Eidolon Astronaut
Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun.
• You can use any formatting or BBCode you want, just as long as the information is there.
• In regards to associated colors, try to -as a group- avoid choosing 6 colors too close together. Avoid going with a team of Purple, Magenta, Pink, Red, Orange, and Yellow.
Name: (4-6 for three of you, 4-7 for the other three.)
Personality: (You are playing 13-yo children, don't get *too* crazy.)
Appearance: (Descriptions and/or Homestuck-styled images only please.)
Associated Element: (Periodic, not Classical.)
Shirt Symbol: (Try to avoid using incredibly generic symbols if you can, feel free to be as creative as you want. Symbols will often be representative of interests.)
Pesterchum Handle: (Pesterchum handle abbreviations will be any two-letter combo of G, C, A, or T, with the exceptions of GT, TT, TG, and GG.)
Typing Style: (Syntax, punctuation, grammar, etc. Since you'll be humans, you won't have any wild quirks or anything)
Text Hexcode: (Must be readable against white, can't be too dark: We aren't playing trolls.)
Symbol Hexcode: (More often than not a similar hue but distinct shade from text color.)
Kind Abstratus:
Guardian: (Some three-letter title: Dad, Mom, Bro, etc.)
Home: (A quick description of your house, and where it is.)
Interests (Structure these however you want, the Major/Minor template given here is an example.)
- Major Interests/Hobbies:
- Minor Interests/Hobbies:
• You can use any formatting or BBCode you want, just as long as the information is there.
• In regards to associated colors, try to -as a group- avoid choosing 6 colors too close together. Avoid going with a team of Purple, Magenta, Pink, Red, Orange, and Yellow.
Name: (4-6 for three of you, 4-7 for the other three.)
Personality: (You are playing 13-yo children, don't get *too* crazy.)
Appearance: (Descriptions and/or Homestuck-styled images only please.)
Associated Element: (Periodic, not Classical.)
Shirt Symbol: (Try to avoid using incredibly generic symbols if you can, feel free to be as creative as you want. Symbols will often be representative of interests.)
Pesterchum Handle: (Pesterchum handle abbreviations will be any two-letter combo of G, C, A, or T, with the exceptions of GT, TT, TG, and GG.)
Typing Style: (Syntax, punctuation, grammar, etc. Since you'll be humans, you won't have any wild quirks or anything)
Text Hexcode: (Must be readable against white, can't be too dark: We aren't playing trolls.)
Symbol Hexcode: (More often than not a similar hue but distinct shade from text color.)
Kind Abstratus:
Guardian: (Some three-letter title: Dad, Mom, Bro, etc.)
Home: (A quick description of your house, and where it is.)
Interests (Structure these however you want, the Major/Minor template given here is an example.)
- Major Interests/Hobbies:
- Minor Interests/Hobbies: