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Fandom Horror Icons Being Besties? Sign Me Up!


Junior Member
I'll try to keep this simpler and to the point, though it'll probably end with me rambling on and on as usual. :)

A few things about me:
  • I'm 25 years old and prefer they/them pronouns.
  • I'd prefer a roleplay partner that's 18+ just because horror icons do love their grisly murder and such, though it isn't a strict requirement. Should any plots involve romance or something more sexual in nature, however, the preference becomes a requirement. I wouldn't mind roleplaying platonic horror icon interactions with someone who hasn't leveled up to 18 years in this wondrous game of life, so long as it's something you can handle emotionally and with a matured outlook. Assuming we're even getting into the darker subjects and horror. Sometimes having two big murderers just chilling together with milkshakes on a hot summer day is its own form of entertaining, which I'd obviously have fewer concerns about roleplaying with a younger individual.
  • I'd consider my writing as advanced, though this isn't a requirement for a potential roleplay buddy so long as they give it their best and avoid single sentence replies when possible. Though less can most certainly be more, especially in dialogue and similar exchanges, so it isn't so much as a rule as it is just a generalized writing preference. If you want to write a huge wall of text, go for it! If you want to write it, I want to read it!
  • I love conversing just as much as roleplaying. This is obviously a roleplay interest check, but if you decide you'd like to roleplay with me, I'd love to discuss roleplay plots and ideas, and just partake in casual conversation in general. I'm a very easy person to talk to, though I understand that interacting with strangers in general can be spookier than any horror movie setting. So if you're shy at first, totally understandable! And if not, well, the only thing I'd worry about is having to explain pop culture references to me because I don't get out much and my comprehension of certain things can be limited at best. X3
  • In terms of LGBT+ things, I'm all for that! I honestly prefer things like homosexual relationships over heterosexual ones in writing, but this is a generalized preference. I can find heterosexual relationships just as interesting depending on the character combination, so don't be afraid to mention a potential pairing you have in mind!
  • And lastly, I am on the autism spectrum with OCD and anxiety. This doesn't really manifest in my writing itself, though it can make the writing process difficult or even intimidating for me at times, depending on what's going on in the real world. So my roleplay responses might be delayed at times, though just engaging in conversation is likely to get me to feel comfortable enough to roleplay again, depending on the situation.
I don't think anything else is of particular relevance in terms of me as a person, but if you have questions about things I didn't discuss, feel free to ask me!

So let's get on to the roleplay specifics!

I've always loved the horror genre, which honestly at times seems less intimidating than real life, I'll admit. XD But one thing I love more than the horror genre is character interaction in general. The thought of two or more certified serial killers or monsters just hanging out being friends has always been extremely entertaining to me, hence the making of this interest check.

But friendship isn't the only kind of dynamic I'd be interested in exploring! Rivalries, romantic interest, a sort of frenemy relationship, grudging alliances made out of necessity rather than any particular liking of the other person... these are all things I'd like to potentially touch on.

With that being said, here are the characters and their respective fandoms that I have some form of familiarity with and would be interested in roleplaying as:
  • Michael Myers (Halloween)
  • Pinhead (Hellraiser)
  • Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
  • Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
  • Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
Kind of a small list, admittedly, but these are just characters I'd feel confident in roleplaying as myself. You can bring whatever character from whatever horror media you'd like! Whether it's from a movie, a television series, a book, a video game... your character can be from any sort of horror fandom!

And don't be afraid to bring in those pesky horror movie protagonists that just won't die! I will admit, my current interest is geared more towards horror antagonist interactions, but I'd absolutely be down for two characters of opposing roles getting along, whether they're from the same universe or a different one! Michael Myers and Tiffany from Hellraiser II sharing companionable silence is cute to imagine! Or Bill from Left 4 Dead ending up in the cenobites' realm and two old soldiers bonding over the shared understanding of, "War sucks." That would be great, too!

I'd also be open to OCs, whether it's interactions between a canon and original character or even two original characters, potentially. Maybe a roleplay where two average, everyday people are being hunted or stalked by spooky monsters, so they band together to try to take them on as a team. Or maybe two original monster characters, or a canon monster with an original one... the possibilities are quite endless! I do have varying degrees of interest in each individual concept, but never be afraid to ask if I'd be up for a character combination or plot! Though I do have more of an itch to roleplay canon characters right now, being presented with other ideas can inspire me and interest me to where I'd be happy to try something different!

So that's it, really! Beyond the vague concepts I mentioned, I don't have specific plot details in mind. I love brainstorming ideas, though, so once I know what character you'd be interested in roleplaying, it'll be a blast conceptualizing where to take the story we write. And as always, I love hearing others' ideas!

If you're interested, please leave a comment below or message me privately! Whichever works better for you! :)
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hello is this still open, if so lmk so we can talk
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