House Of Freaks (Always open)

*jumps in* I'd love to help you make this undead. O u O


Name: Micah Bayard

Age: 17

Personality: Micah is a gentle person; he handles situations with a soft hand. He’s quick to notice when someone is in pain or needs help, and he tends to go out of his way to fix things. Loyalty is one of his strengths; he views his friends as family and often takes comforting them into his own hands. Some people take this as being nosy. He’s very open about his opinions and feelings, if he doesn’t like you, he’ll point it out, but in the nicest way possible. Micah is typically wary of funny, outgoing people because they intimidate him and he feels he can’t keep up with the conversation. The possibility of him snapping, lashing out, or becoming angry would be derived from a loud or stressful agreement or situation. It isn't rare to find him staring into space, he can be an airhead and fall into daydreams on a regular basis.

Species: Micah is part fish, the tail is a transformative ability, when he isn’t swimming he appears to be a normal human. He can stay underwater for around half an hour. (Note: his eyes have adjusted, he can see in deep water where light doesn’t reach.)

History: Grew up a single child to both parents, they were unaware of his abilities. They moved often, hopping from city to city, some of which were far from the sea or lakes, causing him unhappiness and a lack of close friends. Micah finished school and is recently living on his own, working any jobs he can get his hands on. Rent is currently a pain, so he’s currently looking for a place to stay that’s cheaper. (-will probably add more down the road when I'm not lazy-)

Other: Micah despises spicy food, he can’t handle. Just. . .don’t feed him spicy food.
Name: Alex Zephyr

Age: 16

Personality: Alex is usually a cool person to be around but she does have a short temper and a tendency to growl. There are times when she may act like an affectionate little kitten and purr but it all depends on how she feels. She is a tomboy and pretty much dislikes anything girly besides girls. She hates being woken up because she enjoys sleeping and can be found napping in a high place.

Species: 60% Human 40% Tiger

History: (OPT) Well she was born like this. Her mother almost 100% tiger and her father was half and half, she is the result. Sadly her parents were immediately hunted down for this 'abomination' and killed on her birthday. Her mother told her to hide in the forest because that's where her tiger sister that was only related by DNA was living. So she grew almost feral but retained her humanity and soon had to flee after hunters began to hunt down all tigers for their fur. That's how she found herself searching around for a place to live. Everyone just assumes that she is a boy because of the way she looks and her voice that could belong to either gender. She doesn't really care though because she is kinda tall for her age, around 6ft tall.

Other: Has all the traits of her feline side which sadly includes a reaction to cat nip. Excellent eye sight, balance, and agility.

Looks: (Pic) The attachment<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/preview4bb3fc3bff74dcb11e455298b21e3234_large.jpg.9c2dc4f6dcff8cc52266353afa7559ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/preview4bb3fc3bff74dcb11e455298b21e3234_large.jpg.9c2dc4f6dcff8cc52266353afa7559ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Here's my peep ?


Name: Boone J. Ramon

Age: I'm 15 and a half.

Personality: I am not the boy you would see casually walking into Walmart. I'm not the boy who will go to school, and tease girls. And I am not the boy you would call 'normal.' I am the boy that hardly walks around in public, the boy who stopped going to school after 10, and the boy who is not normal. I think of myself as scary. Sort of rude, and maybe a freak. When I was 10, I had some freak accident, and I never liked myself after that.

I don't like describing myself, because it's just too hard. But, all I will tell you is that I'm sarcastic, rude, closed, and dangerous. I'm what you would call a bad-boy. I never listen to people, and I would rather work alone.

Species: 90% Human, an 10% Dragon. I know right. I'm Bad A. I have dragon wings, and unusual eyes. Their gold, with a bit of red in them. And I can even breathe fire. Sometimes, I even can change my tongue into a dragon tongue. But, I can always change it back. By ears are a bit pointy.

History: I grew up 100% human. No dragon crap. I grew up with a mother and father, and a little sister who is five years younger than me. She Kala.

I actually don't remember much of my past. You see, I had a freak accident. But, I'll tell you all I remember. Which isn't much. Here we go...

I had gone to school one day, and I have no idea what day or what day of the week, and I was 10 years of age. So I was in fourth grade. I think... but anyway, it was the end of the day. I grabbed my stuff and threw on my back pack. And then, as I was leaving for the bus, someone grabbed me. And then everything went dark.

I woke up on a cold couch. Actually it wasn't even a couch, it was a bench. A doctor bench. I blinked and looked around. Nothing was there. No one was around. And I was shirtless. I looked down at my chest and saw there was stitches near my heart. I was scared. So I ran out, and there was no one around. I busted through the doors and it was freezing out, so I hugged myself. And then I felt my scaly wings. I was scared, and as the minutes past, I realized what happened. I was experimented on, and turned into a freak.

And so, I lived on my own for 5 years. Having no idea where I was, walking all day trying to find a person, and having to hunt my food. And then one day, I found a small town. And there was this building. And so, this is how I got here. Ta-DA.

Other: I have a dragon tattoo crawling up my back. I guess it's a symbol. It just appeared there when I had my freak accident.
Looks: (Pic)

Name: axel

Age: 18

Personality: axel is very playful, normally playing games like chess and checkers. He is very calm and collected too normally only fighting when he wants to, and even sleeps soundly during a fight. The way he looked and acts, some people mistake him for a girl.

Species: cat person

History: -

Other: the ribbon he carries iss what shows his likeness to the colour pink, he is very flexible and is able to evade almost anything.
Name: Luna, Lumeire

Gender: Female

Race: Lycan

Age: 17

Bio: Luna was born under a starry moonlit night in January she was born extremely pale and weak her parents didn't know if she would make it... her father knew black magic and he sold her soul to the spirits of the moon linking her very life line to the moon as long as it stands in the sky Luna will be there to see it she is a Lycan or 'werewolf' she can willingly change into a white wolf any time she pleases she has a mark on her neck showing the wolf's curse she hides it under a choker that she always wears, she's a hopeless romantic that falls in love easily

Appearance: text blue eyes skirts long hair rings open mouth braids white hair choker anime girls hair_www.wall321.com_72.jpg

Other: she's bisexual although she prefers guys
Sorry I haven't been on in A MILLION YEARS. I had some things come up, and lost the habit of checking this site everyday

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