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    A horror and mystery roleplay based on Dead by Daylight's lore, premise, and locations with elements taken from the Friday the 13th game. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER HERE.





ACE IN THE HOLE (RESERVED) lucky break, deliverance, wicked:
dumb luck, agile and precise. it seems the entity favours you.

goal: get caught! and start making a home in the basement, cause you're the only one able to break out. so meticulous that it was like they were never there to begin with. a second chance is what you are, but can you bring that luck to your peers as well?
type. unbroken.
item. flashlight.

ADRENALINE resurgence, balanced landing, low profile:
fuelled by hope and a desire to live, your escape is inevitable.

impossible odds have never stopped you before and they won't stop you now; somehow always finding a way to keep moving and pushing forward, even when severely injured. agile as you are fast, falling from heights doesn't phase you as much as others, even able to take a beating or two and still, your feet will carry you towards the main objective: escaping. if you're the sole-survivor, even better. you know how to disappear.
type. evader.
item. map.

BOTANY KNOWLEDGE better than new, camaraderie, for the people:
reinvigoration and teamwork, time heals all wounds.

armed with an understanding of medicine, you are invaluable to a team. when near by teammates trapped in the basement, your presence fills them with hope and buys them time. you won't hesitate to take the hit for someone else, ensuring their timely escape.
type. benevolent.
item. med-kit.

BUILT TO LAST (RESERVED) wiretap, blast mine, chemical trap:
handy with tools and efficient with them. don't let anything go to waste.

devious with your traps, you see no harm in having some fun. your soul purpose in the trial is to make things difficult for the killer, setting up traps to keep them busy while taking the heat off of the rest of your team. try not to be the first caught though, it'll surely result in a game over.
type. benevolent.
item. toolbox.

CLAIRVOYANCE distortion, strength in shadows, premonition:
strongest at your most vulnerable, an uncanny ability to sense danger.

you thrive in danger and shrouded in darkness. you're the ideal survivor to explore the depths of the basement without your presence being easily seen by killers. you notice what others cannot, singularly focused on not only completing objectives, but delaying the killer's in their own domain.
type. lightbringer.
item. map.

DANCE WITH ME vigil, quick gambit, slippery meat:
juking killers and holding their attention, like a moth to a flame.

infuriating killers is your speciality. you're able to run them and make it seem effortless. quicker than your teammates to recover from compromising situations, you take an offensive approach in trials: take heat, keep them busy. and if a killer is somehow lucky enough to catch up, rest assured... you're a slippery one.
type. evader.
item. flashlight.

DECISIVE STRIKE inner strength, hyperfocus, desperate measures:
stronger than most, deadlier to the threat.

one goal in mind and that's to be a nightmare — not even the entity can hold you back. although the entity cannot stop your thirst for vengeance, it can influence you to have tunnel vision which some killers might be suspecting. is being a brute all you are good for?
type. unbroken.
type. pocket knife.

DIVERSION red herring, lightweight, deception:
deceive and trick the killers, make less noise doing so.

you're known for playing the long game; setting out to make your presence known elsewhere in the realm. you specialise in deception — throwing rocks at car wrecks, slamming dumpster lids, and jumping over obstacles that are sure to cause enough noise to lure the killer away from your team and allow them to complete objectives uninterrupted.
type. benevolent.
items. flashlight.

OBJECT OF OBSESSION (RESERVED) lithe, power struggle, fixated:
nimble in chase, always the obsession, and see what they see.

the perfect victim, or are you? bonded to killers in an inexplicable way, your presence will naturally overwhelm their blood lust — you're hard to catch and it makes the chase fun for the pursuer, despite your ability to draw their attention seamlessly. the struggle for power is evident, which one of you has more control over the other?
type. evader.
item. pocket knife.

PARENTAL GUIDANCE leader, head on, blood pact:
feel the danger, trust the bond, and hit where they’ll never see it coming.

a parent taken from their child. you swear you hear their voice, warning you of incoming danger — not even the love of a parent can be beaten out by the entity. it respects the connection you once had with your child, choosing to carry on the pact with the obsession. in a trial, you both are gifted with an inexplicable ability to sense the other — heightened when the other is in immediate danger. using that sense, you're capable of setting up an ambush and colliding with the killer to gain the upper hand, prolonging the life of the obsession.
type. benevolent.
item. med-kit.

PLOT TWIST! off the record, any means necessary, borrowed time:
a secret you'd take to the grave. easy with words, you just know how to play them.

one for the dramatics. while your peers are put off by your theatrics, they might be seen as amusing to the killers. you're easily swayed and bargained with by killers where attention is given, armed with a map to give away the position of your team to protect your own life.
type. unbroken.
item. map.

PROVE THYSELF babysitter, better together, friendly competition:
there is no i in team.

teamwork makes the dreamwork. you want to get out just as much as everyone else — but you want to leave together. always the first to go to basement and help a teammate while others get the work done in your stead. you are hyper aware of what each teammate is doing to some degree and have keen sense of where the one pair of walkie talkies are. your repair speed is instantly heightened when others are with you, by inspiring hope: to work together, to finish together, and to remain alive.
type. lightbringer.
item. toolbox.

REPRESSED ALLIANCE dark sense, bond, potential energy:
under the scrutiny of the entity, you can bend it to your will.

inexplicably, some would consider you the obsession of the entity for all the wrong reasons. the bond alerts you to the presence of the killer, unknowingly informing you of their approach. it's a sensation, an all-knowing feeling. one you can twist to your benefit, forcing the entity's tendrils to wrap protectively around newly acquired parts for ongoing repairs. a connection the entity despises you for, with it often forcing the killer to switch its attention you whenever possible — tunnel vision, anything to get you out of the trial sooner.
type. lightbringer.
item. med-kit.

SABOTEUR background player, shadow step, breakdown:
the entity knows the truth, do you?

you're just a pawn to the entity, to throw and ruin your own allies' game. your intent is to break shit harder, faster, with only one purpose. you're never the center of attention and that's how the entity latches, influencing you during the trials do to their deed. the truth will set you free, but is that up to you?
type. evader.
item. toolbox.

SPINE CHILL (RESERVED) collective stealth, deja vu, stake out:
hard to spot, paranoia, being in close proximity to the killer works in your favour.

ruled by paranoia you utterly refuse to be seen by killers, preferring to hide in the shadows. the longer you are nearby a killer and not found, fear inspires you to complete objectives without making mistakes.
type. evader.
item. flashlight.

TECHNICIAN troubleshooter, specialist, overzealous:
a beautiful mind, and expert bloodied hands.

able to solve a problem just by looking at one, you are efficient in your repairs. if you're unlucky enough to find yourself in chase, you rest assured knowing your repairs won't be interrupted. tools and their purposes are intrinsically known to you on a profound level. a specialist in your own way, you know exactly how to dismantle totems in a lockout.
type. lightbringer.
item. toolbox.

UNBREAKABLE second wind, moment of glory, made for this:
a skill issue with dying first. don't worry though, you'll get back up.

you were dead. yet, here you are. surviving all odds is what you are good at, not even the entity can take that away. once you are stabbed, beaten, and tossed aside — you don't ever lose hope, knowing you'll get the comeback in the end.
type. unbroken.
item. med-kit.

WAKE UP! (RESERVED) no mither, deadline, cut loose:
they tried their best to hold you down, but you remain on top.

the fog of the entity's purpose is to keep you as drowsy and confused as much as possible — rendered useless in a trial and unable to recover. once the objectives are complete though, you are clutch in the endgame. desperate situations no longer phase you, pushing through and working harder to secure the escape for you and your allies. with renewed senses, you're able to tap into the entity's own self, clearly seeing the way out.
type. unbroken.
item. pocket knife.

BARBECUE & CHILI'S hoarder, mad grit, nemesis:
murder is a lost art, what will be left of them in the end?

the further away from survivors, the more you benefit. with an uncanny understanding of where items are, you prefer to stalk the realm until the prey exposes themselves. once catching them, you're unstoppable - no one can prevent you from taking them to your domain, to lock them in the basement and serve them on a silver platter to the entity. pocket knives are useless with a survivor in your grasp. anyone managing to escape from the basement becomes the obsession, one you won't let escape so easily the next time.
type. malicious.

BLOOD WARDEN hubris, gift of pain, superior anatomy.
here comes the defiant, the enforcer of suffering.

the cages in your domain are extra sharp, sure enough to leave lasting marks should survivors escape the basement. the sensation of danger is overwhelming to your enemies, leaving them at a critical disadvantage during repairs, something you take immense pride in - the more unease they feel, the stronger you become and overtime, they don't stand a chance. downing a survivor with all objectives complete, the powered gates, car/boat fail to start until that person is brought to the basement or rescued by allies. will your hubris succeed, or blind you?
type. gatekeeper.

DARK DEVOTION discordance, awakened awareness, corrupt intervention:
a religious figure, but what sort of god would want a devil?

entity has heard their prayers, heightening their senses when they're at a disadvantage in a trial. the whispers of their deity can carry them towards the closest survivor/or object being completed.
type. devout.
DEVOUR HOPE wretched fate, face the darkness, ruin:
no peace for the ruined.

you give off the sensation of dread, causing the obsession to feel like this game might be their last. you make an example of the obsessions lapse, with the chosen target transforming their dread into fear and confusion and spreading it to their allies. the hindrance prevents the other survivors from working at full capacity. creating distractions, as a means to an end, is how you'll gain advantage over them all.
type. gatekeeper.

FRIENDS 'TIL THE END (RESERVED) game afoot, bamboozle, two can play:
being a favourite comes with benefits, doesn't it?

you're the nice one, or that's the impression you give off in your trial. anything is your game, and that comes in play when everyone is an obsession in your eyes. endless entertainment is what you bring, and because of that the entity gives you a hand: a door a survivor is about to go into is blocked, or they trip over what is unmistakably a tendril from the entity. you fight dirty, but the entity fights dirtier for you.
type. chaser.

FLOODS OF RAGE (RESERVED) spirit fury, thrilling tremors, fire up:
your anger makes you a cheat, faster with an agenda with only one goal in mind: win.

you have the power to make an impact. every time you pick up a survivor for the first time, there is a brief lockout. all you know is rage, and your anger alone short circuits the trial to your advantage. with the entity blocked out due to your fury, you have a window to do as you please, but only for a moment.
type. devout.

GRIM EMBRACE territorial imperative, deathbound, mindbreaker:
sense your obsession with others, and endure their suffering side by side.

you are the chaser, relentless in your search for their catch. your love for the obsession is unbreakable, not even the entity is strong enough to severe that connection. you have a keen sense of knowing when someone is uninvited in your domain. your presence alone leaves those nearby weak, unable to work at full capacity.
type. chaser.

HAUNTED GROUND undying, retribution, huntress lullaby:
a garden of songs, written to punish those foolish enough.

two totems are already completed, hidden across the map and at risk of being disturbed by survivors. when one is touched, the entity warns you: whispering their location. if they are successful in dismantling a totem, all survivors are left deafened - unable to hear anything but a persistent lullaby until they complete an objective, giving you ample opportunity to strike.
type. gatekeeper.

HYSTERIA forced penance, THWACK!, infectious fright:
their blood runs cold, infected with fright.

obsessions mean little to you, preferring to focus the first survivor you see and enforce a sense of panic with your brutality. when others interfere with your plans, they suffer your judgment in their stead: becoming a new fixation. once your first survivor has been caged in the basement, the entity rewards you by destroying any objects standing between you and your prey. as you close in on the survivors, the hysteria you manifest, causes each and every one to scream when in your presence. a siren of your fixation.
type. malicious

MAKE YOUR CHOICE unforeseen, dissolution, tinkerer:
some are born with violence in their blood.

to the survivor's surprise, you *want* them to be rescued from the basement, only to strike from the shadows. the entity enjoys your approach, to the point of offering you some rewards: whenever you steal a piece of a survivor's objective and bring it to your domain, the entity floods their ears with whispers of paranoia and fear, clouding their judgments. whenever you injure a survivor in the basement, the entity thickens the fog around the map - causing it to seek out the other survivors and wrap around them like a blanket. whenever a survivor is about to complete an objective, the entity points you in the right direction: stop them, what ever the cost.
type. malicious.

NO ONE ESCAPES DEATH hangman's trick, cruel limits, shattered hope:
it's not game over, but it feels like it is.

when you immediately catch a survivor off guard, you are rewarded with the chance to mori without totems. you thrive off of shattering the hopes of others, tricking survivor's into believing you are where you aren't - cruelly instilling overwhelming fear.
type. devout.

PLAYTHING blood echo, dead mans switch, distressing:
a game is a game, but some killers just want to have fun.

toying with your prey and inflicting stress is how you achieve your goals. you take pleasure in the survivor's suffering, your thrill being sensed by them quicker than they would others, giving them a head start but no worry; you love to chase as far as their legs can carry them. when survivors are in your presence and working on repairs, if they're halted in the process, the objective will briefly short-circuit - too hot for survivors to touch and fix the mistake for the time-being, leaving you ample opportunity to play with your food.
type. chaser.

PENTIMENTO lethal pursuer, terminus, undone:
underneath layers hides the greatest enemy of all: time.

starting with all pieces required for a lockout, except one... a phalange from a living survivor. the prey know when they're up against you, their fingers suffering a dull ache - so distracting from their repairs they might just take the digit off themselves. with no need to protect your domain, the hunt begins. the longer survivor's take to complete objectives, the quicker the entity's tendrils wrap around their work - blocking it from being repaired at all, and once a lockout is initiated, all survivors are hindered - their limbs ache and any cuts or injuries ooze more blood than usual, effectively slowing them down.
type. chaser.

REMEMBER ME (RESERVED) no way out, play with your food, leverage:
you're nothing but a distraction, a memory to the survivors.

entity is able to channel their power through this killer. in the endgame, you are most powerful. the whispers of the entity mimic voices to the survivors, halting them from escaping. gameplan for this killer is to have survivors be split off one by one, making it easy for them to catch their prey to cause mass confusion.
type. malicious.

SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST (RESERVED) alien instinct, dark arrogance, rancor:
you save the last one for a reason— might as well send a message.

for some odd reasons, survivors don't expect you. keeping them on their toes is your goal, just waiting for the opportunity to jump out and change the game to your priority. an inescapable inevitability for the survivors, you take some ounce of joy from survivor's believing they've gained the upper hand and turn their hope into unadulterated desperation as you grow in strength. purposefully, you avoid your obsession— leaving them for last and concentrating on others, as in the endgame when all objectives are complete, you're able to mori the obsession.
type. devout.

STARSTRUCK (RESERVED) darkness revealed, dying light, iron maiden:
it's easy for you to ignore your obsession and expose their fear.

you're irresistible, that even you caught the obsession's attention. you make people feel safe, but perhaps that's just the way you play, to catch them off guard. the sight of your sudden presence can cause involuntary screams, something between terror and awe.
type. chaser.

SPIES FROM THE SHADOWS bloodhound, nowhere to hide, monitor & abuse:
the more you hide, the more you reveal.

the ideal stalker. the entity appreciates your slow approach, building up the tension. whispers of the entity are used to instill paranoia and fear in the minds of survivors. the entity has heightened your ability to sense where survivors have been, following their scent like a dog with a bone. the more abuse you inflict, the harder it is for your prey to hide.
type. malicious.

THANATOPHOBIA (RESERVED) blood favour, pain resonance, knock out:
ironic, isn't it? bringing peace through death?

fear of death, the embodiment of both; whenever you manage to pick up a survivor, the entity blocks their vision and causes momentary blindness and leaves them oblivious to their surroundings. spilled blood seeps into the grounds of the realm, initiating a brief lockout that lasts until you capture yet another survivor and drag them to your domain. every time you cause injury to a survivor by any means, the entity causes survivor objectives to become red-hot, making it impossible for survivors to continue their repairs without screaming.
type. gatekeeper.
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two examples for a survivor and killer cs are in the tabs, just to show what we're looking for (and showcase the INCREDIBLE code from akeno akeno that they are so kind to let us use for this!!) the purpose of the mockup's is to emphasise one: what we are looking for when applying for the roles, and two: how to use existing characters both in and out of dbd (natalia dyer as nancy wheeler and freddy krueger from nightmare on elm street) and still make them entirely different from the source material! and no neither of us are using these characters for the rp, we made them purely for this example and these roles are still up for grabs!

  • /* --- base code --- */

    © akeno.


    FULL NAME. rosalie "rose" van de kamp
    D.O.B. march 21st, 1979
    P.O.B. canada, alberta
    GENDER. female, she/her
    SEXUALITY. heterosexual, but was questioning in her teens.

    OCCUPATION. graduated at 18 years old. now? she's a stay at home mom.
    SKILLS. speed, leadership, stamina, and intuition.
    ROLE. parental guidance; the entity respecting the love she has for her child.


    DESCRIPTION. rose van de kamp possesses a slim, almost delicate frame, with subtle muscle definition in her upper body that’s easily overlooked at first glance. despite her petite stature, standing at just 5'3", and her seemingly fragile appearance, she moves with surprising strength and grace on the ice, often leaving spectators wondering how she isn't easily overpowered by the more imposing players on the opposing team. her fair complexion, a testament to her canadian roots and countless hours spent on ice rinks, contrasts sharply with the cold environment she thrives in. the sun has never been her friend, and her skin remains pale, untouched by its rays.

    rose’s facial features are strikingly delicate, with high cheekbones and a soft jawline that she inherited from her mother, giving her an almost ethereal quality. her dark brown hair, rich and is kept at a medium length— just long enough to allow for easy styling. she often wears it in loose waves that cascade down to her shoulders, with the ends gently curling, framing her face in a way that adds to her natural elegance. whether on the ice or off, rose carries herself with a quiet confidence, her appearance exuding both fragility and hidden strength.

    ATTIRE. rose’s preppy fashion sense is a perfect blend of athleticism and polished elegance, reflecting her active lifestyle while maintaining a classic, put-together look. her wardrobe typically features sleek, fitted pieces that highlight her build while focusing on comfort and functionality without sacrificing style. she favors crisp polo shirts, often in bold colors or with subtle stripes, paired with tailored shorts or pleated skirts that add a touch of sophistication. her footwear usually includes sneakers or loafers, blending with her wardrobe of choice. her hair is typically styled in a neat ponytail or loose waves, keeping it out of her face like her father taught her. overall, rose’s sport preppy attire is all about striking the right balance between athletic and fashionable, making her look both ready for action and perfectly chic.

    in time though, rosalie’s sense of confidence in her wardrobe choices faded as things went completely wrong in her life. the cold used to never be an issue for rose, who was often seen parading around town in her white polos and matching skirts. however, she replaced her vibrant fashion with muted colors and cover-ups. today, she wore a hand-me-down sweater with a slightly oversized fit, a high crew neckline, and long sleeves, paired with black trousers and white loafers. despite it being a relatively warm day, rose felt unusually cold.

    it’s cruel when you think about it— how the entity snatched rose up on one of her lowest days, constantly reminding her of her unfortunate ugly sweater and now-stained white shoes. however, it didn’t take long for rose to find a piece of clothing in another realm: a coat in a deep shade of red, with a wide collar, large buttons down the front, and flap pockets on either side. although it was something she had never worn before, the coat still felt strangely familiar to rosalie.

    FACE CLAIM. natalia dyer

    activities. whether it's diving into a good book, trying her hand at a new craft, or playing on the field, rose embraces every opportunity to learn and connect with others.
    romance. a true hopeless romantic, with a deep fascination for all things love-related. whether it’s catching the feel of romance in the air, watching a heartfelt love story unfold in a movie, or getting lost in the pages of a romance novel, it’s easy to capture her attention. to her, romance isn’t just a genre— it’s a way of seeing the world.
    cats. has a particular fondness for cats, appreciating their independent and low-maintenance nature. with her busy schedule and active lifestyle, she finds that cats are the perfect companions who provide comfort and affection without demanding too much of her time and energy.
    collectables. rose has a passion for collecting, finding joy in gathering items that hold personal significance. her collection ranges from hockey cards featuring her favorite teams to beautifully crafted figurines that add a sort of aura to her bedroom.


    loud noises. dislikes loud noises, finding them to be overwhelming, especially when she's at home caring for her child. on the ice, the roar of the crowd and the cheers for her team is exhilarating, but in the quiet of her home, loud sounds can be jarring and stressful. rose in any way, shape or form is not blaming her child though, she knows it is just something she has to get used to.
    false promises. throughout her life, she's been let down by those who couldn't keep their word, leaving her feeling betrayed and cheated. each broken promise chips away at her trust, making it hard for her to fully rely on others.
    warm weather. has a strong dislike for warm weather, a natural consequence of growing up in canada where the cold feels like home. the heat makes her restless and uneasy, a stark contrast to the familiar chill she associates with comfort and security. warm weather is more than just a physical discomfort— it’s a reminder that she’s far from home.
    caffeinated drinks. has a strong aversion to caffeinated drinks, steering clear of them whenever she can. the jittery, anxious feeling caffeine brings out in her is something she can't stand. it makes her feel edgy and out of control, amplifying her angst to the point where she starts to act and look like she's tweaking.
    judgmental people. after getting pregnant at seventeen years, she quickly had to learn how to become a mother all while dealing with the harsh judgment of others. the stares, whispers, and gossip made an already challenging situation even harder, causing her to lose respect from peers and even some friends. the judgment she faced left her feeling isolated and misunderstood, reinforcing her disdain for those who are quick to criticize without understanding her circumstances.


    sports. her passion lies in sports, particularly hockey, where her talent truly shines. some might even describe her as some sort of 'gym freak', as she throws herself into any sport that allows her to be competitive while also having a good time.
    reading out loud. an unexpected hobby rose discovered after becoming a mother is reading out loud to her child. one evening, she found that her voice alone could soothe her baby, especially during the night. moments like this feel perfect for rose, as she takes comfort in the fact that she can provide such safety to her child. reading the stories that were shared with her in her youth also allows her to relive old memories, never failing to soften her features and remind herself that she's home.


    ─ (+) stamina. being the team leader isn't a title that is handed out lightly. rose, even as a child, knew she wanted to build her life around sports, especially hockey. her fascination with the sport began unexpectedly— sitting in front of the family tv with her father, captivated by the speed and intensity of the game. her dad couldn't have been more proud, using this moment to bring out the sudden interest his daughter had shown. he pushed her to practice harder, stay on the ice longer, and never back down from a challenge. over the years, rose's stamina became her defining traits: whether it was the final minutes of a grueling match or the endless drills in practice, she could always push through when others faltered. her unyielding endurance earned her the respect of her teammates, hence taking the role of team leader.
    ─ (+) leadership. leadership isn't just about wearing the captain's 'C' on her jersey— it's about embodying the role every single day. for rose, being a leader means more than calling the shots on the ice; it's about being the person her teammates can turn to, no matter the issue. whether it's a rookie struggling to find their confidence or a veteran player dealing with personal challenges, rose has a natural ability to make others feel heard and understood. she has a knack for reading the mood of the locker room, knowing when to push her teammates harder and when to lift their spirits.
    ─ (+) adrenaline burst. rose thrives in high-pressure situations, often feeling a rush of adrenaline just when the team needs it most. these bursts of energy give her an edge, allowing her to react quickly, think on her feet, and execute plays with precision. it's as if she taps into an extra reserve of power at critical moments, turning the tide of a game when everything's on the line.
    ─ (-) easily attached. rose has a heart that latches on quickly, often leading her down a painful path. in high school, she met a boy and instantly believed he was 'the one,' dreaming of a future where they'd be 'the high school sweethearts' everyone admired. but life, as it often is, proved to be cruel. the relationship didn't last, leaving rose to grapple with the harsh reality that not all connections are meant to be forever. her tendency to form deep attachments too soon has made her vulnerable to heartbreak, a lesson she learned the hard way.
    ─ (-) daydreaming. often finds herself lost in daydreams, longing to escape the harsh realities of her life. after getting pregnant at seventeen, her world turned upside down, and she began dreaming of what could have been. she imagines a life where she was more responsible, where the father of her child stayed by her side, helping her raise their baby. in her mind, she's the perfect mother, free from the struggles that now define her days. but these fantasies only serve to pull her further from the present, making it harder for her to face the challenges she must overcome.
    ─ (-) hesitant. after getting pregnant, rose's life took a downward spiral. she lost the respect of her peers, the love from her father, and her position as the team's coach— a role she once cherished. the fallout shattered her confidence, leaving her a shell of her former self. once decisive and strong, rose now hesitates at every turn, second-guessing her choices and fear of losing more. this uncertainty makes her appear less confident, leading to poor decisions and a tendency to avoid challenges rather than face them head-on.


    [tw: implied abortion, teen pregnancy]
    motherhood. becoming a mother was something rose hadn't planned, especially at such a young age. although she has moved past the initial fear of motherhood, she continues to worry about being a bad mother. in moments of weakness, she reflects on the day she found out she was pregnant, wishing she had thought more with her head than her heart. she regrets believing in someone she thought was "the one," and she worries that she’s putting her child through chaos because of that mistake. these moments of self-doubt make rose hate herself a bit more each day, even though she knows she shouldn’t harbor such thoughts. her child, terrance, does bring her the happiness she has been lacking recently, but the fear of inadequacy lingers.


    ─ (+) intuitive. rose is a deeply intuitive person, often relying on her gut feelings to guide her decisions. her instincts are remarkably accurate, and she’s usually right when she senses something about a situation or a person. this heightened intuition proved especially accurate on the day she had terrance. filled with excitement and anticipation, rose had a unnerving feeling that something terrible was about to happen. her fears were confirmed when her boyfriend of many years unexpectedly dumped her, leaving her high and dry during one of her most vulnerable moments.
    trial: this intuitive side of her is deeply heightened in the trial, the entity respecting the bond she shared with her son. it allows her to feel a soft connection with the obsession and doing any means to keep them safe.
    ─ (+) patience. at the age of ten, growing up with a father as competitive as she was, rose had to learn the true meaning of patience early on. her father’s relentless drive and high expectations often put her under pressure, forcing her to develop a steady, composed demeanor. it shaped her into someone who could handle stress with grace and maintain a calm presence even in the face of chaos.
    trial: isn't in a rush to do anything drastic; her goal is to play the trial slow and ear by ear.
    ─ (+) humility. she has a very big heart and is aware of where she has made mistakes in life. she takes responsibility for her mistakes, never quick to point fingers or make a fuss over anything. rose prefers to handle most things with class, and although she has a lot of pent-up confusion and anger over the misfortunes she has faced, she would never direct that anger toward someone who didn’t deserve it.
    trial: a humbled person. knows when to take accountability for her fuck ups, but also to show kindness back (like leaving her medkit) to killers before escaping.
    ─ (+) faithful. never cheated on or hurt travis in any way. she did everything her father wanted, only to end up being ignored by him later on. rose is a faithful person, and loyalty has always been something she considers crucial. this is why it is so deeply damaging to her when she feels betrayed or let down in the end.
    trial: it isn't over until it is. isn't one to give up and will do everything in her power to keep the inspiration up, even if it results in her sacrificing herself in the end.

    ─ (-) selfless. rose has always struggled with putting others' needs before her own. while this selflessness ultimately contributed to her effectiveness as a leader, it also led to significant personal challenges. her need to prioritize others often resulted in harm and trouble for herself, leaving her to deal with the consequences of her unwavering devotion and the sacrifices she made along the way.
    trial: has a tendency to put others before herself, even if it meant getting mori'd or swallowed up by the entity in the later part of the trial. it's not at all ideal though, if it means the obsession has no help to prolong the game.
    ─ (-) misguided. within herself, rose is deeply troubled by her own anger. though her frustration is never directed at terrance, its more of self-hatred for being a fuckup in her eyes. her misplaced rage, stemming from a shitload of unresolved issues and disappointments, becomes a source of internal conflict, leaving her to wrestle with feelings of guilt and self-blame.
    trial: too willing to trust her teammates─ but also easily fooled by killers traps. her anger can cause her to do mistakes, but mistakes in the trial usually result in a game over.
    ─ (-) resentful. somewhat new that rose is now dealing with, becoming a resentful person. once open and trusting, she has now become more guarded, both in her interactions with others and to protecting her child. this shift has made her quick to judge others based on first impressions— an attitude she strongly disliked of others doing. the growing resentment has also led her to quickly retreat into herself, believing that it is safer to close off and shield her vulnerabilities from the world.
    trial: not a very forgiving person, so if someone happens to give her a very bad feeling or just an uncomfortable interaction in general, she probably won't be much help during the trials if they were in the same realm as her.
    ─ (-) weak-minded. most days, everything feels overwhelming for rose. her eagerness to trust and believe in others often leave her disappointed, as she repeatedly finds herself let down despite her best intentions. she’s cautious of exposing her heart, knowing she won't get what she wants in the end. the constant cycle of hope and disappointment weighs heavily on her, and as exhausting as it is, she yearns for this part of herself to fade away over time— for her own sake and for the sake of her son.
    trial: has a horrible habit of letting herself slip mentally which could be detrimental for the trial.


    torn photo. the photo depicts rose with what seems to be her 'high school sweetheart', someone she hasn't thought of in a long, long time.
    broken hockey stick. not one of her proudest moment at all; in a rush of confusion and misguided anguish, rose snapped her famous stick in half.
    love letters. the hopeless romantic is exactly what she is. rose didn't have it in herself to throw away any of the letters, foolishly thinking that there could possibly be still hope for a future.
    graduation degree. the time where everything went to shit. graduation day, where rose couldn't even be happy enough to fake a celebration. no, instead she celebrated her day with a bottle of wine, holding her child as the sun went down.
    hospital bracelet. how can something so simple be fragile to her? she remembers her mother being the only one there, not even travis (putting a game before his child), and not even her father was there to hold her hand.
    although the entity may respect rose's love for her son, it will do absolutely anything in it's power to remind her the bone crushing reality of what her life could of been if she didn't have terrance.


    [tw: teen pregnancy]
    BEFORE. rosalie van de kamp was born on march 21st, 1979, a day that marked a turning point in her family's life. her arrival brought more than just a new life into the world— it saved her parents' marriage. at a time when their relationship was fraying, the birth of their daughter gave them a reason to come together and rekindle the love they once shared. as exciting as her arrival was, rose's early years were quiet and uneventful. she grew up in a traditional family home where her father held the role of 'man of the house.' her closest companion was easily her mother, with who she spent countless hours learning about plants and gardening, but also sharing a mutual love for the serene sight of snow falling when winter drew in. her relationship with her father, however, was more distant. that is, until the day she turned ten. one evening, while sitting beside him watching tv, rose became completely captivated by the excitement unfolding on the screen. "hockey," her father explained, and in that moment, she knew she wanted to be just like them. sensing his daughter’s newfound passion, her father was inspired to teach her everything he knew about the sport.

    five years later, rose had made a name for herself as the first female coach of the school’s hockey team— a role she relentlessly fought for. not only was she a valuable player, but she also became a respected leader. though the responsibility of guiding others didn’t come easily, rose eventually found her stride. she poured her energy into making sure every team member felt welcomed, appreciated, and confident in their achievements. around school, she was known for her competitive streak and her 'all about sports' attitude. academics weren’t her priority, but she knew that keeping up her grades was mandatory to remain on the team, so she did just enough to stay eligible. life was smooth and focused— until it all changed once she met a boy named travis.

    THE FOG. travis was the coach for both football & soccer teams at the same school, and from the moment rose laid eyes on him, she fell hard. their mutual interest sparked quickly, and before long, they hit it off. around school, they became known as 'the ideal couple,' a pairing that seemed almost too perfect. they were inseparable, constantly seen together— travis picking rose up after her lessons, her attending his games, and the two leaving school side by side. rose truly believed she had found 'the one.' she was certain that he was someone she could proudly call her best friend, someone she was eager to introduce to her family, and someone she envisioned spending the rest of her life with.

    and then she was pregnant, and her life spiraled away from that picture perfect to utter loneliness. becoming pregnant at seventeen is never ideal whatsoever, but rose followed her heart, and her heart was wrong. it sort of just. . .happened, something that wasn't planned and just happened out of passion, or so she thought. she knew she had to tell him, keeping a secret this big wasn't going to help anyone. meeting up with travis and sharing the news, rose expected the worst— she thought they were done for, facing a breakup and everything. instead, the reaction she received was one of absolute happiness. travis was thrilled for her— for them— making all sorts of wonderful promises about how he would be a good father and how this was everything he had ever wanted. maybe this didn’t have to be a bad thing after all? that was the turning point for rose— she decided to keep their baby. not long after, the news spread through the school. a part of her had anticipated this, knowing that people would assume the worst and let their imaginations run wild. with her decision made, rose had to quit hockey and give up the title she had worked so hard to earn. she faced the harsh reality of students staring and whispering, though she did her best to ignore their comments. most painfully, she also lost the close relationship she had with her father.

    and when her son, terrance, came into the picture, she lost travis as well, all in one swift, heart-wrenching blow. all those false promises and reassuring words of "we can do this, together" turned out to be nothing but empty lies, shattering her life in the process. at this point, rose’s life seemed to move in slow motion. she graduated at eighteen, shortly after having terrance. there was no celebration party or gathering with friends— just herself with a bottle of wine as she held terrance, alone. the scholarship for her sports career was lost, and her dreams of that path seemed to crumble. even though it took some healing and time, rose found love for her child, embracing the role of mother with all her heart.

    on the day rose was meant to go fight for sole custody for her son, terrance, she was ripped away by the entity.

    NOW. one moment, rose was walking through town, and the next, she found herself standing in front of a campfire. she immediately sensed that something was terribly wrong— this didn't make any sense. just moments ago, she was just about to turn a corner, only to be enveloped by a dense fog that resembled smoke. frightened and desperate to return to terrance, she ran, shouting for anyone who might hear her. she wanted nothing more than to push through the fog, but an instinctive hesitation held her back from doing such a reckless action. instead, she began to pace, her mind racing with questions: had she hit her head? was this a dream? a nightmare?

    just as she felt like she was losing her sanity, someone emerged from the fog.

Zedalith Zedalith Bluesky_101 Bluesky_101 Sagey Sagey .sol. .sol. armeen armeen angel doe angel doe mi casa mi casa monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll spareparts spareparts orpheus. orpheus. bad wolf bad wolf

APPLICATION THREAD IS UP! Reminder: you will be applying for both a survivor and a killer, as a supposed "chapter" of Dead By Daylight. If you're unable to choose between survivor and killer roles (two surv ideas, three killer, etc) you can put as many placeholders as you want up and allow us to decide or you, while working on it, but when the deadline comes you'll need to make a choice.

Botany Knowledge, Plot Twist!, Prove Thyself
KILLER ROLES NOT APPLIED FOR: BBQ & Chili's, Blood Warden, Devour Hope, Haunted Ground, Hysteria, No One Escapes Death, Plaything, Pentimento

even though some have been applied for, if they aren't reserved then they're all fair game! some who have already reserved roles are applying for others in case others don't for extra characters so these roles are still 100% yours to grab! do not feel discouraged about applying for them 💕🫶

NOT RESERVED BUT APPLIED FOR: Adrenaline, Clairvoyance, Dance With Me, Decisive Strike, Diversion, Parental Guidance, Repressed Alliance, Saboteur, Unbreakable
Dark Devotion, Grim Embrace, Make Your Choice, Spies From the Shadows

there has been so much interest in having multiple roles on our server (and potentially here??) especially with roles having been reserved ahead of time. in order to mediate this, we decided to keep this game accurate; when you load into a dbd lobby, if someone is using to perk unbreakable - you're still able to use it, too! so in this case, we're allowing people to apply for multiple roles and play them even if someone is accepted for it. this is pertaining to some and we're keeping a certain limit (list below).

you do not need to have 2 survs/2 killers. you can have 1 surv/2 killers or 2 survs/1killer. as long as there is a pairing between surv and killer you may apply for more than one other role!

ACE IN THE HOLE. one spot only. (1/1)
ADRENALINE. three spots only. (1/3)
BUILT TO LAST. unlimited. (1/?)
BOTANY KNOWLEDGE. unlimited. (0/?)
CLAIRVOYANCE. one spot only. (1/1)
DANCE WITH ME. three spots only. (0/3)
DECISIVE STRIKE. two spots only. (0/2)
DIVERSION. unlimited. (0/?)
OBJECT OF OBSESSION. one spot only. (1/1)
PARENTAL GUIDANCE. two spots only. (0/2)
PLOT TWIST! two spots only. (0/2)
PROVE THYSELF. two spots only. (0/2)
REPRESSED ALLIANCE. two spots only. (1/2)
SABOTEUR. one spot only. (0/1)
SPINE CHILL. unlimited. (1/?)
TECHNICIAN. three spots only. (1/3)
UNBREAKABLE. two spots only. (0/2)
WAKE UP! one spot only. (1/1)

BARBEQUE & CHILI'S. unlimited. (0/?)
BLOOD WARDEN. two spots only. (0/2)
DARK DEVOTION. three spots only. (1/3)
DEVOUR HOPE. one spot only. (0/1)
FRIENDS 'TIL THE END. one spot only. (1/1)
FLOODS OF RAGE. two spots only. (1/2)
GRIM EMBRACE. three spots only. (0/3)
HAUNTED GROUND. one spot only. (0/1)
HYSTERIA. unlimited. (0/?)
MAKE YOUR CHOICE. two spots only. (1/2)
NO ONE ESCAPES DEATH. one spot only. (1/1)
PLAYTHING. three spots only. (0/3)
PENTIMENTO. two spots only. (0/2)
REMEMBER ME. one spot only. (1/1)
SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST. two spots only. (1/2)
STARSTRUCK. one spot only. (1/1)
SPIES FROM THE SHADOWS. unlimited. (0/?)
THANATOPHOBIA. one spot only. (1/1)
bump! 🫶

survivor roles needed: adrenaline, botany knowledge, diversion, parental guidance, and technician!
all roles have recently been opened to allow multiple of certain roles! please join our discord if you have any interest~

currently open survivor roles are: adrenaline (two available), built to last (unlimited), botany knowledge (unlimited), dance with me (one available), decisive strike (one available), diversion (unlimited but we have plenty), plot twist! (one available), spine chill (unlimited), technician (one available).

currently open killer roles are: bbq &. chili's (unlimited), floods of rage (one available), grim embrace (two available), hysteria (unlimited), plaything (one available, but we have plenty), save the best for last (one available), spies from the shadows (unlimited).

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