House Of Freaks (Always open)


Name: Jimmy (Jim) Coker

Age: 20

Personality: Jimmy is very quiet, saying he has almost no feelings what-so-ever. He likes being outside, and being alone. He is afraid of socializing with others, and doesn't like other people. He likes to exercise, although it doesn't do anything but perfect his physical image. He s a slight perfectionist, and gets frustrated easily.

Species: Zombie (Not the kind you are thinking of) - Jimmy is a different kind of "Zombie". He does not have a heart beat, and the only organ that functions is his brain. He has little feelings, and only the strongest come through. He walks and talks like a normal person, but he cannot eat or drink, and doesn't feel much pain. He looks like a plan man, and lives the part daily, trying to figure out the mystery of his past.

History: Jimmy remembers nothing of his history, except his parents abandoned him at birth, and having to live in foster homes for his entire life. He was never accepted in society, he was bullied, and forever labeled "Freak."

Other: He is Bisexual, although it takes a lot for him to feel love. Alot.


Name: Wisdom VonHarris

Age: 18

Personality: Wisdom is introverted, and very self conscious. She doesn't like to be alone, but she isn't very trusting with anybody. If you can prove yourself to her, maybe she will trust you. A little.

Species: 75% Human, 25% Polar Bear

History: Wisdom's foster family was involved deeply within the government. Her father was a NASA Lab scientist, and her mother, she didn't know. She had been with the family ever since she could remember, and had trusted them with all her heart. But one day, that trust was broken. Now she is mentally and physically scarred. She suspects it was her father that took her, but from then on she was subject to many government experiments, which have caused her to be what she is today. The freak girl no one loves.

Other: Wisdom is quite tolerant to cold, and her hair is naturally white. She also has a polar bear "Tail"
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Name: Taryn Kreida

Age: 23

Personality: Taryn sort of tries not to spill out too much information since she is basically known to 81.1% of the planet. She is witty, angry, strong, cold, somewhat harsh, likes to get things done quickly, and in a way, she is jealous of not being normal. At some point.

Species: Cynan. (Shifted)

History: Ever since she was fifteen, she went out to a small field where she spotted something with a huge explosion of green energy crash in the field nearby. She told her parents that she was going to her friend's house, when really, she went to the impact sight. Taryn walked in a cave-like thing, where she saw this floating artifact that reached out an arm of green energy, making her this tall, pale green Extraterrestrial. Now, she went to war. You may have heard of her, so might know half of her past.

Other: She gets pissed easily.


Name: Luciana Coil

Age: 17

Personality: Luciana is a tough girl and often seems cold and calculated, she had a short fuse and she won't let anyone intimidate her. She is the typical Metal/Rock chick and will never be the one to give up. She will get what she wants and she is very competitive. Though she never knew who her parents were, she mostly has been in forter homes until she was 16 and could live on her own while living on a full sholarship.

Species: Minotaur Shifter

Other: When angry she can shift into her Minotaur self. Her weakness being loud noises.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Spencer.jpg.f84783a493b26c4dcdef66a5df310c76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Spencer.jpg.f84783a493b26c4dcdef66a5df310c76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Spencer Killy.

Age: 15

Personality: Fun, loud, flirty, energetic, daring

Species: 80% Human 20% Vampire

History: Doesn't talk about it.

Other: Big flirt.



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Looks: (Pic)


Name: Nicolette

Age: 16

Personality: cute, funny, outgoing, sweet

Species: elemental

History: (OPT)

Other: can control air, earth, water, fire. can play guitar and sing :)

(i will have to join later today... gtg)
Looks: (Pic)


Name: Sven Volks


Personality: He is a nice guy who is almost frighteningly nice to everyone until someone makes fun of him then he loses it. He is simply a big teddy bear that loves to talk. He is quite dashing but kind of oblivious to it other wise he is ditsy.

Species:40% Butterfly 60%Human


Other: He has large butterfly wing that he can hide and antennae that he can also hide. His wings can influence fear or love depending.
Looks: (Pic)

Name:Evra Rea


Personality;She is Hyper like she has eaten way to much sugar and loves to be sarcastic.She will pretty much talk to anyone,but hates to feel cornered or trapped.

Species:67% human,33% snake. Evra has purple,blue,green and gold scales all over her body(Mostly on her legs,arms and back.There are some the go across the bridge of her nose,but besides that she is good) and she is very sensitive to temperature,because she is cold blooded and can't regulate it like a human being.But she is extremely flexible and can fit in places most people can't.Also her bite is vemoness.

History: (OPT)Evra wasn't born like other Avian grafted DNA freaks she was hatched from an egg and was made from a mixed hybrid of snake and human.She grew up in a lab in Oklahoma,where she was experimented on daily.She was there greatest experiment they would say,all because she start from an egg.Evra doesn't really remember how she escaped,but what she does remember was the taste of blood in her mouth and a woman screams.

Other: She has fangs like a snake,but No one really knows what kind of snake was made from.Its rumored that she was made from multiple DNA strands from different types of snakes. 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/purple.jpg.394b76d341f421f2c8d207978ee659ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/purple.jpg.394b76d341f421f2c8d207978ee659ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> this is evra



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Name: Scarlett Rashad

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Short (5'3") A hundred pounds, long red haired, which she usually keeps tied up, blue eyes, always wears a long shirt or a hoodie to cover her arms.

Species: Bone Mutant. The ability to remove and regrow her bones at will, or as a defense mechanism. The wounds from the bones leave scars on her, She feels the pain of her skin being cut from the bone, she does not have full control of her mutation, mostly when she becomes emotional.

Features: Her sleeves cover various marks on her arms, mostly scars and cuts from her being unable to control her mutation.

Personality: Very shy, Very cautious about people around her. She doesn't trust many people and is very hard to get talking, usually buried in a book in the corner of the room she watches everyone else enjoy them selves as she has never really felt like she fit in, She has an affinity for cute things, especially bears. She's more or less used to being alone and of people being scared of her. She's also more adapt to pain then normal people are.

-History: She keeps an old stuffed bear in her room, on her bed, which she is very protective over, as it was the last thing she got from her family before they were murdered in front of her by her own hands, which is how she ended up where she is. At the age of seven some men broke in to her house attacked them, on a night when they thought no one was home, Scarlett got scared and her mutation went crazy, bones cut through her skin piercing everyone around her, killing them all on impact, when she looked up everyone was dead and she was sitting there, in the last t shirt she would ever wear, covered in blood, wounds all over her body, crying. The police soon picked her up and interviewed her and determined it was the best fit to put her in to an orphanage, She went foster home to foster home for her entire life, until she was seventeen, she discovered the house, she decided to run away and try to find it on her own, maybe she'll fit in there.

I got so left behind I couldn't continue with this but if it's revamping I'd love to jump back aboard (and hopefully not get three pages behind each time I go to work orz)

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