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Fandom Homestuck Roleplay: Sburb Omega

Man you could have told me to stop from the beginning lol. When you asked if you could kill Dina, I thought you were gonna one-shot her, but as soon as you gave me the chance to react I reacted the shit out of it and pretty much gave you something to struggle over. Because again I'm a sadomasochist.

Black-solicitations aside, I'll make up for it. Let's delete all the bullshit and you can kill Dina like you wanted and do whatever you had planned. I won't put up a fight this time.
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It's only polite and doesn't outwardly appear break roleplaying rules. Frankly, the only way to prevent a well-planned death is to ensure it never happens, which is why you need to ask permission for this shit since Dina's neck should have been crushed instantly.

I rolled with it though. I wouldn't appreciate the value of some characters' "fighting spirit" being tossed aside as they were killed with absolutely no struggle, but damn if you didn't put on a chase scene.

What's done is done though. You can retcon it if you want but either way I'll be busy enough retyping the post that James will have time to come back in the interrim.

God this is terrible.
^I added an edit

One-shot her dude don't have any mercy. I honestly didn't care as long as you were gonna bring her back to life anyway.

Say it and I'll delete all the bs posts. Probably tomorrow morning though, I'm going to bed soon.

Plus Dina was gonna collect everything in her lab regardless of any robo shenanigans because she wanted to do a lot of alchemy later on. It had nothing to do with metagaming or breaking the fourth wall to spite you.
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Yeah, I know. It was just so conveniently timed and I am so salty over my lost wall of text >_>

Might as well cut it all the way down to crushing her windpipe.
By the way, since Big Mama is essentially disassembled, Jack has no reason to blow up her lab anymore, and thus Dina has no way of knowing about any of the reasons she should hate him.

Ryik said:
Might I also bring up what I forgot to mention at the sight of the much bigger issue, Squiddles plushies have no actual connection to horrorterrors, and uranium is merely a radioactive element. Peppersprite should have pretty terrible affinity with psychic glasses, and those themselves don't strike me as a viable means of transportation at all, much less faster than sprite flight.
I'm kind of irritated right now because a cat is going to great lengths to appear out of absolutely nowhere unlike all other sprites ever and making it very difficult to carry out what was supposed to be a short subplot propping up a very long main post of which I just lost forever and have to retype from scratch.

It doesn't help that I had to make enormous expositional explanations I have to rehash and hope it resembles the same level of clarity as before.

--- Double Post Merged, Today at 9:08 AM, Original Post Date: Today at 8:53 AM --- And you know what makes me salty about it above all? That Dina had the clairvoyant foresight to captchalogue her entire lab making this entire ordeal mandatory besides.
Ok, fine, deleted. But let's go over this real quick Ryik so it doesn't happen again.

You may have your own agenda and sub plots into the entire ordeals of your various insertions into the plot which, on multiple levels is beneficial for overall levels of interest the plot can now pose. But in addition a main issue is that you need to communicate to at least a small extent to make people aware of your intentions on things before they post. Otherwise, they'll act normally, since Orihara was going to basic lengths to try and have her character not be dead.

Such is the ways of rping, good for your sub-plot, but please just inform us next random encounter.
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]Ok, fine, deleted. But let's go over this real quick Ryik so it doesn't happen again.
You may have your own agenda and sub plots into the entire ordeals of your various insertions into the plot which, on multiple levels is beneficial for overall levels of interest the plot can now pose. But in addition a main issue is that you need to communicate to at least a small extent to make people aware of your intentions on things before they post. Otherwise, they'll act normally, since Orihara was going to basic lengths to try and have her character not be dead.

Such is the ways of rping, good for your sub-plot, but please just inform us next random encounter.

To be fair senpai, I did give him the green light in PM to kill Dina with the exception that he bring her back via plot.

The thing is, he didn't one shot her like I wanted him to. So, since he gave me the opportunity to fight back, I took that opportunity purely to fuck around with him in an ironic and caliginous way.
Ok, He's Just So Damn Salty About It. Fine, I'm not Getting Into This Nonsense Until He Comes Knocking At My Door In An Unlikely Turn Of Events, I Doubt He Has Anything Planned For James.
I am become the salt.

I make oceans look fresh.

Dina was supposed to more or less come back immediately since I had the post ready, but now that I have to retype it...

Yeah sorry.
Yeah, so I noticed.

It's all good, we've resolved it and I don't think there's any more need for much more angry discussion.

I'm sorry that you lost that, though I'm surprised considering RP Nation typically saves your drafts.
When I'm making particularly long posts, I usually save them to a word pad document so as not to lose them.
[QUOTE="Virtual Laptop]Copy them.

This is exactly the reason why the post got deleted. My clipboard is a terrible storage place for any period of time longer than an hour.


As for Dina, nevermind. She now has a reason to hate Jack a lot.


Just had a night out in Akihabara and bought a ton of Hatsune Miku merchandise. It's so sweet. I love Miku. Miiiiikuuuuuuu, She's my waifu.
Finished. Finally.

Place your bets now on how much I botched retyping everything.
Can you please sum up what Jack did? It's slightly confusing on various spots so I'm slightly unsure on what he did. And is Dina Alive?

Also, did He download an Alchemize copy of Sburb?
Yes. Only the initial client/server order actually matter, as demonstrated by Dave, everyone can be everyone's client and server at the same time with no real consequences.

From the point where Jack is under Dina's bed, timelines split based on his decisions.

One Jack killed Dina, burned her body, stole her time machine and BM's core, then used her captchalogued lab machines to make two tachyonic antitelephones and a bomb. We'll call this guy Jack #1

The other Jack stayed under the bed as Dina left, used the uranium and leftover wires in Dina's lab and a ton of alchemizing to create a shitty version of a tachyonic antitelephone that breaks after one use. We'll call this guy Jack #2

Jack #1 doesn't want to leave behind an antitelephone that the other players of his timeline might interfere using, so he rigs it up with a bomb and uses it to go to Jack #2's antitelephone, which breaks.

Jack #1 and 2 fight. The winner loots the sylladex of the loser, so that Jack has:

  • Dina's time machine
  • A GOOD tachyonic antitelephone
  • BM's core
  • A pipe
  • A metal case full of tobacco. (Think altoids case)

  • A blue "playbook" (more or less a blue diary book, currently empty)
  • A pocketwatch
  • Jack's "signature" set of clothes
  • A modus control deck that allows him to have the ESCHER ARRAY fetch modus

In addition he captchalogues:

  • The body of the Jack that loses, crushed into bits
  • The pieces of the shitty tachyonic antitelephone, now unusable
  • A tigerdeath plush
  • Jack's glasses

The winning Jack stays in Jack #2's timeline because Dina isn't dead, while we can pretty much ignore anything in Jack #1's timeline since he killed the time player. (something I forgot to mention in the post and have now edited in)

Only way to cross between timelines is a time player or a tachyonic antitelephone (or other non-SBURB-sanctioned time machine) set to a different address. Jack took care of both of those things.

Now, I think I explained a tachyonic antitelephone in the post itself enough, but in a nutshell it is a non-SBURB sanctioned time machine that is incompatible with organic matter and doesn't travel with the user.

I strongly disagree with the notion that doomed timelines aren't an SBURB mechanic since it's the only explanation for canon and is a phenomenon that doesn't make any sense otherwise.
Also, the tachyonic antitelephones Jack builds kind of look like washing machines.
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Well the only problem is I have a problem with how he exactly made it if by sheer code. Because there is no actual code to The Captchalogue card in a Sburb Disc like what Rose tried as the creators anticipated. I doubt you can Alchemize a copy anyway as well due to a similar situation.

Ha, well, after that? I believe there was mention of him traveling into the Veil? Something about shutting down for 18 years?
SBURB discs do in fact have codes, and can, in fact, be alchemized, they just require an intellibeam laserstation to read. It's the same situation with pumpkins.

Dave had, in fact, alchemized an SBURB disc.

After Jack gathered up all his shit, he used Dina's time machine to go back 18 years, then flew off into the veil to find the ectobiology lab Crocia would use. He then used a machine Crocia wouldn't use, and used it to create a baby version of himself that technically isn't a paradox clone. He then hooked it up to a "test tube" (not unlike the ones seen in several panels and games, in ectobiology labs no less) and shut himself down for 18 years while "he" grew.
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I see, good notes.

Also, as for another order of business, when people start coming back and being more active because some are simply wrapped up in daily life and need some time to deal with obviously important issues, how would everyone like to take a small intermission and tell the story of the previous Session in our Rp, the Troll session, and have fun with that?

Because if so I call the Jade Blood troll.

In addition that brings up the big question about acts and intermission in general. Do we want them in our Roleplay to help organize plot?

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