Honorable Intentions( Chiba Masato X Aiko Ramiano)

Chiba Masato

Resident Enigma
It is a well known fact that most of the stories told on television were coming true. Aliens, witchcraft, human hybrids, and every other thing that was said to be fiction was slowly becoming reality. There were only a small number of cases of humans being able to change their outer appearances to suit their need. He was one such case. He was born a boy but he could like any other of his kind change his outer appearance to anything he wanted that was alive. His parents had went their own way and left him to his own devices as he went through school if he had issues he was able to leave the school and come back as some one different. He had to this very often. He had even changed schools multiple times. It was his last year as a middle school student and he was disguised as a female student and he took a test to get into the Rein Academy. The academy was a boarding school for elite students or wealthy students. He passed his test with among the highest marks and was given a full ride to the Academy. He wondered if he would be able to do it. hide his real identity in order to get a good education and maybe even get a few friends. It sounded like a nice prospect but if it would pay off was up for debate. He was excited as he walked to the school, it would be difficult to stay this way for long amounts time. He smiled to himself and pulled his hair back into a pony tail and smiled wider. He was lucky that he had this advantage. He reminded himself a few times that his name was Emi. He had to remember that. As the day wore on he became more relaxed and tired and when it was finally time to find his room he had to search the entire campus for it. When he did he saw he shared it with a girl named Elizabeth. It sounded like a cute name but he knew in the corner in his mind that this was where most of his trouble would come from. He slid the key into the door and turned it listening to it click and he opened the door slightly and called in. " Uhm hello? I'm Emi, your roommate? Can i come in?"
There was a girl who arrived at a door. Her name was Elizabeth. She looked up. "This seems to be the room," She said to her self. Grabbing the key to the room, she unlocked the door. She opened her door and saw it was empty. Closing the door, she had put her key back in her pocket. She threw her suitcase on a bed on the left side. Elizabeth started unpacking. She was looking out the window wishing she could see her house. She smiled and told herself "I'm a woman now. I can take care of my self." She looked up and held her hand on her chest and promised herself she would become responsible. Changing the subject, she couldn't wait to meet her new roommate Emi. She wanted to do girl things with her like take a bath together or went shopping even though she didn't enjoy that. Her parents wanted her to become more like a girl then a boy. Someone opened the door. She jumped and covered her mouth. It was Emi. She had put her hands down and looked at her. "Hello Emi. You don't need to ask to come in, it's your room too ya know," Elizabeth smiled at her brightly Emi was such a pretty girl. "I took the bed on the left if you don't mind so your bed is on the right." She told her nicely. She started putting her shirt and pants in her mini drawer she brought with her. She turned her head back to Emi. Her hair looked so soft and silky in the pony when Elizabeth's hair was so messy with her hair down. She chuckled and had put the rest of her stuff away.
he smiled at her sweetly too but internally he swallowed hard. This was going to be a challenge to keep his secret a secret. He had a small duffel bag over his shoulder which he took off and put on his bed. He didn't have much, a few pieces of clothing here and there a small tollitries case and that was it. Around his neck was a small locket with a picture of his parents in it. He took his hair down it was always such a issue with long hair he didn't know how to fix it properly on himself but on other people he could work magic on their hair. she sighed and sat down on his bed and he looked out the window easily being able to see all the places he had "lived at" throughout the years he seemed to plae and he looked back into the room and smiled at her. " How did you get into the school? Your parents put you here or did you test and get a scholarship?"
Elizabeth panicked. She didn't want to say that her grandparents put her here thinking she will learn manners and responsibility. It will make her sound like a snobby girl, right? Also if she said that it would make her sound like an idiot since she didn't get a scholarship. She's probably an idiot for even thinking about this. Her grade was a B average though... she's not a complete idiot. This was just a simple question. It was either her parents put her here or a scholarship. She didn't need details. "I'm wasting Emi's time! Just answer and said you spaced out for a minute!" Elizabeth thought. She turned her head towards Emi. "I'm sorry... I was just spaced out for a minute... I was just a little.. home sick." She lied and added "My grandparents paid. They think that I can learn what it's like being more like a girl and how to take responsibilities. They want me to take care of myself. I'm not a snot nose brat or a messy girl. I promise," She smiled. "How did you get in this school?"
She smiled lightly. " Its a secret for now, i don't want to tell you. But i did get in with a scholarship." She laughs lightly at her remark and organizes her small amount of belongings and huffs at them and looks at the clock on the wall. Do you know how the bath schedule works out?" Her hand twitches slightly on an impulse to do the other girl's hair. Oh how bad she wanted to fix it. she shakes her head slightly trying to clear her mind of her thoughts. " Oh why should i keep it a secret? I lived on the streets and went to school and took the admissions test and i was among the top 5 or so that took the test. I have no living family members thus is why i have so little. It really is a wonder why my hair isn't like yours. A infernal mess. No insult meant... Can i fix it up for you? I'm really good with working other people's hair." she blushes slightly embarrassed.
Elizabeth's hair was messy. She hunched her back and opened her mouth wide open. Did she seriously want to fix my hair because it was that bad... She closed her mouth and straightened her back. "We can take a shower first. Common" She smiled and grabbed Emi's hand. "After this, you can take care of my hair, okay?" Of course, she didn't know how this would work out. She's not really use to taking a shower with other girls since she's the odd one out. She wondered if she was just like her.
she blushed heavily and shook her head violently. " No thanks i already took one before coming here." She was just as awkward if not worse then the other girl it seemed. " Maybe next time i can join you, and it's not that bad but after i get done with you almost every boy in the neighborhood that walks past the school and sees you would fall for you." She smiles widely. " I'll be waiting for you to get back."
Elizabeth looked at her confused. "Umm... Okay. You can unpack when I'm gone. Maybe someday... I'll sneak up on you when you're taking a shower or a bath. It shouldn't be weird, we're both girls after all," she laughed and grabbed her clothes. She headed to the bathroom. She took off her clothes. She blocked the drain in the bath tub and turned on the water faucet.
she sighed in relief and slowly her hair shortened and she became more he-like and he went and finished unpacking opening his locket and looking at it fondly before closing it again with a soft snap and his hair slowly lengthened again and she moved around with a sort of grace as she organized the room neatly. Making her own bed first and then making Elizabeth's bed and then sitting down on her own she pulls a small book out and begins to read the book carefully.
Elizabeth got in the bathtub and sat down. She noticed she forgot the shampoo, conditioner and soap. She facepalmed. "Emi! Can you grab my shampoo, conditioner and soap in my luggage! I forgot it..." She asked loudly. She turned off the water faucet and waited until she replied. She layed down under the water as she waited.
she panicked a little bit and looked around the room. " Where is it? I can't find it... Wait a moment... Uhmmm" She rummages carefully through the other girls possessions. " I think i found it." She walks over to the bathroom and opens the door slightly looking at the floor and she slides the shampoo over in the direction of the bathtub and softly closes the door behind her. " I hope that's it I really don't know but i hope it is the right one."
"That's it. Don't worry." Elizabeth smiled. Emi must be really shy. She grabbed the shampoo and scrubbed her hair. "Good thing it's two in one," She laughed. She hummed a song as she washed the foam out of her hair. She started washing herself. As soon as she finished taking a bath. She got out and drained the water. She dried herself and covered herself with a towel and walked out. "That bath felt good.... You sure you're not gonna take a shower?"
she was on her bed reading in the lamp light and she waved her hand dismissively not wanting a shower and too absorbed in her book to even care. She flipped the page and laughed slightly to her self. " I'm glad that the bath felt good." Her voice was kind of hollow as she hardly even knew what was going on around her.
Elizabeth rummaged through her mini drawer deciding what to where. She grabbed her clothes and turned her head towards Emi. "Do you mind if I just put my clothes on here?" Elizabeth laughed. She was just joking and went back to the bathroom. After having all her clothes on, she went out and sat next to Emi. She looked at Emi closely. "Hey..... You don't wear makeup at all. Weird... most of the girls I meet wear makeup. I don't wear make up at all. I just don't understand its purpose."
Makeup your joking right?" She sits up after marking her place in her book. " True beauty is on the inside not the outside. Now come and sit over her and stop moping otherwise i won't do your hair for you. And i don't really mind where you put your clothes as i have so little i can just keep it all in my duffel bag." She takes a few strands of Elizabeth hair and begins to start weaving it in a simple but beautiful design.
Elizabeth just sat there. She waited until she finished to do her hair. Elizabeth noticed that Emi was pretty tall. She kept silent though. As she waited for her to finish her hair she asked, "Where are you from Emi?" She wanted to know Emi alittle bit more. Some how, she seemed interesting.
where am i from you ask? Well i'm not really sure i've never met my parents and i've only went from foster care to foster care before i couldn't take the bullying anymore and then i ran away and lived on the street off of people's hospitality when they gave me food. It wasn't that bad i just got sick easy. Which is also why i had to test into the school, and i also have no close what so ever other then what's on my back." She puts the finishing touches on her hair and smiles. " well there we go, it looks very nice in my opinion." ((i'll get a picture for you in a sec, and i'm happy that you are still posting.)) 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/full.jpg.957d5618575dff99511ec93a61635aa1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/full.jpg.957d5618575dff99511ec93a61635aa1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image_8.jpeg.bd47f61cf3bf84b76ae4099261a072f6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image_8.jpeg.bd47f61cf3bf84b76ae4099261a072f6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>here are my two characters female and male respectively and the uniform she has on can work as the school uniform if that is ok with you))

"Thank you!" She smiled and turned around. Hugging her she backed away. "So when does school start again. I forgot..." Elizabeth laughed. She got up and looked at the clock. "It's almost noon. Do we have lunch or no?" She didn't know anything at all. She felt like an idiot. Grabbing her binder, she looked at her schedule. "Umm.. what's today?" Elizabeth had so many questions.

((Their fine with me ^^))
no class until tomorrow. And i think that there is some sort of event going on today like a public lunch. Or so i have heard." She looks at Lizabeth and grins. " You should try and get more organized." She stands and heads to the door. " I don't know about you but i am going to get something to eat. You coming?"
Elizabeth's stomach rumbled. "I am kinda hungry. Let's go!" She smiled. "Where should we eat? I don't mind if you want to pick." She looked at Emi as they walked out their dorm. As she looked at Emi she asked her, "Have you ever dated someone? You are pretty and smart. Someone must of asked you out."
no one has hardly paid me any mind they just saw me as a person off of the street trying to survive." She looks at the map for a second. " How about the main plaza ramen shop? It's cheap and the food looks good."
((Sorry that I have been AFK for a while D:))

She never tried that place before but she would love to try something knew. "I'm fine with that," She smiled. She turned her heads and looked down the hall searching where it was. All she hoped for was Emi to know where to go.
it's cool i've been busy)) she took one look at the map and taking the other girls hand smiling she led them off towards the central plaza where everyone else was at and already eating.
Elizabeth followed the girl who was leading the way. They made it. There were other people all over the world eating here. She thought it was pretty cool that she actually made it in this school. "You can order first, I will pay after you"

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