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Futuristic House of Horrors - Government Experiment RP

Zariya: infiltration: dining hall
archur archur Yahhah Yahhah
After Angela had broken the syringe, Zariya looked around. Nobody seemed to care. Zariya shrugged. She imagined the slop transforming into a some chicken and brown rice with a cup of vinegar on the side. The slop in front of her morphed into the food she imagined and she digged in.

Sylvia: facility: outside
open tags
Sylvia felt invisible hands lift her up and transport her into a room. As she looked around, she saw small computers showing many views of the facility.

"Hello, you may not know me but I'm Sharon," the woman reached her hand out for Sylvia to shake. Sylvia was a bit confused. Usually the people at the facility were mean.

"Oh my, I totally forgot to explain myself. I am here to help you guys so there is no need to be scared of me. I would like to know what is going on between Zabaleta and Fenrir." Sylvia thought for a few moments.

"I'm not sure....maybe Fenrir likes Zabaleta or something..." Sharon nodded.

"Okay, off to dinner now!" She magicked Sylvia to the cafeteria.
Daniel, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

David shook his head as the other jumped and then flinched following it. He nodded at the latter question. "D...David. Everyone....child...prisoner here. Staff...not so much. They...they like torturing us," he said. "Nurses...not nice...some very cruel and....sa...sadistic. They follow me from school...house set on fire...parents...siblings...die in fire. Then take me. Been here...two months. Death...only way out...not pleasant. Kids...crazy...sometimes kill other kids...kill staff." The poor child shook as he spoke.

“Wow” Dexter reflected on the kids words, and he held out a gentle hand to hold the kid... but he didn’t get too close, it was up to David to figure if he wanted to be hold or not.

“I’ve kinda known about this place for a while” Dexter confessed “the spirits told me they were after people like me... they told me why everybody went. I knew I had to hide. So I hid close, thinking they’d look further afield. It worked for years. But I was floundering, homeless, behind a dumpster”

Dexter rubbed his neck with his arm in a nervous way.

“I’ve done my screaming. I figured there’s nothing I can do now. I’m scared. No, I’m terrified. But I’m just hoping they kill me quick. I’m not as scared of death as I should be. I know what to do out there. Just gotta make sure the demons don’t get me. That’s not as scary as here”
Zalbaleta, Vaewolf, Outside Facility, Infiltration
Wolf Form: Void
Tags: None

As her second and unexpected prey vanished before her eyes, the wolf still some ways back and hidden within the night sky, an angry howl echoed through the air where the prey had been standing moments ago. Teeth snapping down on air, the wolf turned and scented the evening breeze, soon finding the scent of its earlier prey and rushed after it, moving through the night like a wraith until it found the human struggling towards an old dirt road. The wolf lunged and savagely tore into its meal, claws and teeth shredding the clothing that blocked it from the tasty meat, the woman's screams echoing in the wolf's ears as the nurse was eaten alive.

David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy
"Death would be preferable to this place...along with everyone that's gone insane, child or adult dying in an explosion," said David. "I hear they leave you to rot in the forbidden cells when they don't have any more use of you, when you no longer respond to the experiments they put you through," he said. The child shivered as he spoke, frightened by his words but, so far as he knew, being truthful in his answer. He listened as the older boy spoke of his own power, of seeing and communicating with spirits and he tilted his head to the side. "There's a dhamphir here who says he's psychic as well...something about he was being trained in sixth sense," said the child as the older boy held out his hand to the youngster. "I don't know how true it is, I try not to look at the others. They're all older and scarier."

David slowly and tentatively went forward, the blood no longer present yet he still felt a phantom pain from where part of his tail had been bitten by the rat. Slowly, he took the older boy's hand and turned to sit in the other's lap, the child staring around him with forlorn eyes.
“It’s ok” said the older of the two, although it was empty and a lie. “I wasn’t trained. They say my mother dumped me because she held me and saw the devil. But I don’t know if that’s true. I never used to be able to control my power. And the demons used to take my energy making me have seizures. I was the weird kid at the orphanage all my life.”

Dexter smiled, holding the younger, but, perhaps no smaller, boy closer to him. He’d have never let this happen in the real world. But, now, they both needed that comfort.

It was then Dexter realised he looked hideous, and smelt even worse.

His scrawny knees poked through holes in his trousers, his shirt was holey and his jacket thin and worn. His hair greasy, his face smudgy.
“Will I at least be able to wash “ he said lightly, trying to change the subject.
David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

David shook his head as the older boy explained how he had wound up so close to the facility and knowing of it, of his own power. Asking finally if they would be able to wash, the child was silent. "No...there's no showers in facility for prisoners. We wash up in sink when wake up at very early hour...all children...no matter age. Then chores, experiment, lunch, public announcements, punishment, experiment, blood testing...some staff have a habit of chopping your limbs off, chores, dinner, bedtime...not sure about after. They feed you in cell during breakfast."
Dexter sighed... this was so messed up.

“I’m sorry you’re here. I’m sorry I’m here. This isn’t right. We’ve done nothing wrong, we’re just different.”

He held the kid closer now as if he was somehow being protective. His heart beat through his scrawny chest and onto his new friend

“All I can hope for is death quickly. For the both of us. And I mean that in the nicest way possible, I know it sounds horrible. But.. I’m not supposed to say this... but you need it. You’ll enjoy the afterlife. I’ll look after you there. We’ll have fun. I promise “
David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

"I could have died earlier today...Fenrir...he put me up against the scary lady that can put herself on fire and turn into other strange things...like rocks and water," said David. "But...but somebody else took my place so I wouldn't risk death or injury." As he listened to the other, the boy whose name he didn't know wrapping his arms around the child and holding him close, David snuggled into the older boy's grip though knew when it came time for the next torture session that he would have to be sure he was back in his cell or get in trouble. But he was reluctant to go out again and risk death by the rat that had chased him when he'd wandered around looking for food. The older acted like he was telling David a secret when he spoke of death being better for the child then being here, that they would have fun and the other would take care of him when they were dead. "How can we have fun when we're dead? How can you take care of me if you're alive and I'm dead?"
“I can... go to where you go when you die... that’s all. It’s a big open flat space... mainly dark. But you can see. Everyone who’s ever died is there. So it’s a pretty big place. But... everyone has enough space... you just gotta find people. That’s the hard part. But... it somehow works.”

Dexter rubbed away some flaking dry skin off his dehydrated lips
“It’s super hard to explain. But it’s not like earth. Things work differently. Your dead mind is so much more powerful. You can almost conjure up what you need. Your house. Your toys. It’s weird. I’ve never done that yet... I’m not dead. I’ve just seen people do it! I’ll let you meet my spirit friends. They’re nice too! One guy is from medieval England.”
Daniel, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

Naturally, none of this made sense to the seven-year-old who didn't understand death or what it meant to die. But, strange as it was, the way it was described to the child caused him to almost wish for it to happen. Sad as it may be, not that anyone cared...except maybe the child's new friend? Were they friends? David didn't know. "What medieval?" he asked, trying to sound out the word and pronouncing it "mid-evil". "Does dying hurt? Are there mean spirits?" He didn't want to die if it would hurt. David didn't know of death but he didn't want to be in pain when he was in pain constantly here.
“I don’t know if it hurts. The spirits won’t tell me. They say you can’t know until you found out. Me just being there is too much, apparently. I’m sorry I can’t help you much.”

Dexter smiled at the kid. He was sweet and innocent which made his next words even more harrowing to say.

“Yes.. there are bad spirits. Of course. But the good far outnumbers the bad. And the bad don’t have a greater amount of power. You just have to avoid them.”

He laughed again... he had forgotten how his words could get lost in a child’s head.

“Medieval... it means a very long time ago. 500 years, maybe”
Abbie Carlston- Facility, Dining Hall
Maximus shape- Fox>Leopard
Tags: radical radical
Abbie was pretty surprised when another girl was teleported into the room. She didn't know that people could teleport. But she guessed if people could turn into snakes, and light themselves on fire she shouldn't be too surprised. Maximus seemed bored. The fox was lying on his back on the table. Legs in the air, tongue lolling out. "Where do you think she came from" asked Abbie? Pointing over at Sylvia. One of Maximus' eyes flicked open to inspect her. "Don't know" he said. Abbie put a hand on her chin. Maybe it was time she talked to someone. "Think I should talk to her" said Abbie. Maximus got to his feet and shrugged. Which was a weird thing to see coming from a fox. "If you want" he said.

Abbie looked over again. "What if she....does...something" said Abbie. Another flash of light, and Maximus was sitting on the table as a golden spotted leopard. The biggest thing Abbie had ever seen him become. "I won't let you come to harm" he restated his previous promise. Sometimes Abbie felt like Maximus did more of the protecting then Abbie. It was supposed to be a partnership. Abbie gathered her courage, and walked over to Sylvia. "Hello"? She said experimentally.

Ren Fox- Facility, Dining Hall
Form: Human
Tags: radical radical , archur archur
Ren looked over to find out that the girl had managed to change her food into something else. Must've been using magic'n'shit. "Neat trick" he said before continuing with his own dinner. Which sucked but it was food, so that was helpful in the very least. Ren wasn't really one to complain. He looked over at the other one with a computer screen for a head. There was writing on its face. It said I hate this food. Ren agreed. "Yeah" he said.
“I don’t know if it hurts. The spirits won’t tell me. They say you can’t know until you found out. Me just being there is too much, apparently. I’m sorry I can’t help you much.”

Dexter smiled at the kid. He was sweet and innocent which made his next words even more harrowing to say.

“Yes.. there are bad spirits. Of course. But the good far outnumbers the bad. And the bad don’t have a greater amount of power. You just have to avoid them.”

He laughed again... he had forgotten how his words could get lost in a child’s head.

“Medieval... it means a very long time ago. 500 years, maybe”

David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

David continued listening to the words that were said concerning there being bad spirits but the good spirits beat them unlike here where the bad people beat the good people...or at least the slim nice people were beaten. The child wasn't sure about a lot of people here. "How do you know bad spirit from good spirit?" he couldn't help asking, somewhat deflating as he heard that the older boy didn't know if it hurt when one died. "It okay. If you died, you safe and me be eaten by rat," said David. The nice protector boy was even nice enough to explain mid-evil to him, though it was still a lot for the youngster. "Oh...that long time. Can spirit come and kill bad people and insane kids so they no hurt us?"
Tioni sighed, boredom making her attempt to stand up, her legs wobbling and almost making her topple over. She smiles at fbe fact that she healed enough to stand, and takes a step, realizing if she walked quickly, it would hurt less. So she leaves her cell and almost runs haphazardly to the dining room, running into, into a? This human is powerless. Or maybe he just has powers I can't sense... I hope its the latter..... She thinks as she looks into his eyes. She had knocked him onto his back and had fallen on top of him. "I'm sorry.. Didnt mean to run straight into you!" She stands up and holds out her hand, wanting to help him up.

CharlieBoy CharlieBoy
Last edited:
Sylvia: facility: dining hall
Yahhah Yahhah
"Oh, h-hello," Sylvia replied. She was a bit hesitant. She could sense fear in the girl but also courage. Sylvia also noticed a peculiar specimen beside her.

"Um, I hope you don't mind me asking but what is that animal by your side? Actually, nevermind. I...um....a.... gotta go get dinner." Sylvia's cheeks flamed. Usually people went out of their way to ignore her or avoid her so she was surprised when the girl had come straight up to her. When Sylvia had received her food, she quickly wolfed it down.
Silence: facility: hallway
Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
Usually during the late night torture sessions, Silence would ditch them and head to the forbidden cells. While he was thinking, he bumped into the girl with the spider plush. Immediately, the other's interest was piqued. This girl smells like insanity, I would love to have a bite, sneered the other. The teen gulped, he could only hope that the other wasn't going to feed. Good luck keeping me away this time, I'm still hungry, you know?

"No thanks, not this time," he mumbled. Like every other time he said or thought that, the other chose to make an appearance.

"I decided to be a gentleman and I have decided to have a chat with my meal. You reek of something so evil, yet so innocent, how is that so? It's almost as if you are sour with sweet insides."
David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

David continued listening to the words that were said concerning there being bad spirits but the good spirits beat them unlike here where the bad people beat the good people...or at least the slim nice people were beaten. The child wasn't sure about a lot of people here. "How do you know bad spirit from good spirit?" he couldn't help asking, somewhat deflating as he heard that the older boy didn't know if it hurt when one died. "It okay. If you died, you safe and me be eaten by rat," said David. The nice protector boy was even nice enough to explain mid-evil to him, though it was still a lot for the youngster. "Oh...that long time. Can spirit come and kill bad people and insane kids so they no hurt us?"

“Haha. I wish.. but no. They can’t. The spirit world and this world don’t work in canon. Which means together... kinda. It’s not like you read in books or on films. Once you’re a spirit, you can walk around the living world... but you can’t do much else. You can’t “haunt” like you’d imagine. Nah, that’s all made up.”

Dexter held the little kid closer to him. It was too much to bear knowing this little boy was being subjected to the same amount of torture as this practical adult.

“I wonder what time it is... it feels like it’s getting dark. Why don’t you hide here? If they’re looking for you, If you become a mouse, I’ll hide you in my pocket. If they take me away, I’ll take my jacket off first.”
David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

David's face fell at hearing that the spirits couldn't come and kill all the bad and insane people. He wished he could help the spirits come and kill the bad and insane people within the faciity, even if it was for selfish reasons on the child's part. But the boy who spoke about the spirits with ease and was nice to him seemed to know what he was talking about, causing a sigh to escape from the seven-year-old. "Wish I could help spirits too," said David.

The child snuggled further into the older boy's grasp as he was held closer, not knowing the other's thoughts. He then spoke about the time and then asked or offered...David wasn't entirely sure but was getting tired all of a sudden...to hide in the boy's pocket again if he shifted into a mouse. The child's face scrunched up in thought before slowly nodding. "Don't know what time it is...but in trouble if bad people look for me. You...safe....and nice," he said. The child didn't know about how his tail would be but slowly began concentrating and painfully began shifting into a mouse, it was obvious the transformation caused stress on the child's body and pained him as he shrank in size, bones and muscle, organs shifted and broke to reform. The first thing that would be noticed would be the shrinking, the older boy suddenly getting much bigger and taller as he shrank down several feet, the boy looking like a skyscraper when he was done. His backbone made a slight grinding noise as it collapsed into a size slightly smaller than his little finger. His tail bone sprouted out into a tail, the injury still there, thin and longer than his body. Large ears sprouted from his head, his face pushing out and causing the bones in his face to break and grind together as it formed into a narrow yet sharp muzzle, brown fur sprouting over his body, causing his body to bubble like it was on fire, then itching as it sprouted in patches until he was no more than 8 cm long with a normally 10cm tail which was half that at the moment. The mouse's fear kicked in as soon as he became a tiny bundle of fur with barely visible feet, squeaking loudly and scurrying frantically on Dexter's lap in fright.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” Dexter said picking the boy-turned- rodent up in his cupped hand and holding it to his body. With one hand he took off his coat and put it in a comfortable heap on the floor, with enough ridges for a mouse to hide in. He put the mouse down into it.

“Here..” Dexter continued, tearing a part of his tshirt from a pre-existing hole, ripping of a long strand of fabric. “Please... stay still. This won’t hurt”

Carefully, he wrapped the fabric tightly around the injured tail like a bandage.

“It’s not the most sterile... or clean..: but it’ll stop the bleeding”
David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility

Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

Tiny claws scrabbled over the boy's hand as the mouse was picked up, the skinwalker always having the animal's instincts and mind in with his own, the DNA of the creature swimming around within his body yet remaining separate from his own DNA. Beady eyes stared fearfully around him as the mouse shook against Dexter's body as the adult tried comforting the boy-turned-rodent, the sound of fabric being dropped to the floor and he suddenly found himself within the folds of the coat. He heard words, his ears twitching at the vibrations echoing through the air above and around him before something large leaned down and the mouse froze in his movements, turning like a statue as the giant beast leaned over it.

Tearing...something soft draped around his injured tail and was tied tightly, the mouse's nose twitching all the while, until the beast spoke again, the words rumbling like thunder in the mouse's ears. Not able to communicate or respond when an animal, the mouse flicked his tail before scuttling for and disappearing into the confines of a pocket in the jacket, shaking but the darkness of the pocket as it closed off all sound and sight, slowly relaxed the boy-turned-rodent so that he wasn't freaking out as much anymore. It would allow Dexter to pick up his jacket if he so wished for some form of warmth.
Dext r was amazed at how different the kid was to his mousy counterpart, but he let the mouse be. Dexter certainly felt the cold without his jacket, but he huddled himself up more so his arms hugged his knees.

He sighed as he waited, staring at the door, wondering who,if anybody, was going to come through the door next. What were they going to do to the young man? Dexter didn’t really want to think about it, so he buried his head into his knees and groaned.

It was so hard to relax when there was very certain danger on the horizon.

She bumped into silence and before she could make a response he spoke to which she replied with a smile. " Oh I wouldn't say I'm Innocent but evils pushing it a bit far.... I mean it could do something with my insanity but that apparently repulses everyone. " Her response showed no hesitation, fear or bloodlust, all that was in her voice was a twisted kindness. " You called me your meal right? I've commuted Cannabilism once or twice to survive these nine years so I can't really downfall it..though I really wouldnt reccemond me..... My subjects would hate that" as she said that a manner of poisonous bugs crawled out of her sleeves clinging to the arms of her jackets as spiders were on the ceiling above. All the same she herself showed no signs of anger or bloodlust only kindness.

radical radical
David, Skinwalker, Jail Cells, Facility
Animal-House Mouse

Tags: CharlieBoy CharlieBoy

The mouse yawned from within the confines of the pocket, being relatively left alone and snuggled down deeper into the dark of the cloth around him, eyes soon falling shut as he fell asleep within the safety of the numerous folds of the coat upon the floor. The mouse's instincts were in full control, no sign of the human would be visible if its mind were to be examined at the moment but here the boy-turned-rodent felt safe, almost safer than in his own cell.

Vamond, Dhamphir, Jail Cells, Facility
Tags: None

Vamond had finished dinner and then headed back to his cell to sleep the rest of the evening, thankful that he had several months left before he was to be subjected to torture past 9PM. The dhamphir was glad of the rest but seriously hoped the kid who had stabbed him, accident or not, got killed soon. With such thoughts, he soon drifted off to sleep after collapsing on his cot.
By now, Dexter was getting strangely bored. If they were going to torture him, just do it, he thought. He wanted to get it over with, but he’d been locked away for hours, he couldn’t even hear anybody outside.

His only company had been a young boy, now he’d turned into a mouse that Dexter was pretty sure was asleep. He was tired. But couldn’t sleep. He’ll, he didn’t even have energy to pass into the spirit world for company.

He sighed a sigh that seemed to be occurring too frequently for comfort. The waiting seemed like a mild form of torture in its own right.
Abbie Carlston- Facility, Dining hall>Cell
Maximus Shape: Leopard>Grass snake

Abbie cocked her head to the side. Why had the other girl run away. Abbie thought she had to be the absolute least threatening person in this place. Maybe Maximus had scared her off. Whatever, it was time to go back to the cell anyway. Maximus gave a laugh. "I believe you scared her" he said. Abbie shook her head. "I don't think so Maximus" said Abbie. The leopard stretched and showed his teeth in a massive yawn. "You don't give yourself enough credit" said Maximus. Abbie thought for a minute and began to walk off. With another small flash of light Maximus shifted into a snake and slithered forward coiling around Abbie's leg. "I don't think it sounds amazing to have everyone scared of me" said Abbie. Maximus didn't comment on this until they reached their cell. "Most around here hold fear as a badge of honor" he said. As Abbie lay down to sleep. The snake coiled atop her sleeping form. He'd stretch his legs while the older children were gone. The guards were distracted then.

Ren Fox- Facility, Dining Hall>Experimenting room
Form: Human
Ren made his way to the experimental rooms quietly. He doubted he'd get away with nothing twice, but he still hoped he didn't get picked to let the beast out. He simply didn't have much to say. The wolf was quiet as well. Not bothering Ren with its endless name chatter.
Zabaleta, Vaewolf, Outside Facility>Fenrir's Office>Experiment Room, Infiltration
Tags: None
All of a sudden Fenrir appeared before the wolf as she was finishing up her meal. "I see you made a mess," he said as looked down dismissively at the dead nurse that was nothing but bones, the wolf finishing up the meat on the arm and cracking through bone, tongue scraping up the marrow. "Done? You'll get a chance at blood tonight but for now..." the wolf suddenly found itself grasped and within a cold running shower, causing the wolf to yelp at the sudden change in temperature as the water washed the blood off its body that had been there when it had been eating. When the wolf was completely blood free and soaked to the bone, Fenrir removed the collar, allowing the naked woman out to dry off and get dressed before explaining she could torture the boy who had attacked a couple of other children in the last torture session and needed to make him pay for the blood of two...whether he died or not was of no particular consequence to Fenrir but yes, she could feed off of the boy if she wanted. She was then instructed to come back to his office when torture session was over.

Nodding and shivering still before her temperature heated up, Zableta left Fenrir's office and made her way towards the experiment room where she entered and calmly looked around, having been shown a picture of the boy she was allowed to attack and get blood off.

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