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Fandom Homestuck: Pyrrhic Ascension (Closed)


words are hard
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site

Today is March 19, 2024, three and a half years since the release of Paradox Studios’ magnum opus, a game called Sburb. At release this highly anticipated game was almost nonfunctional, and the hurried efforts of the devs at Paradox Studios failed to squash the endless bugs plaguing the game. After a few months of internet infamy, Sburb was forgotten by even its most dedicated fans and haters.

And yet, on this day, without any announcements or fanfare, the game was updated. Few people noticed it and even fewer considered playing the game. It seemed whatever work done on Sburb would be ignored... by all but a group of four friends who immediately set off to investigate this mysterious patch.

Hello and welcome to Homestuck: Pyrrhic Ascension, the latest attempt at making a homestuck fansession that actually lasts!

In typical RPN fashion, the GAME MASTER (me) will be in charge of your character’s MYTHOS. Things like your dream moon, classpect, lands and even aspects of your dancestors will be determined by me and based on your character’s personality and actions within the roleplay.

I’ve seen way too many of these wither and die, so a couple things before we get started!

  • Inactivity is the death of all roleplays so I am expecting at least One Post a Week. Two is nice, but I understand that we are all busy people with lives​
  • While I will not enforce specific post lengths, I will expect that all players are capable of writing Detailed Second Person Posts that help push the story forward.​
  • There will be a Discord Server for OOC and Pesterlogs​
  • The subject matter won’t get any worse than homestuck proper, but this roleplay definitely has a darker tone. Mostly because I’m not that funny.​

I think that’s pretty much it. If you’re interested feel free to claim a slot. There won’t be any specific phenotypes to reserve, but I am looking for exactly four players as the intro mentions.

Slots Open: 0/4
Cast: TBA​
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Interested. You know I'm a sucker for fan sessions. Gonna ping Humble Shipper Humble Shipper in case he's also interested.
I am 100% interested in this! Look at my name, it's even counts as a Pesterchum handle! I have a ton of Homestuck OC's, i just have to pick one to play with...
Awesome! That's our four! I will have the discord up soon
Dang, just missed the boat! I’ll be rooting for this from the sidelines, good luck!

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