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Fandom House of Cards [Durarara!!! RP]

Okay question spam time

1) do you have a period of time since the gang started making appearances in Ikebukuro?

2) did you have a specific age you wanted the gang leader to fall into or does that not matter

3) same sort of question, is this the first gang leader or a second or third

4) can I name the gang? Does the gang have a name or is it mostly speculation like the dollars were?

5) Does the boy that showed up dead relate more to the gang or the spades or is that secret?

6) is the music shop spades or gang territory?

7) does the gang over power with numbers or is it more that the gang has a bunch of high skill individuals? Or is that for me to decide?

8) is it safe to assume that the one superhuman is more Celty, Shizuo, and Saika territory? ‘Cause Ikebukuro has quite a few crazy skilled ‘mundane’ characters as well. (I.E. orihara siblings, well most others are spoilers)

Err I might have some more later but I just got off work and I’m a little tired tbh
S n o w S n o w I'll try to get something up soon, but I was sick the past few days and I'm a bit behind in everything else!

(Also I prefer OOC thread since I can't get on Discord all the time!)
weee I’ll hopefully have a character up in the next couple of days or sooner if work doesn’t kill me x”D
S n o w S n o w , Sorry to pester you with more questions, but is it okay if I just describe my character’s personality as opposed to posting traits?
I’ll get a post up this week, y’all. I doubt I’ll be able to have any substantial interactions for a while, given Jian’s personality and occupation, but I’ll try to make stuff work. Feel free to message if you have any ideas for cool collaborations!

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