaron turned around and started back, Caine yelling at him, "STABLEHAND! NOT MUCK BOY!"


Elsa stared down silently into her empty tea cup, her wrinkled hands shaking slightly as they always did, emitting a clinking sound as the china clattered. Her eyebrows knit together and she shook her head silently.

"What is it, grandmother?" one of the servers asked as she set the table for breakfast. "Is there something wrong with your tea?"

As usual, Elsa was in the dining room before anyone else. She insisted she was supervising, but really, she always made sure she had first pick at the tea leaves.

"No, the tea is delicious..." the old woman said. She looked up and tapped her temple. "...but I've got a feeling up here that something's going to happen today."

The server paused and raised an eyebrow, asking, "Something? Like what?"

Elsa cackled and said, "I have no idea. Just...something. Good or bad."

The server rolled her eyes and smiled, getting back to setting the table.
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Akihito said:
Tybalt looked down and picked up his youngest daughter.
"Hello princess." Tybalt said, smiling. "Unfortunately, I have my duties today as you know. You will be with your older sister Amelina today. Oh, and Ulric. He should be.. Ah here he comes now."

Ulric stood at the door. He ducked his head and entered the room. He bowed to Tybalt then held his hand out to Katie. Ulric just stared at Katie without any expression. Ulric towered over Katie so immensely that it was like Katie was no more than a doll rather than a child.

"Now go with Ulric to find your sister. Alright? Be a good girl and don't cause Ulric any trouble." Tybalt ordered, kissing his daughter and setting her down.
Katie frowned "You're always working, Daddy..." she says, looking over towards Ulric who walked in. He was so tall that Katie would need a ladder to pat his head. As her father put her down, she went to Ulric and reached her hand up, taking his hand. She then looked at her daddy "I'll be good daddy." she smiled softly before looking up at Ulric "morning!"
Sazael was walking around in a large hallway, relaxing by herself before she had to begin her work. The only time she got to relax was before breakfast and late at night when everyone else was asleep, so she cherished the little time she had to herself. Later, she would most likely visit the stables or other places to see that they are in order, but that would have to wait until later. And since it was such a nice day today, she made it her goal to go outside today and enjoy the weather. For now, she inhaled deeply before making her way around the castle.
Leaning slightly out her window, Amelina innhaled the fresh morning air. It really was a nice day. Closing her eyes, the young heir smiled.

Wouldn't it be nice to just go run? Just to see where I end up?

She felt a wave of tranquility wash over her, and she was at absolute peace.

Well, she was for a few minutes. Amelia opened her eyes, which automatically narrowed. What was she doing, thinking about such things.

Shaking her head silently, Amelina pulled back into the room and drew the curtains. Giving Rufus one last stroke, she walked out of her room. Today, she had to go be under Ulric's least she could be with Katie.
Tristan and Joanna

Tristan awoke from his slumber with an overly loud yawn. S
lipping on just a simple white tunic under his leather mail and a pair of trousers, then made his towards his door grabbing his coat along the way. He didn't comb his hair though, he left if down over his eyes rather than putting it back the way it usually is. He slipped his right arm through into his coat first and then his left arm. Like always he was feeling a bit nauseous in the mornings from the night before. "Uhhh... I hate hangovers" He said to him self letting out another overly loud yawn. He walked down the hall a little more passing by his little sisters room, just peaking in to see his father, Katie, and The Giant. He went on, unnoticed, and then passed by his other sisters room. He grunted a little bit, not liking the idea of her being the heir. He peaked in see her standing on the balcony. He just sighed and walked away. Feeling a little better than before Tristan walked into kitchen and only grabbed a bottle of water, as breakfast would still be a little while. Drinking most of it, he poured a little in his hair to cool himself down and he took out a comb from his coats pocket and pushed his hair back into its original position. He then went into the armoury and grabbed his two swords strapping the two hander on over his back and the smaller one hander on his waist. He walked out of the armoury and started walking around the castle again and happened to cross his other sister, Sazael. "Hey sis, haven't happened to see jade anywhere have you? We are suppose to be under her guard today..." he asked.

Joanna was up early in the morning, before the sun rose and all you could hear across the city was the sound of a hammer hitting hot metal. Being the royal blacksmith was not exactly easy. Along with making weapons she had to care for the ones in the armoury as well, which is something that should be done by several assistants along side her, but here she was, all alone, doing everything. She wiped the sweat from her forehead as she had just finished a sword. She picked it up with a pair of tongs and dropped it in cold water. She walked outside. breakfast She thought to herself. She made her way into the castle and towards the castle kitchen. She sat down at the table, near granny, but not within talking distance and just put her head on the table, nearly falling asleep.
Sazael turned her attention to her brother, who had interrupted her when she was relaxing. With an inaudible sigh, she replied, "I have not. However, I am sure we will see her later on in the day." She studied Tristan for a moment, especially his appearance. Knowing him, he most likely went out drinking and got a hangover, not something the eldest son should do. And naturally, Sazael was worried about him. "Brother, did you go drinking again?"
Amelina continued down the hallway, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she did.

If Tybalt Vahlour II was known for his goodwill...then why did he--

The princess's thoughts were interrupted as she caught glance of the older two of her younger siblings talking. They were all technically adults, and Amelina was only three years older than Sazael and two years older than Tristan. The closeness in age between the three made their childhoods full of fun and good times, but it seemed as they all grew older, they also grew a part. Amelina was almost constantly training herself to rule Heavenstone one day, and spent a lot of time studying. Tristan was out drinking all the time, and Sazael was busy all of the time with her duties. Amelina guessed that's why she felt a certain closeness to Katie. She didn't have to worry about all of that...yet.

Amelina stood for few moments, contemplating whether she should bid them good morning or not. In the end, she decided to say a quick hello. What harm would it do? They were still siblings, after all.

"Good morning, Tristan. Sazael." she smiled, nodding at the two as she said their names. It was no doubt Tristan was hungover...again. That didn't really matter. He probably wouldn't stop even if she begged. Sazael looked perfectly groomed, as always. If there was one thing the two sisters had in common, it was their perfectionism.

"How have you two gotten on today?" she asked.
Jade wandered her way through the halls making her possible tenth lap. She'd been up even before the sun had risen to greet the day making her around around the castle and do a bit of training to keep her skill sharp. The woman didn't sleep much but it never seemed to bother her much. She made her way to the dinning hall only seeing Elsa still at the table since the last time she had been around. No sign of the two siblings she was in charge of but part of it didn't surprise her. Sazael liked to make her own walks around the ground on her own in the mornings and Tristan had spent another night enjoying a few too many. Jade worked her back out into the hall and went to see if Tristan was away before overhearing voices echoing about the halls. "Bingo" She thought to her self as she rounded the corner coming up behind Tristan. "I believe a better question would be when is he not drinking." She answered Sazael unanswered question . "Good morning!" She greeted a bit loudly. "Any plans for today?"

@kirito1337 @SayuriTokage
"Ah... Amelina.... Fine. How about yourself?" Sazael said politely, turning to her elder sister. It all honesty, she missed being close to her. She missed not worrying about royal duties and such and just being able to let loose. But surely this didn't apply to Tristan, who constantly went drinking. She was about to say something else before being interrupted by Jade. In a way, it was both refreshing, yet tiring, to be around Jade. She was always energetic which made her feel a bit exhausted, but it was nice. Plus she was very trustworthy and was considered close to Sazael.
Amelina opened her mouth to answer he sister, but he interrupted by a bubbly voice that could only belong to Jade, who hadn't even noticed the young heir. Amelina never really knew Jade that well, since her guard was almost always Ulric, but what the heir did know about her was that she did her job well. In all honestly, Amelina was slightly jealous that her siblings got to be watched over by someone as happy and energetic as Jade. Ulric wasn't much fun, even though he did his job excellently. In an emergency, he could easily carry Amelina and Katie both away to safety...but then again, there were rarely any emergencies.

"Good morning, Jade." the young heir smiled, giving a slight nod of the head.
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Katie frowned "You're always working, Daddy..." she says, looking over towards Ulric who walked in. He was so tall that Katie would need a ladder to pat his head. As her father put her down, she went to Ulric and reached her hand up, taking his hand. She then looked at her daddy "I'll be good daddy." she smiled softly before looking up at Ulric "morning!"

Ulric only nodded to Katie and gestured down the hall. There were voices and Ulric knew it was the rest of the Vahlour family plus the other Vahlour Guard, Jade. He led Katie toward them so he can meet up with Jade and Amelina. Ulric had to bend down quite low to hold Katie's hand. Not one to complain but it was quite a bother to be in this position which is why he preferred it when Amelina was near so Katie would hold her hand instead of his.

He reached to the room where they all were, leading Katie. Ulric eyed them all and bowed to all the Vahlour siblings. Like always, he towered over all of them and as usually, he did not speak unless he was request to. Ulric nodded toward Jade and turned to Amelina, gesturing. Meaning he wanted to know what the plan was for today.
Katie let go of Ulric's hand and she walked over to Amelina "Amelina!" she giggles, taking her hand. She looked at her siblings with a nod "morning!" Katie was like a girl who had glue on her sides. Sticking to any sibling she can get her hands on. "What are we gonna dooo? Daddy had to work today..." she frowned

Amelina had to crane her neck at a near ninety degree angle to look Ulric in the face. Upon seeing his gesture, she said in her most refined voice, "Today, I think I would like to go into town, if possible."

She looked at Katie and smiled, and knelt down to give her sister a big hug, saying, "And how's my Katie today? You're looking adorable, as always..."

She listened to her speak, and replied, "Father has all of Heavenstone to rule over. He works very hard...and I think you'll enjoy what I have planned."

Standing, and then looking back up at Ulric, she continued, keeping her regal tone, "I would like to bring our leftovers from breakfast to the orphanage in town. We have more than enough and I will not see it go to waste."

Amelina had always tried to be charitable to the less fortunate, following the footsteps of her father, her father's father, and all of the Heavenstone rulers.

She blinked up at the large guard, and studied him for a moment. She had known him for many years, and in all that time, he had only spoken a few words to her, and never a complete sentence.

Maybe he can't talk...maybe his education is lacking.

It was a horrible thought, but it was definitely an idea of why the giant didn't speak.

Amelina shrugged, and looked down at her sister, "How does that sound?"
Jade smiled "Good Morning to you as well, Amelina." She greeted "I hope all is well." She looked up when she heard the subtle clank of armor as Ulric entered with the young Katie at his side. She contained a giggled as they approached, it was always amusing to see such a tall and build Guard being lead around by the adorable Katie. "Good Morning" She greeted the two watching as the little girl immediately stuck to the eldest of the siblings. She smiled down at the girl as she pouted. "I'm sure we'll figure out something to do today." She reassured.
Katie looked at her sister, giggling softly as she looked at Jade and then back at her sister "Okay!" she giggles "Can we pick flowers for them too?" she asked, tilting her head softly as she waited for a reply of her oldest sister. She looked at Jade and took her hand too. Now she was holding her sister's hand and Jade's hand.
Sazael glanced over at Ulric and Katie, greeting them politely as she did so. "Good morning Katie, Ulric." It was nice to see her little sister so happy in the morning, but seeing an emotionless Ulric made it not as happy. By now, Sazael was used to it; after all, they were both somewhat they same.
Amelina ruffled Katie's hair and said, "Of course, whatever you want to do."

Her little sister's light mood always put Amelina in a good mood. She was so kind, and gentle. She couldn't wait to watch Katie grow into a beautiful young woman.

Looking at Sazael again, Amelina said, "Maybe this evening we can talk over a cup of tea, if you aren't busy."


Caine sighed, sticking his shovel down into the hay and leaning on it. Dusty, one of Aaron's favorite horses, whinnied at the boy.

"Oh, be quiet..." he grumbled, still bitter that Aaron had tricked him into getting up. He groaned and dramatically shoveled some more muck, heaving it into a bucket.

"It's just not fair..." he whined, throwing down the shovel. Caine knew deep down that it was more than fair. If he wasn't given this job, he'd still be out begging for his next meal.
Ulric nodded at Amelina and waited beside them, taking his place in the most defensive spot to protect Katie and Amelina. He gazed warily at everyone else. Despite them being friends with the Vahlour family, he always kept his guard up. He perked up when he heard Amelina speak of going into town. He frowned at the idea.

"M'lady, I strongly suggest you talk to your father before leaving." He said quietly, barely above a whisper. "It is dangerous."
Amelina turned back towards Ulric's and raised an eyebrow. She was about to open her mouth to ask him how it could possibly be dangerous but stopped. He was only doing his job, and perhaps it would be wise to ask her father if it was alright.

"Very well." she sighed. She gave a shallow curtsy to bid the others goodbye, and asked, "Ulric, would you escort me to my father?"
Ulric eyed Katie, unsure if she would follow but assumed she would. If not, Jade was with her anyway. He nodded and gestured for Amelina to follow him. He headed down the hall back toward Tybalt's room but found it empty. He backtracked to the Hall Throne to find Tybalt reclining in his seat, drinking a cup of wine.

"Ah Amelina, my daughter and heir." Tybalt said, smiling. "What can I do for you?"
Amelina smiled and approached her father, kissing him on both cheeks.

"Good morning, father." she said, taking a step back. She gestured to the giant behind her and continued, "I was hoping Ulric could take me and Katie into town after breakfast. I want to go to the orphanage to give them our leftovers. It would make the children so happy."

Amelina always had a way of sugar coating the situation.

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