Hopping Bunnies, Running Swordsmen.

This whole thread sounds like something I'd read on a DND forum. Better bust out the strategy map and count out the yards.

My question: I thought you moved DEX yards per tick, not per action?
Gylthinel said:
My question: I thought you moved DEX yards per tick, not per action?
Neverminding the confusion surrounding this rule, it doesn't really make any difference in this situation. If your opponent is faster than you, you'll have trouble catching him regardless of if you move per tick or per action.
Gylthinel said:
My question: I thought you moved DEX yards per tick' date=' not per action?[/quote']Neverminding the confusion surrounding this rule, it doesn't really make any difference in this situation. If your opponent is faster than you, you'll have trouble catching him regardless of if you move per tick or per action.
Where I come from, we call this kiting.
Gylthinel said:
My question: I thought you moved DEX yards per tick' date=' not per action?[/quote']Neverminding the confusion surrounding this rule, it doesn't really make any difference in this situation. If your opponent is faster than you, you'll have trouble catching him regardless of if you move per tick or per action.
So you do move Dex/tick, rather than Dex/action, yes? Cuz dex/action is way different then dex/tick. If you have your speed munchkin that can move 10/action, and fires a bow (speed 6), then his 5/action guy with a jade reaver daiklave (speed 3) could actually keep up.
My reading is that yes, it's movement per tick, and that's how I've always run it in my games. Not that I keep track, as I refuse to break out the map for Exalted Miniature Combat :roll: . And the player's haven't asked. I do break it out to give general idea of what the place looks like sometimes, I guess, but I don't use it to keep track of anything, as I find that doing it that way tends to detract from my player's creativity in stunting up some really cool stuff. And I've used some movement tactics on them, but mostly cinematic, rather than game breaking.

Yeah, I suppose the tactics could work like that Cyl, but to me, that'd get boring real quick. And that's all I need in my Exalted game is boring combat. That should be the time when things really pick up, not that they aren't fast paced enough as is in some of my games.

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