Hotline Miami: Missed Call.




Appearance: (picture or description aloud.)

Animal mask: (picture or description aloud.)

Bio: (2-5 paragraphs.)


Inventory: ( nothing too OP, keep it simple. EX: knife, baseball bat, crowbar, etc.)

Skills: (also nothing too crazy and OP)

Name: Derrick

Gender: Male

Age: 26


Animal mask:


Bio: Derrick was born into a poor family in one of the worst areas in miami. His father was abusive and on drugs and Derrick had no other siblings. Derrick's mother loved him but couldn't stop the beatings his dad would give Derrick, Derrick lived on the streets mostly, to get away from his abusive home situation. Since the neighborhood was bad Derrick found friends that were in the same home situations as him, he made friends with them and in his teen years had a street gang. Since his parents weren't around much to teach him any lessons , him and his gang fell into a life of crime and violence.

Derrick and his gang have gotten into many shoot outs, killings, gang wars, street fights, robberies, and the list goes on. When Derrick was twenty one he was thrown in jail for his crimes, he got out of jail when he was twenty five. Now that he was out of jail he had no friends or a gang, because so many years passed his old gang was nowhere to be found, they were probably in jail. Derrick still did his fair share of crimes on the streets, but he was trying to get his act together because he didn't want to spend anymore years in a prison cell. He got a job at a fast food joint and bough an apartment in a bad neighborhood.

A year passed and Derrick was twenty six, he had finally gotten his act together. He hasn't done any crimes or gotten into any fights in about a year, he had a job and an apartment, he was doing well for the first time in his whole life. All of this would change when he got the "package" on his front door. This would cause him to delve back into the life of crime, wether he liked it or not.

Personality: Quiet, Mysterious, Cold, and Doesn't like most people.



Skills: street fighting, boxing, sneaking, and lock picking.

Name: Chris levolaz

Gender: Male

Age: 23



Animal mask:


Bio: Chris had a fairly normal childhood and not much happened. He had a group of friends that he'd hang out with and do normal teenage stuff like smoking and drinking in the weekends to be rebellious to their parents. Chris's family consisted of him, his dad, his mom, and his younger brother. His family wasn't poor and wasn't rich, they were middle class and lived in a pretty good neighborhood, not a lot of crime went on there. Chris's younger brother is two years younger then him and they were pretty good friends.

As Chris got older he began to see less and less of his younger brother, and when he did see him his younger brother seemed a bit "off" and unlike his normal self. He asked his parents about it and they said they didn't notice anything different about him, but Chris knew something was different, and something fishy was going on. Chris decided to stop investigating this because it's been a few months and couldn't find anything incriminating about his brother so he decided his mom was right and his brother hasn't changed.

Chris was now twenty two and moved out of his parents house and got his own place. The house was fairly nice and Chris had a decent job, one day while watching his television he saw on the news

Man in crow mask age 20 killed In russian mafia head quarters during a police raid. The russian mafia hideout was filled with about fifteen dead Russians and the man in the crow mask had a machete covered in blood, the dead Russians appeared to be cut up. When police told the man to put down the weapon and take off the mask the man charged at them with the machete raised and ready to strike. The police officers gunned down the man, when they took off his mask he was revealed to be cameron levolaz."

When Chris saw that he was confused. He had a million questions, why did his brother do that? Is his brother insane? Are their others involved? And why attack the russian mafia? All those questions would soon be answered when a package arrived at Chris's door.

Personality: Calm, Cool, and charismatic.



Skills: persuasion and charisma.
Name: Seth Owens

Gender: Male

Age: 33



Animal mask:


Bio: Seth was born to a wealthy family, a family of entrepreneurs who have each made various patents for popular products around the world. Seth was next in line to learn the ways of self-business, and become an entrepreneurs like his parents, however his passion was music. He dreamed night and day of being a jazz musician, and practiced the saxophone, telling his parents it was just a hobby. When he was eighteen, it was time for him to become self-employed, but Seth told his parents that he wanted to be a jazz musician instead. His parents immediately denied his request, and Seth ran from home the next day.

Seth became homeless, and on the streets played for change. It was a long time, about five years, before he gained notoriety, luckily was scouted by a talent agent who signed him onto a record label. His contract didn't last long, but it was enough to afford a cheap apartment. Seth then attended numerous gigs, trying to keep himself economically afloat, but as the years went by, it became harder and harder to support himself.

The musician was on the verge of eviction. He was barely able to get a charity gig, as most of the jazz aficionados in town moved out. He was desperate, and willing to do anything to get more money. That was, until a peculiar package arrived at his apartment doorstep. It was then that he would but on the mask of the crow, and discover a knack for something he never considered before: killing.


Seth is quite friendly and sociable, but is strict when it comes to separating work and business. He views his new job as a unique business opportunity, and does it with the utmost scrutiny and precision.

Inventory: butterfly knife

Skills: silent and swift kills
TheSloth1000 said:
Name: Seth Owens
Gender: Male

Age: 33



Animal mask:


Bio: Seth was born to a wealthy family, a family of entrepreneurs who have each made various patents for popular products around the world. Seth was next in line to learn the ways of self-business, and become an entrepreneurs like his parents, however his passion was music. He dreamed night and day of being a jazz musician, and practiced the saxophone, telling his parents it was just a hobby. When he was eighteen, it was time for him to become self-employed, but Seth told his parents that he wanted to be a jazz musician instead. His parents immediately denied his request, and Seth ran from home the next day.

Seth became homeless, and on the streets played for change. It was a long time, about five years, before he gained notoriety, luckily was scouted by a talent agent who signed him onto a record label. His contract didn't last long, but it was enough to afford a cheap apartment. Seth then attended numerous gigs, trying to keep himself economically afloat, but as the years went by, it became harder and harder to support himself.

The musician was on the verge of eviction. He was barely able to get a charity gig, as most of the jazz aficionados in town moved out. He was desperate, and willing to do anything to get more money. That was, until a peculiar package arrived at his apartment doorstep. It was then that he would but on the mask of the crow, and discover a knack for something he never considered before: killing.


Seth is quite friendly and sociable, but is strict when it comes to separating work and business. He views his new job as a unique business opportunity, and does it with the utmost scrutiny and precision.

Inventory: butterfly knife

Skills: silent and swift kills
It's really good and I like it! But the only thing is could you change your mask, because my characters also has a crow mask.

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