House Rules [Through the Looking Glass]


These are the house-rules, I think I've covered everything:

  • Craft is reworked a bit. No five elemental Crafts (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Hea- oh wait, I mean Wood), instead there's only one base Craft. Craft (Elemental). It counts as all five of the others, though the exotic crafts (like magitech) remain the same. Also, none of this "Lowest of four different things" crap, most Crafting will just straight up use Intelligence as the attribute and high detail/really small stuff will use Dex as a limiter. Otherwise, crafting works the same.
  • Some skill names have been changed.
    Ride = Drive.
    Sail = Pilot.
    Archery = Marksmanship.*
    Thrown = Pistoleer*
To explain: Marksmanship covers all two handed ranged weapons and two handed use of weapons such as the pistol. However, using a weapon such as a pistol in one hand uses the Pistoleer/Thrown skill and charms. For Example: Using two pistols at once uses the Pistoleer/Thrown ability, as do grenades and the normal usages of the Thrown abiilty, where-as using a single pistol is Marksmanship.

This is mostly to ensure that the Thrown charm tree's aren't totally lost as well as an attempt to maintain some balance. This has yet to be playtested.
We will be using modified Backing and Resources backgrounds for the Modern Age, which can be found here. Those, and the firearms that are being worked on, will be all we're using from the page.
We're also using a heavily modified Arsenal background to represent effective money you have at the start of the game but haven't invested. Check out the DB's book for the Arsenal background, and multiply the second, larger number by $2,000 for the rating you have. This is the effective amount of money you have to spend on itemws. This could be stuff you bought with money or things you'd stolen. But the Modified Arsenal background is there to represent the amount of stuff/cash on hand you have that you haven't gotten from other sources and doesn't accumulate wealth for you. As such, this background will generally be limited to Character Creation only.
Special Combo Rule: Easier Combo's. An Exalt may add charms a combo after its been created by paying the experience to add just that charm, but going through the full training time.
Making money:

Choose an amount of capital and a way of making money. Roll (Appropriate Attribute) + Bureaucracy and multiply the capital by the number of suxx divided by half (rounding up for Exalts but not rounding for mortals).

Insightful Buyer Technique increases the amount after the roll by 10% in times of plenty, but by 50 to even 100% in times of scarcity, recession, or outright depression.

(More to be added later)
Due to the relative lack of downtime in modern settings, when in the middle of a story arch or such, charms and knacks may be learned after a session as long as the XP is there to learn them with.

Also, ignore the training time increase of not having a trainer.

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