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Fandom Horror Junkie's Dream | Dead By Daylight RPs


My lizard thinks I'm cool
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello!! I'm Snally and I've got a hankering for horror.
24, They/Them, be 18+ to RP with me and all that jazz.

Dead By Daylight is my current brainrot, I'd really like to stretch those headcanons and delve into the crossover potential as well as put our characters through the wringer. Putting a big emphasis on that horror for a reason, I want all the canon-typical content and more!

I guess you can call what I'm looking for a more 'realized' version of the game, with larger maps and more dramatized trials. The characters believing wholeheartedly that every death is the end, even if they're brought back to life, is everything to me. I'm also really keen on worldbuilding, there's a lot of eldritch potential with the Entity building the Fog out of memories, despite not knowing how our universe works and not really caring to.

Couple of things to know about me and you:
- Looking mainly for Canon/Canon, but am down for OC/OC and OC/Canon. (I don't double, but I promise I don't mind you playing an OC to my CC).
- Queer ships preferred. M/M, F/F, NB/A, all the good stuff. I'll do M/F, but it's a hard sell.
- Killer/Killer is my absolute favorite, but I've got a hankering for playing as a survivor so whatever ends up working.
- I'm a multi-para RPer! Length is flexible, you can always expect at least 2-3 chunky paragraphs from me but you'll probably get more! I don't mind how much I get in return, just so long as you give it your best shot!
- Story > Chemistry > Action > Romance, I love our muses to earn their relationship, and I'm a Master of slow burn.

I'm willing to try out almost any character, survivor or killer. There's a lot of them now, and I haven't read all the lore, so I'm not picky on who you bring to the table either! Bring me your strangest crossover pairings because I've got so many and I can't be alone in this. Silent Hill is my secondary brainrot right now, so knowledge of that series is a huge bonus.

Characters I'm vibing with:
- DBD Killers: The Legion (All), Danny Johnson (Ghostface), Caleb Quinn (Deathslinger), Carmina Mora (Artist)
- DBD Survivors: Jake Park, Claudette Morel, Jeff Johansen, Ace Visconti
- Silent Hill: James Sunderland, Cheryl 'Heather' Mason, Pyramid Head, Lisa Garland
- Other: Pinhead (Hellraiser), Michael Myers (Halloween), Laurie Strode (Halloween)
- Other Crossovers (Non-Canon): Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives), Karl Heisenberg (RE8), Lady Dimitrescu (RE8), Ethan Winters (RE8), Jacket (Hotline Miami)
- Ask about others and OCs!

Pairings I have ideas for (Not necessarily shippy, just interaction):
- Cheryl x Laurie Strode
- Cheryl x Susie
- Lisa Garland x Huntress
- James x Leon Kennedy
- James x Pyramid Head
- Pyramid Head x Ghostface
- Pyramid Head x Demogorgon
- Pyramid Head x Pinhead
- Julie x Kate
- Julie x Huntress
- Julie x Susie
- Joey x Michael Myers
- Ghostface x Frank
- Ghostface x Michael Myers
- The Trapper x Michael Myers
- The Artist x Mikaela Reid
- The Artist x Amanda Young

Feel free to bring your own, this is just an idea of the plot threads currently running on a hamster wheel in my brain

- There are few places in the Fog that are truly safe, but the campfire is an exception. Killers are unable to step within the circle of firelight, and nobody is more incensed about this than the Ghost Face. He has to get creative if he wants to talk to survivors face to face, and donning his old alias, Jed Olson, might trick them into believing he's on their side. Even if they meet him out in the woods.

- Sleep used to be one of the few things that allowed them to get away from everything, but ever since Freddy Krueger ended up in the realm, even that was taken away from them as he can freely enter their nightmares. Shared dreams and night terrors ahoy.

- Everyone knows not to enter the Red Wood, the Huntress is as territorial as they come. Doesn't stop the Legion, a bunch of idiot teens, from trying to steal one of her masks to wear in the next trial.

- Pyramid Head and Pinhead are kindred spirits, inflicting cleansing pain upon their victims. Their methods couldn't be more different, though, and they rarely see eye to eye. Pain as punishment, pain to elevate you beyond human imagining, which is better?

- Michael Myers is an enigma, it's impossible to tell what's going on in his head, whether there's anything behind the mask. Even the Entity has trouble keeping a hold on him sometimes. When she doesn't, he disappears from a trial, and there's no telling where he'll turn up next.

If anything here looks vaguely interesting to you, I'm down to hear your ideas and share my own!
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Might I ask if you are against the idea of using other fictional characters in other horror games not exactly correlating to the DBD series?

I am thinking of one in particular, but it’s none of the ones you’ve listed.
Might I ask if you are against the idea of using other fictional characters in other horror games not exactly correlating to the DBD series?

I am thinking of one in particular, but it’s none of the ones you’ve listed.
I'm open to suggestions for other horror games and crossovers, but I'll only muse a character if I'm familiar with the source material. You can DM me about what you have in mind if you like :)
Hello! I saw this interest check you made looking for a roleplay partner for a Dead by Daylight roleplay. The post is a couple of months old, though, so I just wanted to message you and ask if you're still interested and still looking for someone. :3

If you are interested (and if it will help your decision-making any) I'm going to give some information about Dead by Daylight characters and plot ideas that I'd find interesting. If you're not interested in roleplaying at this time, I would still be interested in talking with you about Dead by Daylight, if you'd like! I love talking about this game with people. X3

Some quick personal information about me: I'm 25 years old and prefer they/them pronouns. Gender is a beast I've been trying to tackle all my life, it seems like, but that's another conversation entirely. A lot of the preferences you listed in your interest check are spot on with what I prefer myself. From Canon/Canon, to preferring relationships that aren't heterosexual in nature, to Killer/Killer relationships, to post length, to prioritizing story, character dynamics, and slow burn over quick romance.... These are all things I prefer as well! It's kind of eerie, in a way, how so many things I was like, "Yeah, that's totally me!" about your post. Are you me? Do I have a doppelganger? X3

Jokes aside, I do have favorite killers that I'd love to roleplay as. I'll give a list below of characters I'd feel comfortable roleplaying.
  • The Wraith - Philip's always been a favorite of mine, both from a gameplay and lore perspective. I'd love to delve further into his mindset and just what goes through his mind. The only thing I should mention is that Philip's backstory can make me a big sad sometimes depending on my current emotional state. This won't pose any problems 99% of the time. I just want to give the heads up that there might be some days where I won't be able to delve into certain parts of his traumas in my writing because I'm just too depressed thinking about it. This can technically apply to other characters, as well, but Philip tugs at my heartstrings the most of any of the Dead by Daylight killers.
  • Michael Myers - My favorite classic horror movie icon for over a decade, I've always been fascinated by Mr. Evil Incarnate. I love coming up with different theories about him. The hardest part about me potentially roleplaying as this guy is trying to settle for just one interpretation of his character. X3
  • Pinhead - One of the more unique horror movie icons in my opinion, there's just something about the Hell Priest that fascinates me. His mannerisms, as well as his role as not really even the antagonist in the first two Hellraiser movies despite being a creature who thrives on torture, basically. I think the way Behavior integrated him into Dead by Daylight was superb and I'd love to delve deeper into not just his character, but how he interacts with the world and the other people who reside there, willingly or not.
  • The Dredge - I love this thing. Despite what I'm assuming it did to Maurice, poor horse. But maybe Maurice likes being part of a collective of body parts that hosts the trauma of countless dead people, who knows. But yeah, I'd love to explore what the Dredge is like as a "person" or, more likely, a sort of manifestation/personification of something that just wants to corrode and consume.
This next list is characters who I'm definitely interested in their lore, but I'm not sure if I know enough about them to comfortably roleplay as them straight away.
  • The Hillbilly - Max Jr. is a cinnamon roll and needs protected. Kind of the same deal with Philip, Max just tugs at the heartstrings. I'm definitely interested in his character, though I don't really have much of an idea of how I'd handle his character. The Wraith, Michael Myers, and Pinhead I have a much better idea of, with the first being a character I've always loved and the latter two being that, but also having more established lore to work with. I'd want to do more research and think on how I'd portray his character should I decide to roleplay as Max at some point, but it's definitely something I'd consider.
  • The Doctor - Herman, you terrible human being. His personality, outlook, and backstory are all things I've taken an interest in for years. I'm not quite sure if I'd be able to nail his character, though. I'd feel more comfortable roleplaying as Herman than Max if I was put on the spot in a hypothetical situation, but I don't have his inner workings as figured out in my head as, say, Philip. Still interested in maybe roleplaying as him at some point, though.
  • The Blight - Sort of the same deal as with Herman, though I think I'd probably find roleplaying as Herman easier than Talbot. Talbot Grimes might honestly be Max tier in terms of me not really knowing what to do with him, exactly, but the interest is definitely there.
  • Freddy Krueger - I've only seen the first A Nightmare on Elm Street movie from 1984 and the remake from 2010, but Freddy's so iconic that I feel like I could get his personality down pretty well. Whether we did 1984 version or 2010 version would obviously have different results, since the two Freddys are pretty different in mindset and personality, but I'd be interested in exploring either or even both, potentially.
I don't have too many plot ideas in mind right at this moment, but I thought I'd list a few that immediately come to mind.
  • Pinhead and Pyramid Head - I do really like your idea with Pinhead and Pyramid Head both loving pain, but for vastly different reasons. I don't really know much about Pyramid Head aside from what little I've learned from him being in Dead by Daylight, but I'd love to explore this dynamic between the two of them, if you'd like!
  • Michael Myers and Ghostface - Two stalkers, but what happens when the stalker becomes the stalked? The roles could go either way, or even go both ways at the same time. I sort of had the idea of Ghostface stalking Michael Myers out of curiosity and maybe to try to gain an edge over him, but Michael quickly takes notice and returns the favor by stalking Ghostface. So they're basically switching back and forth between stalker and stalked, which could be entertaining to roleplay.
  • Michael Myers and Ghostface - This idea is more humorous, but I had the thought of Ghostface constantly yapping at Michael Myers, but he eventually gets bored of doing all the talking. So he tries to get Michael to talk in literally whatever way possible. Teaching him sign language, writing, being a sort of speech therapist, etc. It'd be neat if they could actually bond over the experience, or maybe it could be a source of contention. I suppose it depends on whether Michael actually wants to communicate or not.
  • Pinhead and Michael Myers - I honestly don't have specifics thought out for this one, but I think the character combination would be really interesting.
  • Michael Myers and the Dredge - No real specifics for this one, either, but I feel like they'd either vibe together or despise each other for being too similar in ways. Maybe the Dredge looks at Laurie for 0.2 seconds too long and Mr. Myers doesn't like that, or some kind of similar prey dispute. Sort of a, "That's mine, get your own," kind of deal.
That's all I can think of for now. I really look forward to hearing from you, even if it's just to talk about Dead by Daylight stuff, if you'd like. :3
Hello!! I'm Snally and I've got a hankering for horror.
24, They/Them, be 18+ to RP with me and all that jazz.

Dead By Daylight is my current brainrot, I'd really like to stretch those headcanons and delve into the crossover potential as well as put our characters through the wringer. Putting a big emphasis on that horror for a reason, I want all the canon-typical content and more!

I guess you can call what I'm looking for a more 'realized' version of the game, with larger maps and more dramatized trials. The characters believing wholeheartedly that every death is the end, even if they're brought back to life, is everything to me. I'm also really keen on worldbuilding, there's a lot of eldritch potential with the Entity building the Fog out of memories, despite not knowing how our universe works and not really caring to.

Couple of things to know about me and you:
- Looking mainly for Canon/Canon, but am down for OC/OC and OC/Canon. (I don't double, but I promise I don't mind you playing an OC to my CC).
- Queer ships preferred. M/M, F/F, NB/A, all the good stuff. I'll do M/F, but it's a hard sell.
- Killer/Killer is my absolute favorite, but I've got a hankering for playing as a survivor so whatever ends up working.
- I'm a multi-para RPer! Length is flexible, you can always expect at least 2-3 chunky paragraphs from me but you'll probably get more! I don't mind how much I get in return, just so long as you give it your best shot!
- Story > Chemistry > Action > Romance, I love our muses to earn their relationship, and I'm a Master of slow burn.

I'm willing to try out almost any character, survivor or killer. There's a lot of them now, and I haven't read all the lore, so I'm not picky on who you bring to the table either! Bring me your strangest crossover pairings because I've got so many and I can't be alone in this. Silent Hill is my secondary brainrot right now, so knowledge of that series is a huge bonus.

Characters I'm vibing with:
- DBD Killers: The Legion (All), Danny Johnson (Ghostface), Caleb Quinn (Deathslinger), Carmina Mora (Artist)
- DBD Survivors: Jake Park, Claudette Morel, Jeff Johansen, Ace Visconti
- Silent Hill: James Sunderland, Cheryl 'Heather' Mason, Pyramid Head, Lisa Garland
- Other: Pinhead (Hellraiser), Michael Myers (Halloween), Laurie Strode (Halloween)
- Other Crossovers (Non-Canon): Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives), Karl Heisenberg (RE8), Lady Dimitrescu (RE8), Ethan Winters (RE8), Jacket (Hotline Miami)
- Ask about others and OCs!

Pairings I have ideas for (Not necessarily shippy, just interaction):
- Cheryl x Laurie Strode
- Cheryl x Susie
- Lisa Garland x Huntress
- James x Leon Kennedy
- James x Pyramid Head
- Pyramid Head x Ghostface
- Pyramid Head x Demogorgon
- Pyramid Head x Pinhead
- Julie x Kate
- Julie x Huntress
- Julie x Susie
- Joey x Michael Myers
- Ghostface x Frank
- Ghostface x Michael Myers
- The Trapper x Michael Myers
- The Artist x Mikaela Reid
- The Artist x Amanda Young

Feel free to bring your own, this is just an idea of the plot threads currently running on a hamster wheel in my brain

- There are few places in the Fog that are truly safe, but the campfire is an exception. Killers are unable to step within the circle of firelight, and nobody is more incensed about this than the Ghost Face. He has to get creative if he wants to talk to survivors face to face, and donning his old alias, Jed Olson, might trick them into believing he's on their side. Even if they meet him out in the woods.

- Sleep used to be one of the few things that allowed them to get away from everything, but ever since Freddy Krueger ended up in the realm, even that was taken away from them as he can freely enter their nightmares. Shared dreams and night terrors ahoy.

- Everyone knows not to enter the Red Wood, the Huntress is as territorial as they come. Doesn't stop the Legion, a bunch of idiot teens, from trying to steal one of her masks to wear in the next trial.

- Pyramid Head and Pinhead are kindred spirits, inflicting cleansing pain upon their victims. Their methods couldn't be more different, though, and they rarely see eye to eye. Pain as punishment, pain to elevate you beyond human imagining, which is better?

- Michael Myers is an enigma, it's impossible to tell what's going on in his head, whether there's anything behind the mask. Even the Entity has trouble keeping a hold on him sometimes. When she doesn't, he disappears from a trial, and there's no telling where he'll turn up next.

If anything here looks vaguely interesting to you, I'm down to hear your ideas and share my own!
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